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I skipped all the cutscenes but basically the story is these twins visit a village full of pedos and you gotta shame these mfs with your Polaroid. Would recommend

Hewie the goodest boy of all and Fiona is dat bitch.

gahdamn this game goes too hard. Clock tower franchise at its finest.

I'm going home. I belong to China :3

Naked old man in a rubber apron will def get anybody running away but i mean i'd be running towards that mf ya feel

Stross is a reminder to shoot first and ask questions later smh

I paid a $10 DLC so i could see this mf remove his head entirely during dialogue scenes. Heck mother effing yes.

Story got me confused as shit and wish inventory had like maaaaybe 2 more slots but I had a good time and it's a great way to stay in shape

i dont give a fuck mane i'll curb stomp them lil fools forever that's on god

playing through this be hittin different when you hate women like I do

Vincent Cooper's voice actor could suck dick forever for that voice acting performance. what the fuck was that.

also quick rip to my dawg harry we got it out the mud together in the first joint :(

was cool til he took off the helmet and you realize he's just some asshole who got stuck in space lmfao dumb bitch

the soundtrack is coo but man a third of this game was annoying as shit doing the chase sequences.

Wii version controls is dog shit so i had to switch over to ps2 and it was much better I own both versions bc i'm better than all of you on this platform sue me

The only horror game i could not finish bc it was 2spook. miss me w that flicker monster bih

Fixed angle horror games go so fuckin hard shieeeet.

Voice acting doodoo tho. Like a true horror game.