favorite characters in gaming

my favorite characters in games that i like in no particular order

cidolfus telamon (cid)

cid is one of those characters who always knows the right thing to say at the right time. he's the kind of stand up guy that you want to see yourself as, one such character taking that very literally, and for good reason, who wouldn't want to be like cid

no i will not call her "milk-chan" i am a grown man
shiroyabu, kuroyanagi, tsuki

this game and the silver case all just have phenomenal characters that ooze personality and are consistently enjoyable to be around, but to narrow it down these three are def my favorites from the 25th ward

i feel like there's some sort of irony in how much i like kokichi seeing as how he's the "antagonist" character of drv3. as mentioned in my dr2 entry, i really do not like most of the cast of that game, and imo nagito is one of the worst offenders. i could not stand him and i thought his ultimate lucky thing was lame. looking at v3, it feels like kokichi fulfills that same sort of role that nagito was there to fulfill in the cast, yet there's just something about kokichi's meddling attitude that i can't help but love. one moment he'll be an ally, the next he's stabbing you in the back. there's one case especially that my mind always goes to when i think about the character. it just feels like easily out of the entire dr series, kokichi embodies something that i really like and makes him stand out above the rest for all of the characters in the series
sumio kodai, tokio, kusabi

same thing i said for the 25th ward, just some super well written characters in this series

she's just a big stupid dope who also does a lot of good in the world and is easily charming

i hate a majority of this game's cast and think it has the worst cast of the main line dr games but at the same time it has fuyuhiko and i love him to bits. he also becomes punished fuyuhiko later on so that's cool

there's something about delinquent characters in media that i just tend to really like a lot and kanji is no exception. the guy scares people on the outside and is strong as hell but in reality he's just a very kind soul who has a favorite animal cracker, is there for his single mom, and he's big into sewing

because of my tendency to really like delinquent characters in media, mondo is one of the ones that stuck with me. it's because these types of characters always have some sort of hidden love and care beneath the defenses they put up of trying to come off as tough or aloof guys. no matter how predictable of a trope it is, i never really get tired of it
sumio mondo

if i were in his place i would also smack the fuck out of that kid sumio was real as fuck for that. real shit though sumio just feels like one of those characters in fiction who gets dropped into one of the most ridiculous worlds ever and he just has no choice but to embrace it no matter how much he questions it. he's a man with a job to do and he will get it done no matter what. it makes for a super entertaining main character to follow around and play as, and also because of that embrace of the world he's able to feel and care about the people and places he's surrounded by.
travis touchdown

my beloved <3
in all seriousness travis is a character with a shitton of personality. while he is a relentless killer much like the other assassin's of the game you have to fight, you get those flashes of his interior and how the desensitization of killing and violence can have a strong effect on someone, i.e the holly fight. on top of it all travis is also just funny as fuck, he's dream blunt rotation material
mask de smith

even though killer7 doesn't really focus too much on the smiths themselves as characters outside of dan, garcian, and harman, i still love everything about mask. his luchador design and the fact that he has transformations as the game progresses, easily becoming one of the best characters by the end of the game with sick ass designs each time he transforms. it helps that he's one of the few smiths that actually has speaking lines in cutscenes lol

i fell in love with cloud as a character so quickly when i played this game for the first time. his increasing ability to become more caring for the characters in the ff7 party and his sort of self-acceptance/self-discovery character arc are things i adored that made me happy to see evolve throughout the game

his smoke is too tough do you see how big his arms get when he flexes in the victory pose?? from things like his backstory to his conviction for joining the party to all of the really cool story moments he gets, not to mention his design being a frog man in medieval clothing who wields an extremely powerful sword. frog just feels like one of those characters that's hard to dislike because all of the qualities about him that make him stand out so much

i could have picked any game really but as i was playing through a bunch of sonic games throughout 2020 and 2021 knuckles always stuck out to me and i just loved the personality he was able to show, especially in the 2d games where there's no dialogue yet the characters are still able to be super expressive. yeah he might be the stereotypical meathead character but his devotion to the master emerald, a treasure of his people and power source of angel island, and willingness to do anything to protect it, even when misguided by eggman, are cool qualities and everything about him in one package make me a big fan of the character

something about this goofy, big brotherly, badass guy is just so lovable. like he knows how to backflip does your favorite belmont do that?


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