Fantastic game - one of my favorite RE games


My 2020 game of the year. I’m not even a roguelike fan but loved this

Some of the best writing I’ve ever seen in a video game

I wasn’t a big fan of the gameplay but as a fan of organized crime movies I really enjoyed the main story and it kept me hooked to keep going

One of the best Metroidvanias of all time

At the time it was an amazing game.

Replaying it on the Switch, it shows it’s age but I still really enjoyed the game

My first Soulsborne game and still my favorite. This was also my first game I felt worth the effort to get a Platinum trophy; I just loved the game that much

still one of my top 10-20 all time games

my favorite NES Mega Man game and possibly my favorite of all Mega Man games, including the X series

This is the first AC game I completed and what started my love of the series.

platinumed all three games in this amazing collection