Definitely one of the best games in the entire Resident Evil franchise. It functions as an incredible follow-up to RE7, improved in nearly every aspect, and sets up some awesome lore and storylines for the future. I cannot wait for RE9.

There is nothing quite like No More Heroes. You have the usual type of action combat gameplay mixed with a weird open-world with janky driving and so many ideas that do not fit together so well that it all comes together amazingly. The story is strange, the writing is awkward and the comedy is a extremely bizarre and I would not have it any other way. It would be a 5/5 on Nintendo Switch if it had Heavenly Star.

One of the best JRPGS on the Switch and one of my favorite games of all-time. It is the game that got the JRPG genre on my radar. XC2 has an incredible story with so many great characters and plenty of plot twists throughout to keep you on your toes. The lack of good tutorials certainly makes the first few hours of combat a bit of a chore but everything else is top of the line.

While it has aged poorly in a few aspects of the narrative, Persona 4 Golden polishes and enhances the base game and remains the best game in the Persona series.

(Note: I have played nearly every single version of the game but I am going to put my review under the original GameCube version.)

Resident Evil 4 needs no introduction. It is one of the best games ever made and my personal favorite. The story and cast of characters are extremely memorable, with the voice actors doing an excellent job of playing them. RE4 Leon is my favorite portrayal of Leon in the series because of Paul Mercier's incredible work. The gameplay has not aged a day in my eyes. You have no excuse not to play this incredible work of art, especially since it has been released on nearly every home console to date (definitely not at Mikami's behest).

A Hat in Time is one of the best 3D platforming games ever made and one of my favorite games of all-time. Definitely pick this game up, it was one of 2017's best.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is one of 2017's best games and my second favorite Zelda game. The exploration is where this game shines but the story is lacking, does not lend itself to additional playthroughs very well, and the DLC is not very good. Still, it is a must for any Switch owner to play. The first playthrough is incredibly fun and unforgettable.


I had a good time with the Quake remaster by Nightdive. I did not grow up with game but I love old-school shooters so this was right up my alley. I beat it alone and in co-op with my brothers, though it does not hold up as well in co-op in my opinion. Definitely recommended since it is dirt cheap and a pinnacle of classic shooters.

MGSV's story is pretty lackluster and knowing what it could have been definitely puts a damper on a lot of aspects (namely the story and conclusion) but the gameplay definitely saves this game. MGSV has one of the best gameplay loops I have ever experience in a game before. It is so incredibly fun to go balls-to-the-wall with the weapons and tech you can use to recapture outposts and playing it stealthily is just as fun but more rewarding. The online aspects is well done (besides the microtransactions) and engaging if you get into it. The story sucks pretty hard but this game is so fun that it isn't something that I think about.

This game sucks in the best way possible

The gameplay is fun and fluid but I find the story to be so ridiculous and entertaining, too. If you are up to watch a movie, do not skip on GG's story, especially if you have played previous GG titles.

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One of the most defining JRPGs ever created. It is best if you go into this game as blind as possible, as the story is incredible with many twists and turns and loveable characters. Though some characters don't get as much development as I'd want them to, the experience is just as good today as it was back at release. The combat is fun and engaging and the exploration is top notch. The many QoL updates and enhanced graphics make XC even better.

A great western-styled open-world action RPG that feels like if Elder Scrolls and DMC had a baby. The pawn system is cool and the combat is fun & funny but the story is pretty uninteresting and it can get grindy. It is a fun time though. I desperately hope Capcom makes a sequel as this has so much potential to be something much more. Edit: they announced Dragon's Dogma 2

Catherine is the best puzzle-dating/cheating-sim ever created.