DAMNNNNN fucking fun asf but idgf about the story so boring

Better than most of the new gen shooters

HODWARTS?????? more like MOGWARTS (im very funny)

i love this type of VIOLENCE

idk just it have a very good story telling and the game its fun

fun but awful at the same time, the worst souls but that doesn't mean that its bad

hot as fuck witch like how u really dont like this game LIKE SERIUSLY

i play this on my phone but its was fucking incredible

soooooooo many pizza that i shelved it

I can't explain all the feelings that this game give me but it really feels incredible how this was a very unique experience not only for the type of horror like everything feels so special and unique. AND YES ALSO THE SOUNDTRAC ITS AMAZINGGGGGGG

i don't really know why i enjoy it so much, but i keep and keep playing it until i dont have anything else to do but it feels so good and have a good lore to be fair (also the soundtrack ITS AMAZING)

i only buy that fucking nintendo console to play this game and i hit 700hrs like its amazing (its worthfit).

i remember having 14 and say to my grandfather, "yeah buy that game" and well, at first it was so stressfull that i quit but when i get a little older i enjoy every part and single battle of this game, it means so much to me, 8 years later i keep playing it when i am bored, so fucking good. And having my favorite soundtrack of all time