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Wearing its very clear inspiration on its sleeve, Rabbit & Steel takes many recognizable mechanics of FFXIV raiding and applies it to a side-scrolling rogue-like. Fight round after round of unique bosses as you float around to dodge attacks and keep up your own skill rotation.

There are a number of classes, and after each round you are scored based on your DPS. Even on normal (and in co-op up to 4 players) it is quite challenging and there are a lot of different attacks and mechanics to keep track of at all times. The music is tremendous and gives me vibes reminiscent of FFXIII, and it is very satisfying if you can make it through a fight without taking damage.

As it is highly replayable with a high skill ceiling, I certainly expect I'll be playing this for some time in the future. I only have a couple criticisms, one being that some key effects or buffs don't feel as visible as they could be, and in a game where movement is everything, items that reduce mobility feel like an immediate throwaway. But I want to keep at it and get better, if only to hear more of that soundtrack.

Really enjoyed revisiting this trilogy especially since it included the DLC cases for DD and SoJ that I had never played before~ ^w^ And since I basically marathoned the three games one after another, I picked up on strengths and weakness of them that I didn't notice on my first plays that happened years apart from one another .w.

The first game, Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, is a compact little adventure especially in comparison to Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice, but I greatly appreciated how all the cases were interwoven and led to big reveals by the end. Phoenix's characterization was very interesting and Klavier is definitely one of my favorite prosecutors in the series~ the "big bad" of the game is also one of its strong suits (heh...). I don't fully love the "meta" elements that were brought into the last case, however, though the Jurist System idea was neat (and more fully realized in the Great Ace Attorney games).

Dual Destinies was a fun ride~ ...though I think it still stands as the weakest Ace Attorney game by my personal rankings. It gives too much away within its first two cases and doesn't really hit its stride until the third... before being kiiiiinda bogged down again by the last two cases. And, while I adore Athena as a character, I think her introduction here, along with a desire by the writers to make Apollo more "interesting", reaaaally convolutes Apollo's backstory to the point that it's hard to suspend disbelief (Spirit of Justice is also quite guilty of this though I think the story is stronger there). There's just too many conveniences that don't feel natural in the storytelling .w. Unrelated to the story, it was an odd choice to not allow you to examine things freely (except in certain spots) during the case investigation segments - that's something that allowed for a whole bunch of quirky, fun dialogues in past (and future) AA games so it gave an impression of something being missing in comparison to the others .w. As for some positives... I do like case 3 a lot as I mentioned before and Simon is a cool prosecutor. I especially like his and Taka's antics in the courtroom segments x3 The animated cutscenes were also very nice and the 3D presentation was appealing~

Turnabout Reclaimed was a great addition to Dual Destinies. The animal lover in me really enjoyed the unique setting for the case as well as the important nonhuman characters that were introduced :3 The twists were decently unexpected and the conclusion satisfying, I feel~

Now onto Spirit of Justice which I feel was the better follow up to the original Apollo Justice game than Dual Destinies. It has a stronger story and feels more impactful and memorable than its predecessor~ it holds up very well from the first time that I played it. I will say that it's kinda a shame that they brought back Maya to pretty much serve exactly the same role as she did in the original trilogy though (as both an accused and kidnapee)... with little to no development from when we saw her last ^^"" Athena also got majorly shafted by only being the leading character in one short case which was disappointing. I think I enjoyed pretty much everything else this game had to offer though and I was satisfied with how things concluded... minus that massive tease where they still never revealed one of the big twists from Apollo Justice to the characters, mrghhh >w<"" lol

Turnabout Time Traveler had predictable story beats and a blatantly obvious culprit, but I enjoyed its themes of love and "time traveling" in the non-literal sense :3

Overall, I was glad to give these games another play and I really hope that Capcom comes out with another Ace Attorney game soon. It's been too looooooong :'C

An incredibly addicting bullet hell with a creepy story.

Short and sweet. Without much room to make mistakes, this game is simply perfect. Finished in only one day but had a blast with it. The game visuals and effects are stunning, the atmosphere is perfect, the platforming is good and the puzzles are a joy to solve. Loved every second of it

using this to practice is way better than practicing with my abusive dad!!!

This game is a beautiful game. It really looks like a next gen game, surrounded by stars, planet fauna, and atmosphere that can make even the most immersive games ashamed. But, it feels like a past gen game from 2015.

The best way I can describe this game is: Shallow. This game is shallow. It's not as shallow as no man's sky on release, but this game is riddled with side quests and random events that feel boring. While they try to make these interesting, it's just kind of held back by the fact starfield is a game that's been made 7 times already. Like I've already played this quest before. There's nothing new being done here. A quest where I have to clear a ship/base for X reason. Factions consist of "were the good guys" or "were the bad guys" and it doesn't get more deep than that. To get astral powers, you HAVE to explore these big ass temples that is cool for the first 3 times, but quickly gets stale. There are 24 of these powers. They're kind of cool, like one of the first ones is that you can levitate enemies in the air for a while, but I found myself not using it very often as the guns I got did the work just fine. Exploration feels awful because of the loading screens and everything from enemies to bases to assets inside the bases just feel copy pasted. You've seen one base, you've seen them all. Maybe hope this time that this base isn't copy pasted and there's an actual event going on. Everything just feels lackluster. Combine this with above average dialogue/writing at best and awful at worst and you have a game that's a little bit below mid.

Someone described Starfield as a game for dads. And honestly, they're right. If you don't want to read too much into an adventure game, don't want to think too much, enjoy basic stories that aren't that compelling and basic gunplay that hasn't changed since 2008, have patience to sit through the same awful loading screen 312809 times, want to play fallout games but want a reason to use your high spec PC, then this game is for you, and you're probably old and can't taste how awful the Bethesda Slop™ is. Spend level up points to simply do 20% more damage with 1 type of gun instead of doing something cool. Level up your lockpicking and now you can pick locks up to level 60, wow. Whatever. If you haven't touched any bethesda games, this game is probably amazing. Let me know when Bethesda actually tries to make something new and fun instead of re-releasing the same game for the 20th time.

This is the greatest arcade racer ever made forza horizon eat my fucking SHORTS I LOVE YOU SEGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pues dentro de lo que cabe está bastante bien. Es un juego de puzzles entretenido que cuenta con 20 niveles.
Los niveles del 18-20 parecen imposibles pero se pueden pasar con ingenio debido a que la estructura de los niveles sí está muy bien construida.
El juego se basa en destruir bichos(que al final resultan ser Aliens) de 3 colores distintos(en este caso por la gameboy solo es blanco, negro y un tercero con manchas de ambos colores). Los eliminas mediante las pastillas que lanza Mario en la pantalla, tú misión es acomodar las pastillas para que queden 4 de cada color, esto se puede conseguir tanto vertical como horizontalmente.
No lo consideraría mejor que tetris, siento que Tetris es perfecto y no puede ser superado, pero está bastante bien y la música está buena.
-Juego completado en una Nintendo Switch

بس فزت على لؤي في حجرة ورقة مقص

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This game has no reason to be as good as it is. It's a Mario-like that is basically like if the dev behind I Wanna Be The Guy 1) had less masochism in mind and 2) had only ever played the most obscure video games that only a dozen people have thought about in the past week, tops, and like 5 Valve games.

It works better than it should, and GOD we love the airdash. More platformers should have things like that. Also, the OST is as hilarious as it is surprisingly really fun to listen to. It's a very silly game through-and-through, with the caveat that it is almost definitely not for everyone--it can be a LITTLE abrasive at times, like Ceda himself, both in tone and in actual difficulty. (Honestly, this game has a baffling difficulty curve--it peaks at World 6-4 and then everything else is noticeably easier, all the way to the true ending.)

Also, beating Get 2 It is one of the things in this life that has shown us that maybe... Perhaps... We are good at video games. Sometimes.

J'ai adoré le concept de mondes imbriqués, c'est du génie de level design. Les énigmes s'enchaine de manière très fluide et c'est super beau ! De quoi passer une très bonne soirée.

Tive um PS2, mas nunca tive a oportunidade de jogar Bully. Enfim, zerei no PC recentemente e é realmente um jogo MUITO bom. O jogo é divertido e totalmente diferente da experiência maçante que eu pensava que ele tinha. Joguei com mods de melhoria de gráfico e principalmente, de resolução de crashes e bugs

Realistically, this should be a 2-or-2.5 by our usual metrics. There isn't much "objectively" wrong with this game. But we can't think of a game we had less fun with relative to how long we played it. We played this thing for a year straight, and what do we have to show for it? Hours wasted grinding away for basically nothing, 0 splatfest wins, and 2 entire times the community that loves to ask you to celebrate it oh-so much sent us literal, actual hatecrimes for wanting to... have fun with the video game we spent 95 USD on including the online price! And the single player is just a downgrade to Octo Expansion--sorry, if we wanted to play Octo Expansion, we already own Splatoon 2!

We realize we're just proving how "entitled" we are for giving this score, but we were asked for our opinion--and we'll give our opinion. The only reason you're not the worst game of the 2020s is a certain Pluralphobic Genshin Impact in the room.

Words cannot state how much I love Saber who is basically Angel but with a katana, with all that early that 2000's SNK Mugen oc swagger.

really short, I think the shortess of the 3 dlcs, but it gives you the most op weapon in the entire game so pretty soild overall

If this game vanished into the aether after 2021, it'd be 5 stars. Easily. Unfortunately, enshittification hit this game HARD in Season 6 and never relented. My GOD, what went wrong here?! They effectively got rid of literally everything we got, piece by piece, culminating in retconning basically every story arc, all at once, in favor of an objectively inferior version of each of them, and slowly focusing less and less on the fun slice of life stories. And also the game got far more grindy.

We adored this game from 2019 to 2020, and then watched it destroy itself from the inside out, and now all we can do for now is just kinda steal the characters we like and treat them like they've been our OCs the entire time, actually. This game, more than any other, we hope gets the PvZ2 treatment of a fan making a private server mod for it, restoring the game to a pre-Season 6 state, and just doing its job better. One can only dream...

It is a sad state of affairs that this is the best game you can actually play in the Cookie Run series just because it enshittified the least.

We had to play Bad Rats on April 18th, 2024 at 2:00 PM EST. Was it worth it? Yes.

Look. Most recent games as we write this (2024), when they are bad, are bad for roughly the same reasons. Rife with microtransactions and battlepasses, grindy as hell, "Games as Service" titles that will almost inevitably be lost to the sands of time in 20-or-so-years, and they all just blend together in one big mush. Even the "worst games" we played in the 2020s primarily just have the same issues as other games--they just have ONE exemplary reason to be the "worst" out of the deluge of similarly bad games.

Bat Rats is different. Bad Rats is a 3D game that tries so hard to pretend to be a 2D game, and then forgets and acts like a 3D game anyways. It's a physics puzzler where the physics has pseudo-RNG for factors outside of your control. It's got a horrible stereotype suicide bomber rat that explodes if you simply stand it on a barrel, because it treats the forces of being pushed up against and held up on a platform the same as if you dropped the barrel 50 feet onto it. It's got the most dogwater 3D graphics that 2009 could provide. The hints are only vaguely in English and feature as many typos as grammatical errors. The "easy" mode is the hardest mode, and the hardest mode is the easiest mode--the tutorial is the middle difficulty.

And it's HILARIOUS. Not for any of the reasons the developers wanted, mind, but it's one of those games that has to be seen to be believed. In an era where gaming is so stagnant that even the bad games are becoming homogeneous messes, it's nice to look back on a truly baffling "bad" game like this. There is SOME fun to be had, and it's a great lesson that unintentional fun is just as valid as any.

In short: it's better than Minecraft Legends.

sorta got bored at the 30-40 hour mark but other than that it's a solid JRPG.

I would very much enjoy if Pressel sat on my face

Its only a couple of hours long, but is a pretty packed couple of hours. Adds some good lore on the Fallen civilization and what they were up to before their fall, especially considering this game's equivalent of Summoners (which unfortunately are not called Summoners in the English version of the game, although they attempt to keep the connection between the terminology by using Eikonoklaste and Eikons). FFXVI is at its strongest, imo, when it remembers that its not just a dark fantasy game, its a dark FINAL fantasy game, so reusing elements from previous games, in their own way, is always welcome and I appreciate it.

Outside of the story though, this dlc is essentially all combat. There's no side content at all, just story, and once you enter the Sagespire, this dlc's dungeon, be prepared for a ride. The dlc is more difficult than the base game on the same difficulty, and even against regular enemies they decided to spice it up a bit by giving enemy mages a new buff spell to cast, that not only acts as a barrier for the enemy, but also will inflict damage to clive if he uses a melee attack, making you need to rely on magic attacks and abilities on any enemy with this buff. Basically, enemies now get your Will o' the Wykes ability to cast on themselves. fun times.
We get some new bosses in here as well, and all of them are a genuine struggle to fight against. They hit hard, move quickly and one of them is just straight up an FFXIV raid boss the way he's putting lines on the floor. You also need to pass a dps check for the final boss, as not defeating him in time will kill you instantly, although luckily the DPS check isn't too difficult.

Overall, really solid, if short, dlc that fulfills the role of "extra/postgame dungeon" really well.

"They say you're some legendary Yakuza, but for me, that just doesn't fit the bill. The Kiryu I know? He loves good booze and karaoke, and he throws a hell of a punch. He's also a friend like no other. You're carryin' way too much on your own. And why bother, when you've got us? Isn't that what friends are for?"

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth is the 8th mainline title in the Like a Dragon (formerly known as Yakuza) series and a direct sequel to both 2020's Yakuza: Like a Dragon and 2023's Like a Dragon: Gaiden - The Man Who Erased His Name so it's strongly advised you at least play those games before Infinite Wealth, but to get the full experience I would say it's best to play all mainline Yakuza games first.

Following both Ichiban and Kiryu as co-protagonists taking place in the franchise's first ever overseas setting of Honolulu Hawaii (Which is also the series largest location to date being 3X bigger than Kamurocho) in addition to series staple locations across Japan like the Isezaki Ijincho district of Yokohama and the Kamurocho district of Tokyo in a globetrotting adventure to help Ichiban reunite with his mother while Kiryu comes to terms with his mortality and looks for a purpose and reason to keep on living. It wouldn't be incorrect to say Infinite Wealth is both the longest and most ambitious Yakuza narrative to date, but that's not without its problems.

I think at times the narrative gets a bit too over-convoluted since there are so many different plot points and narrative threads introduced and some feel less fleshed out than others by the end of the game and most of the antagonists were weaker than previous ones in the series as well, but despite all this Infinite Wealth just like Gaiden felt like a big love letter to the fans and the franchise and has some of the best and strongest moments in the whole series. Combine this massive love letter to the franchise's history with strong overarching themes of redemption, learning how to rely on your friends and not shoulder everything by yourself and finding a reason to keep on living alongside social commentary on the dangers of social media virality and the homelessness epidemic and even for its flaws you still have an incredibly strong narrative.

However where the game truly excels is the cast of characters and all their individual smaller arcs. It's not an exaggeration when I say by the time I finished Infinite Wealth this cast of characters had become one of my all time favorites among all the video games I've played. Between the walk-and-talks, the table-talks, the bingo-bond and all their individual Drink Links there are so many interactions between the characters that make them feel more realistic and the friendship they share all the more believable even just walking around town hearing them have casual conversations together and learning small details about them like how Zhao is addicted to mobile gacha games or how Tomizawa reads a Quantum Mechanics book to fall asleep because it's so boring to him. All these little details you learn about the characters really give them so much more personality and make them that much more relatable and human.

Now nicknamed the "Live Command RPG" Battle System the combat is another aspect where Infinite Wealth excels at which improved upon the foundation that Yakuza 7 built in every way imaginable. So many small quality of life improvements have made one of the best turn-based combat systems even better like being able to move your party members freely in combat without taking up a turn or how if you position your characters properly you can attack your enemies in the back for extra damage, do combo attacks with your friends and use items on the battlefield as weapons, there's also a new "Hype Meter" which lets Ichiban or Kiryu do tag team attacks with their friends alongside Ichiban's special ultimate tag team attack which is a party wide attack that expends everyone's Hype Meter. Kiryu can also use his Hype Meter to go into "Dragon Resurgence" mode and break out of the turn based combat for a few seconds allowing you to control him in a simplified version of the beat 'em up style of past Yakuza games. Combine all this alongside the in-depth job system (Which now lets you inherit more skills from different jobs easier), the Poundmates summons and all the over-the-top special moves and you have both one of the most flashy and stylish turn-based combat systems I've ever experienced in a game, but also one of the most in-depth, detailed, diverse and varied combat systems as well.

Much like its predecessor Infinite Wealth also gives Ichiban Persona-like personality stats (Style, Charisma, Confidence, Intellect etc) to upgrade by completing various in-game challenges, but this system has also been improved because now these stats also make some of Ichiban's attacks stronger as they also get stronger, the same goes for Kiryu's more simplified Soul, Body and Tech which help to strengthen his individual fighting styles so you always have incentive to increase these stats since they actively help you in combat.

What would a Yakuza game be without side content? And Infinite Wealth easily has both the most and some of the best since Yakuza 5 as well. You've got all the staples like various Sega arcade games, darts, karaoke (featuring a few new songs as well), various gambling games like Mahjong, Blackjack, Poker plus Shogi, Bingolf and many other smaller activities to keep one distracted, but there's also the Pac-Man-like Can Quest mini-game from Yakuza 7 brought back alongside a new Crazy Taxi-style fast food delivery mini-game and two massive 10+ hour long storylines tied to a wacky Animal Crossing resort building management game with Dondoko Island and a Pokemon parody (Complete with Gyms and everything) in the Sujimon League. That's not even counting all the various sub-story side quests that range from wacky and comedic to heartwarming or feely and Infinite Wealth has some of the best in the series (Special shout-out to the "Let It Snow" sub-story for making me cry). Also all of Kiryu's "Life Links" sub stories which deal with his past will really pull on your heartstrings as well especially if you've experienced Kiryu's journey since the beginning. There's certainly no shortage of meaningful side content to keep you entertained for hours upon hours even beyond the 50+ hour main story campaign, it's easy to sink 100+ hours into Infinite Wealth and still not even complete all that it has to offer. Infinite Wealth? More like Infinite Content.

While it's true that the main narrative can sometimes stumble over the weight of its own ambition and there are some plot points that don't get nearly as fleshed out as others, there's still plenty to love and appreciate in Infinite Wealth between its deep narrative themes and social commentary to its unabashed love and celebration of the franchise's history alongside one of the most diverse, fun and enjoyable turn-based combat systems developed to date, an unforgettable cast of characters and an almost near infinite amount of side content to explore makes Infinite Wealth not only one of the best games in the Yakuza/Like a Dragon franchise, but one of the best games of 2024 and an RPG that no RPG fan will want to miss out on.

I know I'm biased about these things, but man, this shit breaks me up. It's a simple kinetic (or Visual) Novel with an eraser mechanic, nothing super interesting there, but it's a great metaphorical device for what is, to most people, another Trans story.

However, I'm still giving it a 4, there are multiple times I actively put my hands to my face and went "fuuuuuck" because of the moments in this game. Maybe I'm just a sensitive asshole, but fuck that, Annapurna bangs.