Takes everything RE7 did to bring back the fear factor in the series, and RE4'd it into a game thats extremely fun on top of it.

An all time classic, what more can I say

Somehow found ways to improve on the original, and where it couldn't it just kept without trying to change it for the sake of change.

This game is so damn good!! Play it!!

Very fun arcadey monster hunting experience, Although I really like the slow paced experience of World and other titles in the series this is still insanely fun

A unique and fun co-op experience, I expect this game will go from just good to genuinely great by the time it leaves Early Access

Fixed many of the issues I had with BotW, and is largely a great game

A bold step for the series and a good game. If you thrive on the experience of exploration this is probably a 10/10, its just not the experience I personally enjoy.

Its sold a gazillion copies for a reason

A fantastic game with a hilariously large amount of content to bite into, and I loved every second of it

One of the best feeling action 2d games I have ever played, with beautiful artwork and music to boot. I loved all of the locations, enemies, and especially bosses throughout my playthrough. I think the very large map will either be a downside or a huge upside depending on the player, and for me its somewhere in the middle with it feeling great for the first time through and kinda too big when backtracking. Still a great game despite the few rare flaws it has.

I think, given its one of the like 2 games to ever make me cry, it would be illegal to give it any less than a perfect score

certified puzzle classic, there are actually people out there who still haven't played this game yet and that makes me incredibly sad.

One of the better RPGs I have played, and has a ton of content in it for people who like rpgs for the story and who like them for the gameplay.


A very cool game with wonderful music and visuals, that is often held back by the gameplay.