Bar none the most sincere action game I've ever played. The gameplay isn't perfect - the lack of minimap hurts on some of the more winding maps and the loot is a pain to manage - but Jack and his fists are worth watching until the very end.

tell all your friends, tell all your buddies, it's peak

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i got to the last fight and the fingers in his ass song started playing and i was so thrown off i couldn't dodge shit

now that I've shot all those guys... I truly understand what it means to not shoot a guy... and it's thanks to the Yakuza 4 of you

You’re really missing out on life if you’ve never tried shrimp.

The best Trails experience since Sky the 3rd. If Falcom wanted to stick to writing character arcs that last exactly one game, that'd be perfectly fine with me.

Playing the second level wracked me with so much guilt that I started taking driving lessons. I still haven't beaten that level but I did pass my actual test, thanks PaRappa

Portal and its consequences have been a disaster for internet humour. Also I have motion sickness

This is the game that Nickelodeon sitcoms would have the kids sneak out to buy only for it to give them nightmares

I'll never understand the need visual novel developers have to claim they're subverting the genre only to make a regular old visual novel, but this one was pretty good.

The voice acting is absolutely spectacular and made the experience for me alone even if the script it was following didn't always hit. I'll be picking up the sequel whenever it goes on sale, adjusting for the last 14 years of inflation got me fucked up

It's a great and surprisingly funny way to revisit (or just visit) the three trilogies, but they sure do their best to distract you with the endless collectathon in between missions

It's probably the best casual city builder on the market (in which you only have to worry about balancing the budget and not gathering food or something) but I'd be very happy to be proven wrong.

While the "late game" mostly consists of solving traffic issues, that sort of thing tickles my brain in just the right places. A lot of the replayability comes from the mods, which range from overhauling mechanics like traffic to non-European architecture options to... letting you place an interchange on a slope.

Lack of cross-DLC content integration really hurts when each expansion has some tiny way to make your city less car-centric, only for it to not interact with the new pedestrian-only roads they dropped in the last year of this game's release cycle. I'd hope the sequel does it better, but since they've already confirmed bicycles won't be in CSII I'm not holding my breath.

helps me cope with my crippling Trails withdrawal

If Ganon turned into a big worm Hyrule would be finished I can tell you that

Time-dilating fun that only really fell off once I was going through the checklist of things I had left to find and enemies scaled to make it more tedious, but that was after countless hours of running around Hyrule like a little kid and driving like one too.

The supporting characters needed more time in the sun and the fact that you can view cutscenes out of order seems to have thrown some redundant info dumps in there, but it's still peak