pretty good idtech 4 fps game with solid art direction and creative setpieces


one of the best im-sims to come out in general

great plot and the exploration is top notch

sega bass fishing but in the sea and more varied locations

so essentially it's perfect

more simulation orientated than the original game but still a lot of fun

genuinely one of my favourite games ever

DS3 if it didn't suck massive shit

DLC alone makes this one of the best entires

take everything learned from past few entries including unused ideas from DS2 and DeS and you get Elden Ring

potential for my favourite modern From entry in the future

satisfying and really good action/stealth game

DS1 with some quality of life improvements and worse lighting

yeah it's still pretty good, feels great, good worldbuilding, looks fantastic

the last quarter unfortunately still sucks though, oh well

nowhere near as bad as some fans claim it to be but not great either, i've grown to appreciate the game more with time though

found it more interesting and original than 3 and I appreciate it trying to do something unique, neat plot too

DS2 but with deliberately annoying enemy placements, bigger focus on online, and better located DLC locations I guess

fanservice: the videogame

take everything what made 1 beloved and special, then flanderize it to all hell until you're left with nothing but a smooth concoction of things people remember from before and nothing original

doesn't help that it also kinda just feels like shit and the only thing people seem to praise about the game is the bossfights, the levels are shit

excellent PSP port of one of the best fighters on PS2 with more content and fantastic newcomers