i genuinely forgot i even had this game (+ the 2nd i got months ago during a Target sale) BUT i do want to complete it eventually: really love the artstyle, core gameplay, characters (ESPECIALLLYYY Primrose) but from what i remember the grinding was slow and bothersome, probably just me not getting that far but
ill play eventually! just not now

its fun but compared to the other titles... no
the random pedophilic garbage is WEIRDD and should not be a main standpoint, that and the gameplay gets a little boring after a while (since some of the megaphones abilities are broken)

some bosses are a literal cakewalk and others make me want to put a knife into my [REDACTED]
like the music and overall aesthetic though

better than the 1st but still wack asf due to the random sexual shit with mikan, outside of that i rlly enjoyed it

beat three times already and i wouldnt mind doing it all over again
one of the best entries in the franchise and with lovely gameplay/scares/etc, cannot wait for 9 to drop

so fun and beautiful, love the artstyle and combat

very very good and definitely the scariest in the franchise but the second half (boat segment especially) is way too long and boring for it to be perfect
really good atmosphere, tension, scares, etc (vhs portions are a great standout too) + my personal introduction to RE back when it released

some of the best characters in the franchise + best murder sequences + the most creative and divisive, the ending is kinda.... bad, but i dont mind it as much as other people do

literally my same feelings abt 5 but i love the new additions and overall “remaster”/qol changes and whatnot, very lovely game

perfection in every regard with a genuinely scary Nemesis + i love the inclusion of the choice system, the atmosphere is great and very creepy, the entire clock tower segment is amazing and overall in my top 5 for the franchise
would love to play it originally w/o emulation

its fun and enjoyable but the again pisspoor ai and excessive loading screens (on xbox 360 especially there was literally just minutes of loading after cutscenes which is kinda ridiculous) make this not as good as it could be
gameplay itself its great, love the whole casino setting and rebecca/stacey

really loved playing it all the way through + the gameplay and all but the story near the end was kinda an absolute mess, outside of that i really loved it

cant fully complete since its bugged at a specific part for me but i had a great time with it