I'd like this game more if it wasn't a warriors game. Also Zenkichi is the goat and I hope future mainline entries have party members like him.

I don't think whatever happens at the end could make me hold the stick right for 3 hours

It has its ups and downs but It still holds up compared to other FPS games 20 years later.

I can see the appeal but I couldn't really get into it.

Once the game broke the 4th wall the appeal was lost for me. I just wish the whole game was like the first part of it.

A simple gameplay loop executed quite well.

I don't really understand the hype behind this game. It feels like a wannabe breath of the wild that's been dumbed down and locks most of the game behind gambling paywalls.

If I took some Adderall I might be able to play this game beyond the 4 or 5 hour point

It's decent fun for the one hour you play it with friends every year.

This game would be incredible if it was just a boss rush game, but it's bogged down by the regular levels. The combat could also have some more depth to it.

Playing this game is like russian roulette except there's like 3 bullets and the chamber, and if you think about it long enough you realize there isn't that much enjoyment when there isn't a bullet.

Normally I'm not one to say that a different game "replaces" a different one unless it really is just a straight upgrade, but now after the booster course pass in mk8dx, there's not really much reason to go back to this game other than the few tracks that aren't in mk8. While this game brought a lot of much needed new ideas to mariokart, they are all executed so much better in mk8 that it can be hard to go back to this one. On its own merit though I think this is a pretty solid mariokart game that is definitely worthwhile to play for fans of the series, but it's hard to recommend to more casual fans.

People hate on it too much for not being RPG enough, which is fair, but what's there is a pretty solid dmc like game thats more accessible for people who suck like me and has a solid story to go with it.

First-Person Resident Evil may be favorite style of it, however you can definitely tell this was their first time doing a game like this. As much as I liked the gameplay loop and the story for the first half, the game still has a lot of the boring goop monsters, and can also lag on in certain areas for too long.