This is the most repulsive and propaganda-filled game I have ever played in my entire life. Cold War and by extension most of the Call of Duty franchise is the opposite of what I consider to be art, there is no message behind this game other than serve your imperialist country, never question what they do, and kill Middle Eastern/Russian people.

The beginning of the campaign starts you off with killing seemingly innocent people watching their television, then proceeding to have an all-out war at the house just to find one man who you then torture info out of only to kill him anyway. Following that mission you do it all once again at an airport, killing people forced into their position all for one man. There is no empathy behind it or thinking, the game depicts these people as subhuman because they aren't an American, they're doing the same shit you do, if not less since they aren't even the aggressor here, but for a different country, but you're the righteous one because you're American. Following that mission we're introduced to our Lord and Savior Ronald Reagan famous for ruining the prospects of multiple generations and he gets to say that all of the war crimes your gang wants to commit are all okay because it's in the name of our "free" country AMERICA!!! It was at this point I uninstalled the game because of how repulsive it was.

Outside of the horrendous propaganda campaign's "story" the gameplay was shit too, it's an extremely basic and boring cover shooter, literally all style, or rather blood sweat and tears of crunched and abused employees, and no substance.

The fact that this damn series sells so well is legitimately depressing to me, this isn't art, this isn't even a fun game, all that this game is, is imperialist propaganda

If I could give this a 0/5 or a negative score I would. I felt sick every moment I played this game.

Life Update: It got worse

Improves basically nothing and the story was worse than the last game. Even kid me thought this shit was mid as fuck.

This game is terrible but it's also kinda funny in an ironic way.

I don't actually think there is anything wrong in particular with the idea of telltale games, even if the qte filled gameplay moments suck an actual "choose your own adventure" type game is still a cool concept, and while this game at least does have things that affect the story at large, there's nothing major, so it just makes me wonder what's the point of this game and telltale games in general. The gameplay is frankly terrible, the narrative interactivity isn't as good as it could be, and in the case of this game, the story itself is quite mid too, though kid me liked it still.

Also watching British Minecraft YouTubers die was funny.

Daytona USA is probably one of the most important games of all time, it was a pioneer of 60fps gameplay in the 3D space, it was also one of the first games to use texture filtering. While all of the tech behind is neat the important thing is the game is still quite fun in of itself. While the content within the game itself is quite limited it is still fun to learn the car and truly master the courses within the game.

Mario 64 is a game that I am a bit conflicted on but still a game I enjoy quite thoroughly. The first half or so of this game are some of my favorite levels in the entire platformer genre. The first couple of levels is what truly got this game to be one of the most important games of all time establishing how not only 3D game are designed, but how they control. Unfortunately however not all good things last and the 2nd half of this game has a noticeable lack of quality in comparison to what came prior, levels become too cryptic, the level design isn't as good or fun, and the movement system is used in ways where it is much less fun. The movement system of 64 is great for large open areas where you're free to move Mario but the later levels require more precision which is where the cracks starts to show. Overall Mario 64 is a game I think every gamer should try at some point in their lives, but if they drop it at some point, I can't really blame them.

At the conceptual level, this sounds like an awesome idea, a puzzle escape room type of game where you're stuck in a time loop, a concept that opens the door for a lot of great puzzles and stories. So with that in mind does Twelve Minutes execute its concept well? Hell no. After the whimsy of trying out this now concept fades you're left with a game that is more tedious than fun and it all culminates in the worst plot twist I've ever seen in my life. I struggle to think of anything this game does well, and it's sad too because I really liked the concept. While this game is an utter failure in every regard I'm still giving it an extra half star because of its concept and William Dafoe.

Uncharted 4 is, in my opinion, the best Uncharted game. This game by far has the best story in the series due to the choice of shifting the focus away from the treasure hunting and being like Indiana Jones, and being more of a character-driven story which pays dividends with the narrative of this game. The gameplay is also the best in the series although there isn't really that many improvements, it mostly just feels nicer. The presentation of this game is top notch everything else is superb and probably had millions of dollars in it and everything.

While all of this sounds great I still have some major issues with the game which is why it's still far away from being one of my favorites, no matter how much I like the characters and story. For one the pacing in uncharted 4 is probably the worst in the series, a lot of the chapters in this game boil down to doing literally nothing except walking around or maybe doing an on-rails "platforming" segment, "platforming" being one of the worse aspects of the series. And once again I still have issues with how Uncharted choose being cinematic over being fun. I am honestly all for games being all cinematic and stylish but I just wish that it could still be fun while doing that, not just tilt the stick in the right direction. While Uncharted 4 does do some things to bring in interactivity and fun to its "platforming" segments like with the grappling hook which pleasantly surprised me, it doesn't really do enough of it. Still, Uncharted 4 is my favorite in the series and it is still an enjoyable experience just not a hugely impactful one.

Uncharted 3 is basically just a worse version of uncharted 2. While Uncharted 3 has more setpieces and more spectacle than 2, it came at the cost of the quality of the story. The story in Uncharted has never been anything to write home about but it was decent enough to get invested in thanks to the characters, but this game just feels so thoroughly confused that it's hard to get invested. Halfway through the game the story literally pivots and half of the characters (who were honestly pretty interesting to watch interact with each other) leave.

For being the 3rd game in the series on the same console one would hope that this game would be the one to create some changes to the core structure and maybe try to get more interactivity and reinvent the cinematic game once again, Uncharted 3 doesn't do any of this, which would be okay if it at least felt like a genuine improvement over uncharted 2 in some way.

While I have been taking a long dig at this game I will say I still like parts of it, the setpieces are all fun to go through, and the characters are still fun to watch in the short time they have. Thanks to all this I still find this a more enjoyable experience over Uncharted 1. Overall a pretty okay game that still has its fun.

Uncharted 2 is a step up from the first game in nearly every way. The now established characters are able to be pushed harder along with the introduction of brand new characters. The environments had a lot more variety which helps makes the combat encounters not just feel like the same battle over and over again. The pacing in this game is also really well done, there aren't really that many points when I'm just straight-up bored.

Although this game fixed a lot of my issues with the first game I still have the system issues of this being a "cinematic" game, which isn't inherently bad but It's something I haven't really seen been done right. Pretty setpieces are cool to look at, I just wish the gameplay during those moments was more interesting.

Certainly a pretty average start to this series. Drake's Fortune isn't really all that special nowadays since the core appeal this game had has been outdone by an incredible margin since, everything that remains outside of the virtue of being a "cinematic game" doesn't really deliver all too well. The shooter gameplay is serviceable, the locales get pretty stale, the story isn't really anything special. Something that does still shine though is the characters who are all decently well written and fun to watch. Although I will probably never go back to this game I still recommend it to anyone who is planning on getting into the series, it isn't too long of a game thankfully.

Tetris Effect finally after all this time led me to start enjoying playing this game, I always thought I just didn't enjoy it and just said I was bad at Tetris but the way Tetris effect is designed makes me want to keep going and not just give up when I lose. I was worried playing this game with its tagline of "experience the emotion" this game would just be a pretentious version of Tetris, but thankfully it wasn't and the main campaign of Tetris Effect is an enjoyable experience and one that I recommend.

This game is like Titanfall 2 but you remove half of what makes it fun and then have a 20-minute walking sesh in between every fight.

Dishonored is an unfortunately bad game. There are a lot of great moments and great mechanics in this game, but they are placed in a sea of mediocrity and tedium. The core flaw of this game is the chaos system which the games tell you about at the start. In practice this system seems like a good idea to give incentive to playing a more peaceful but harder route, however, this completely backfires as it moreso just makes the endings that the player gets for playing the more fun method much worse, and even before the ending the dialogue changes and characters are more resentful towards you. All of these would be acceptable if playing peacefully was still fun, but it isn't, going the peaceful route means you will barely use any of the unique mechanics and simply play an extremely bare-bones stealth game where you constantly save scum.

Even if the core flaw of the chaos system wasn't there I believe Dishonored would still only be a slightly above average game carried by the special spells being fun and the world design being cool, because outside of that you have a very uninteresting story that is hard to get invested into and some flat and tedious level design; in fact the levels got so tedious that I quite about 3 missions before the end, I just wasn't having fun anymore and just chose to watch the endings on youtube.

It is truly a shame dishonored ended up this way since it could have been a pretty solid game overall.

At its core earthbound is a wonderful game with a load of charm, but I find it to be a game that is extremely brought down by its lesser aspects. The game's combat is flawed and not really innovative outside of the slot bar health mechanic which doesn't really shine in this game. The game's story is nothing to write home about, it's pretty stock standard for an RPG. The main cast are all blank slates and nothing really goes on with them. Outside of these aspects, Earthbound is still a very slow and tedious game that gets progressively more frustrating and monotonous to play. Overall it really a shame Earthbound is brought down by its bad game design choices because at its core Earthbound has a great charm to it and did a good job at subverting the tropes of most games in its genre.

A quick and fun play, but it's nothing I really want to go back to ever. Although I get what they're trying to go for, the story just really gets in the way of the gameplay here. At the very least the gameplay is fun and this game ends right before it would get too stale so if you have some free time I would say it's a worthwhile play, but I doubt it will stick in your mind for too long.