Reviews from

in the past

After thinking about it a bit more I came to the conclusion that BOTW is just better maybe because of the nostalgia. Game design wise it is just breathtaking being able to do almost anything is incredible, and the possibilities are endless. If TOTK were released before BOTW potentially I would like it more.

I somehow got a bug that was supposed to be fixed a few patches ago that prevented me from recruiting a party character.

This game also makes a lot of strange design decisions, such as leaving quality of life features like increasing running speed and teleporting to previously visited towns to specific party characters (in a game that limits you to only having 6 playable characters at once in a roster of 100+] and equipped item slots. Basically older Pokemon HM and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 field skill vibes, which isn’t a good thing.

I’m also confused as to why the main map used for navigation doesn’t have town or dungeon names.

One of the best Open world games i ever played and mostly likely there will never be a game as good as BOTW.

I was surprised to see myself enjoy Sekiro so much because I didn't really enjoy Elden Ring but after 100% it I can say “I like Sekiro shadows die twice”.

Incredibly basic metroidvania with a terrible soulless artstyle. Play something else.

Borderlands 2 hat die Ansprüche so hoch gesetzt, dass der dritte Teil schon fast schlechter sein musste, was auch eingetroffen ist, jedoch nicht so schlimm wie man es hätte erwarten können. Das pure Gameplay und die Art, wie sich die Waffen spielen ist butterweich und könnte einem Onlineshooter ähneln, es macht sehr viel Spaß in die Gegnermassen reinzurennen.

Die Story ist jedoch nur ein Mittel zum Zweck. Wer nach dem ersten durchspielen sich erneut das Spiel antun möchte sollte alle Cutscenes skippen und die Dialoge ausschalten, damit das Spiel besser wird.

GTA 5 ist definitiv eines der prägendsten Modernen Videospiele. Es mag zwar etwas skurril sein, dass das Spiel nun in der dritten Konsolengeneration hintereinander angekommen ist, jedoch macht es immer noch Spaß und die grafischen Updates machen dies zur besten Vanillaversion.

Die Story ist nicht wirklich tiefgründig, jedoch ist sie sehr unterhaltsam und legt den mit Salz beschmierten Finger gerne auf die Wunde. Jegliche satirische Elemente funktionieren hervorragend und sind gealtert wie ein feiner Wein. Auch wenn die Story nicht stark sein mag, kann man sich selber schon in den Missionen verlieren a lá "Nur noch eine einzige, versprochen!".

Der Onlinemodus hat mittlerweile so viel zu bieten, dass er schon fast eine Reizüberflutung verursacht. Man muss die Missionen nicht suchen, sie finden einen. Wer dieses Spiel spielt und behauptet er hätte nichts zu tun hat entweder SEHR viel Zeit ins Spiel investiert, oder nicht gut genug gespielt.

part of me wants to say it kind of sucks but also it made me cry like 4 times so it must be peak

Play dota instead, unlike in league, you're actually allowed to be funny there

silent hill é um jogo complicado por conta da gameplay péssima que ele propõe, demorei muito pra acostumar, mas valeu muito a pena.

a história é fantástica, toda a construção dos personagens são ótimas e super interessantes, principalmente do harry. mesmo sendo um jogo antigo a ambientação são épicas e muito bem feito, principalmente na neve.

no começo ao fim tive bastante dificuldade em matar os inimigos, que inclusive são insuportáveis. não te deixam em paz nem um minuto se quer, muitos momentos eu só estava me estressando cada vez mais, conforme você vai jogando vai ficando mais fácil. o último chefe é insano, visual fodástico e foi o mais que tive dificuldade. os chefes anteriores são simples, mas super legais de enfrentar.

as vezes também eu levei um sustinho de leve em vários momentos e isso é extraordinário pra um jogo de 1999. até a pouca trilha sonora que tem é muito decente, principalmente a dos créditos.

na minha opinião, esse jogo merece muito um remake. seria muito épico.

Extreme commitment to the tone and aesthetic with some extremely basic stealth that still manages to sell tension. Feels like a western dream-version of Silent Hill.

Good DLC, but not better than the base game. I hate the Moonshine Mob, but everyone else is good.

Pretty cool game.. The more you play it, the more creative and intricate it gets, in both story and gameplay... Way too many David Lynch references IMO, but it's okay

WOW! Für eine Tech-Demo ist dieses Spiel überragend! Ein kurzes Jump N´ Run welches uns nur den Controller vorstellen soll ist ein Liebesbrief an die Geschichte der Playstation, hat fantastische & auch herausfordernde Gameplayelemente und reizt den Controller vollkommen aus. Wie gut, dass dieses Spiel eine Vollversion bekommt!

In meinen Augen ist dies der unterschätzteste Teil der modernen Spider Man Spiele. Die Map ist zwar exakt die selbe wie die im ersten Teil, jedoch kann man hier die Konsequenzen des ersten Spiels sehen und muss die Karte nicht mehr aufdecken, wodurch uns lästiges Gameplay erspart bleibt. Für einen Vollpreistitel könnte man meinen, dass die Story zu kurz sei, jedoch wussten die Writer was sie erzählen möchten und haben das gemacht, ohne zu viel schwachsinnige Sideplots einzubauen, die einen nicht interessieren. Ebenfalls fehlt das Filler-Gameplay, das wir aus den Hauptspielen kennen (MJ-Missionen, Laborarbeit etc). Dieses Spiel fokussiert sich vollkommen auf Miles Morales und seine Geschichte, erzählt diese konzentriert & gut. So dürften die Hauptteile gerne auch mit der Handlung umgehen.

A great sequel to an otherwise "GTA Clone". The gameplay beccame much more solid than its predecessor as there much more hacks, creating even more gameplay diversity in this otherwise normal ubisoft game. like you could play assassins creed and stealth through the all the way to the mission. or use your drones and rc car and never entering the restricted zone or just blast your way to victory while also having traps laid and hacks used.

However, the gameplay loop is almost basically the same which kinda sad as the only redeamable part while playing are the locations you explore in. the worst part that I hate the most was the parkour parts as all you really do is find the hole or find those conveyor belt and then get to the where you need to go. It destroys the pacing in this to what should be a pretty satisfying parkour to a very annoying stop to find the stupid thing.

Other than the story is as fun as it could and way more toned down compared to Watch Dogs tho the only problem was one of the characters as he never really had any substance except be a plot device for the entire latter part of story to take place. I Do think they tried but it never really hit me to take about the character, as After that part he was never mentioned ever again.

Beide Teile dieser Reihe haben eins gemeinsam: Schwache Story, perfektes Gameplay. Dieser Teil nutzt die Stärken der PS5 endlich aus und sorgt so für schnelleres und besseres Schwingen, wortwörtliches Fast Travel und Wingsuit Action die immer gut ist (Just Cause 3 lässt grüßen).

Die Story dient mehr dem Zweck, die Leute abzuholen die die Filme gesehen haben. Was im ersten Teil aufgebaut wurde, hat man hier eingelöst, nur um potentiellen DLC oder einen neuen Teil und Spinoffs anzuteasen. Somit war die Story mehr ein Kreislauf als eine richtige Fortsetzung. Das Kampfsystem hat sich minimal verändert, es wurde nicht komplizierter aber die Attacken lassen sich nun ändern, wodurch die Effekte und Stärken etwas cooler sind. Oder so. Am Ende ist es simples Button Mashing. Jedoch sieht das Spiel wunderschön aus und hat perfektes Gameplay, was mehr als nur die halbe Miete ist.

It's a pretty good game and I liked walking through rainy Tokyo

Very hard and painful....
why do I put myself through this hell?.

Still lacking the same depth and cohesion as Yakuza 0 and the combat is good but worse than before. The story is really fn good again though, it's actually crazy how consistent they are at keeping the story at this level. Yakuza is basically my favorite TV show at this point and it's a videogame.

What? Gen Z's tryna what? Cancel Kiwami 2? Gen Z's tryna cancel Kiwami 2? Honey, that's cute...



What a brilliant game. How many things to say here. It's a mixture of many influences (Evangelion above all) and themes (existentialism, politics, theology) but made with enviable taste.

Its intertwining of contemporary politics, dystopian sci-fi, intelligent (although quite limited) game design, and brilliant storytelling is hardly matched in recent times. I can only think of Death Stranding (which is way more basic and Evangelion-related, plotwise) and a few other games to compare this with.

Its dealing with memory is unmatched. Memory here is lived, embodied, technological, political. It all revolves around it, both narratively and interactively. Through it, the game almost becomes the missing link between the existentialism of Evangelion and the political relativism of Attack on Titan.

It's also incredibly brave and controversial. Especially towards the ending, it becomes strikingly strong and sharp. We'll hear about it more and more in the future.

Why is Inception the most popular and beloved take on the 'entering peoples minds' genre, when it is easily the lamest take on this super niche genre?

I wholeheartedly loved the game. But be careful, cuz if you're just that type of person, you'll become so obsessed with these puzzles, that you just might download the Randomizer mod for this game that makes all the puzzles random.. It ain't that bad, in essence, but still..

Honestly, how do you even a rate a game collection? If you just went off the games themselves, most of these would just be automatic 10/10s, even if they’re a collection of three 7/10 games. I think the ratings should be based on the overall quality of the port/remasters (how they compare to the originals), bonus content that you can’t get from the originals and the value for money. The games you get also help, but less for the games individually, and more for what they offer as a collective.

The Mario 3D All Stars Collection is dogshit despite having 2 of the best games ever made on it, because they are almost indistinguishable from their original versions, and don’t have anything worthwhile outside of the games themselves. That would be enough to make it like a 6/10, but the value of the package is the main reason you purchase it, so when they sell that shit for £50, it immediately drops down the rating, because nothing justifies that price. The Jax, Sly, and Ratchet Collections on PS3 are mostly in-tact versions of classic PS2 trilogies with only a few technical issues, and not many bonus materials, but they were only £30, so they were serviceable. Sega’s collections were basic emulations much like 3D All Stars, but there was shit tons of bonus content, tons of games within the collections, and were still only £30, which made it worth getting (my main point is don’t sell remasters/ports for full price, it’s not going to end well)

Nathan Drake Collection sits comfortably as one of the best of these, as what it lacks in cool bonus content exclusive to the collection, it more than makes up for by being some of the best remaster jobs for some of the best action/adventure games, at a stellar value, much like the Master Chief Collection.

Playtest :

Does not feel good to play, probably because of the 3rd person camera the spaces feel cramped and to small to some heroes (mostly venom). Visually it is much more striking than the usual hero shooter the character design is amazing and the character animations and intros are quite good. But through all of those animations the game still doesn't feel that good to control, and i think that is because of the awful frame rate and performance, even when compared to similar looking games the game seems to not be the most optimized.

The worst part of the game is that it made install overwatch 2 after years, because after playing rivals i missed the control and feeling of the characters in OW