I would have given this an extra half star if they played the version of For Faith with unintelligible lyrics for the final boss theme.

I bought the ps5 bundle with this game because it was the only way to get a ps5 at the time and I've never felt compelled to open this game.

Every time I open this game I only feel compelled to beat it to say "I played Skyrim", I don't ever find it that much fun truth be told. Maybe that will change someday.

The gimmick makes this much worse than the rest of the mario party games but still it was decent fun for a time.

It sucks but I definitely had some fun with it at times.

I might be delusional because I think this game being incredibly slow and "boring" at times actually improves the experience this game has.

As a compilation I think it did enough beyond the bare minimum to not feel like a scam but I really wish they did more and gave more options, mainly a 60fps option for sunshine and 64, and a widescreen option for 64.

I wish playing the rest of the series didn't make this one so painful to play because the combo speed is tied to heat. Also story-wise I think this entry is great but for whatever reason I feel like it lacks the distinct charm the later games have for whatever reason. Regardless I think this is the best entry to get into the series with.

They got rid of monster energy......

Sorry Kojima tiktok made it too hard for me to play this game

What's there is incredibly good but the issue is that there's not really enough of it. If they made this its own game in a similar fashion to Gaiden I think this would be one of my favorite games in the series.

It really tries to be good but its just a really boring game with hints of more interesting things going on. I'm not sure why this game was treated as some successor to new vegas or something like that.

The caves made me really not enjoy this one, the outside parts are still pretty fun though. Hopefully someday I'll go back to this one but I'm not sure if I'll really be able to enjoy it as much as the other games in the series.

Once the novelty of the gameplay wore off, I didn't really feel compelled to finish it.