A profoundly frustrating piece of art. I cannot accurately explain this game without entering the headspace of a literal rat, which is what it will do to you if you choose to play it.

Make my mistake, or don't. It matters not, either way.

For somebody who'd never played a Sinnoh-region game, I had a fantastic time! A fun story, (comparatively) innovative mechanics, and that good old-fashioned Pokemon charm came together quite well with this one.

A cute, solidly made mashup between community management and rogue-like combat. Though not much for replayability, this game remains a pleasant memory.

A baffling journey of grief, music, and the ever-present question of "god, do I really need to waste my ammo on that guy?" If you like cosmic horror, getting bummed out, and- oddly enough -the old, bad, Resident Evil games, this is the masterpiece for you.


It's an exceptionally rare treat to find a game that seems tailor-made for you, specifically. A perfect mess of breathtaking visuals, engaging gameplay, and a story that perfectly combined classical mythology with modern sensibilities.

I quite liked this game; the world, in particular, really drew me in.

Can't say no to big robot dinosaurs, either.

A rip-roarin', gleefully irreverent adventure through a marvelously dystopian cyber-city. I simply cannot wait until Chapter 1.

This game is, undeniably, a piece of art.

Good game, too.

I'm not entirely comfortable reviewing these story-based games before the story actually finishes, but I will say this:

That sure was Deltarune.

Remarkably, I don't love this game for it's engaging platforming, gorgeous pixel art, or even it's downright peppy soundtrack. No, story's the thing, at least for me: not one, but FOUR remarkably intense epics, spanning everything from courtly romance to noble self-sacrifice, all written with the utmost attention and care.

The pun frog certainly doesn't hurt, either.

Iceborne effectively adds a whole new games worth of content to an already expansive game, all of which is just as much fun as the source material.

I'm not entirely comfortable reviewing these story-based games before the story actually finishes, but I will say this:

That sure was Deltarune again.

In all seriousness, I enjoyed this title a lot more than the first. The polish of having a team versus one developer really shines through.

A pleasant departure from the Monster Hunter formula: though not for everyone, it's a damn good time for fans in search of a twisty new fix.

This game has a very special place in my heart, though it isn't my favorite in the Pokemon franchise. It's a very solid middle-of-the-road for me, though I did play it some time after the release.