It gives that feeling of checking out a new local boutique, only to find an insultingly charming cottage where all the mannequins are in dynamic poses, adorned with fresh flowers and funny hats.

There is a non-negligible percentage of people aged 18 - 30 that associate this game with a deep core memory of being 15 years old on a school-less summer evening.

Look, when my senile incontinent cat wakes up in the morning, eats all his food, and doesn't shit on the floor; we celebrate. With that in mind, we're celebrating this game.

Artistically; it paid my rent, gave me sloppy head, and slipped some cash into my wallet on the way out. But mechanically; it's just like every other girl.

It's like ordering a "duck entrée" but are served a "dick on tray" instead, and when you get up to leave you realise you can't open the door until your dinner guest Eileen is standing right next to you, but she's currently stuck on a chair on the other end of the room surrounded by three very angry chefs.

Yea, The game's good. We all fucking knew that. What I wanna know is why the fuck did they make Transformed Gruntilda such a baddie.

Someone said I had a nice voice over comms, added me to their discord server, and then asked me what my stance was on the n-word.

It's a forgotten cult-classic that forgot it was a cult-classic, so it simply remained forgotten.

The bass-playing emo middle child of the prestigious Dark Souls family, who argues with Daddy FromSoft that wearing Converses to the opera will not make them look bad.

Your friends don't love you if they recommend this game to you. If you decided to play this yourself, you don't love yourself enough.

I had a friend vote me out because "the average time on card-swipe is approximately 10 seconds" and I had been there for a full minute. What a fuck-nerd. Anyway, I was innocent and just sucked at card-swipe.

Between a republic federation sent to civilise a wild Mojave, a brutal totalitarian autocracy that wishes to burn everything down so something greater can emerge from the ashes, an enigmatic entity that's ran a city state for 200 years, and a hacked securitron; The most important character is you - because you can kill every single one of these motherfuckers, and F:NV will enthusiastically shake your hand and say "thank you for playing, please come again".

Skyrim has persisted because its first playthrough is a lightning-in-a-bottle experience, but once you’ve experienced it, all you have left is an empty bottle.

Like a skeletal boney boy that comes out the crypt and does a little dance for us; He hasn't got much meat on the bones, but boy has he got some moves on 'em.