Reviews from

in the past

The fourth season in and this game is still doing its best to assure you that there are like five maps in total on the roster. I don't find this shit fun at all, no matter how endearingly the jellybeans go "woo :)" or soundtrack does its best Splatoon impression. One of those games where absolutely none of the times you're eliminated feel fair or deserved thanks to griefers and bad physics, made worse by painfully long matchmaking waits.

Los juegos de saltos desde siempre han sido carreras de obstáculos más o menos camufladas. Aquí simplemente llegar a la meta lo más rápido posible no es una opción sino el propósito. En cada prueba agonizas en circuitos más interesantes que cualquier nivel de super mario galaxy 2, con un doble salto con más sentido camuflado de piscinazo, en un mundo acolchado donde todo te hace rebotar. Para más caos añádele cañones disparando bolas de nieve, discos giratorios, molinos, rodillos, balancines, cintas transportadoras y 59 cazurros como tú intentando llegar a la meta como sea.

Quizás alguna prueba se la podrían ahorrar (fuera todas las de contar frutas) y por algún motivo se repiten más de la cuenta las mismas según la sesión. Pero para nada es el drama que he oído por ahí, siempre que te acerques al juego del modo casual y relajado que te pide.

Hay quien se quejará de que es aleatorio, injusto y dependiente demasiado de las físicas como si eso hablase mal del juego. Lo cierto es que la suerte no tiene más peso que la habilidad y no exije excesiva habilidad para pasar las primeras rondas con regularidad. Ganar coronas ya es otra historia. Ahí compites con los mejores de la partida y no hay piedad con tal de llegar a la cima. Quizás por eso una victoria en Fall Guys se siente más especial que en el plataformas típico, donde la victoria se da por hecho y el camino hasta ella es un trámite. Aquí se da por hecho la derrota (pierden 59 de 60) y la victoria tiene el valor de ser el último en aguantar o el primero en llegar a la meta.

Nintendo puede sacar el nuevo kirby y recibir los elogios, las notas infladas o el respeto que a la semana nadie se acuerda del juego. Mientras, el plataformas realmente innovador que todo el mundo lleva jugando desde hace dos años es esta versión de monigotes de goma del castillo de takeshi. Y a quien no esté de acuerdo le reto a un uno pa uno en la montaña majareta.

(8-year-old's review, typed by his dad)

It's a very crazy game where there's a lot of minigames and you compete against a lot of people and I don't like playing against like 25-year-olds that have been playing for like I dunno 2 or 3 years? And most of the time I don't get past the first or second level, it's only on rare occasions that I make it to third. There are some... okay levels, I like the survival ones especially the one where there's a twisty wheel and there's holes and you have to not fall through and there's shapes coming for you and you have to dodge them.

I do wanna say one more thing. I don't like the levels where there's a big obstacle course, ESPECIALLY not the ones with bouncy ones. (I mean the ones which have trampolines or bouncy springs on the walls)

forgive me father for i have fallen
purchased for 22 some odd plus tax canadian dollars during 2020 when i saw my friend play a bunch after she received the game for FREE on playstation
shoulda been my first red flag

evil ass
stardew joja cola bitch type energy is what Mediatonic have

learned how to use a controller in this game when i was laid off for months after the world shut down. live laughed loved this game. got 31/34 of the achievements in this game
and then??????

48 crowns snatched and turned into kudos, ie dust that dont get you anything cool
scrolled thru the store saw rares etc i bought or earned w/crowns previously "already owned" but if i were to want them now would be worth actual real cold, hard, money, cash and skrilla....
money hungry steal hello kitty from a wholesome type bitch ass mediatonic
the girls just wanna have fun, you know?

game runs like cement on a slip n slide last time i checked
greedy grabbers still run rampant everywhere don't worry but now you get kicked left right n off-center & what do you have to show for it?????? beats me
my decked out mans stays falling forever
we out here and we talkin shit
it's Epic. i guess


This version of fall guys sucked, so few maps, and the server issues were abysmal for weeks

You're telling me that two years after this game was unceremoniously shoved into its "Former Game of the Week"-themed grave, we're trying to bring it back? I won't stand for it.

I would've assumed that a game like this needs a hook, that the minigames need to actually be good, but after two years you can now play Tip Toe with friends and I'm not really convinced that that's enough to redeem the experience. Winning is still primarily the consequence of lucking out and not getting griefed into the sun, rather than a reward for actually doing anything right during the course of the minigames.

Maybe I just hate fun? Definitely a possible answer, but I'm mostly tired of streamers as tastemakers. I don't care about the latest Free-to-Play battle pass, no matter how many Hatsune Miku cosmetics or Lebron Jameses you put in. Release my friends, demon, I want to play games with them again.

Just a really fun competitve game that's always a chill expirence every time I boot it up. The variety of different modes gives the game more longevity and it is just addictive. The variety of costumes is another plus, while the list of guest costumes is certainly growing there are ones that I would not imagine being picked such as Terry Bogard or Toejam & Earl. The best part of all is that it is now free, so you can enjoy this game by yourself or with your friends and not have to pay a dime. Good luck with getting wins!

i didnt move for 0.5 seconds and the game disconnected me, ten minutes later it disconnected everybody else (i dropped a nuke on the company's headquarters)

it only has 5 stars for including terry bogard

Falls Guys é um jogo divertido embora eu tenha jogado sozinho, jogar com amigos deve fazer o jogo ser muito mais divertido.

O jogo funciona com mini games de eliminação, onde cada mini game um numero de jogado é eliminado e o resto permanece, o jogo possui uma boa variedade de mini games, o unico problema pra mim, são seus controles, controlar o personagem nesse jogo é estranho e o pulo do personagem é bem baixo e estranho, eu sei que essa movimentação faz parte do jogo e foi feito assim proposital, porem a gameplay foi oque menos me agradou e mais me afastou de querer continuar jogando o jogo

So… Fall Guys is basically a free game now, I guess. (Well, I’m currently writing this the same day it went free-to-play, so I should probably clarify that in case someone out there decides to read this anytime in the future) It’s been such an extremely long time since I’ve last played. I went and checked real quick and it was essentially back all the way in 2020, or the ending quarter of 2020 to be more specific. Since I’m practically half a year away from having not played Fall Guys for two whole years, I began to think about my time with it as a whole. Well, this whole shift to the free-to-play model has caused me to put my long gone experiences with it into retrospect, really. Multiple seasons of new exclusive stuff had came and went and I never paid attention to any of it. I never went back to try to earn cosmetics, play in new events, try and get whatever achievements that I didn’t get since then, I never had the idea or even the drive to try any of that at all. Clearly something about it put me off to the point where I ditched it and never looked back. I doubt I’ll ever be keen on playing it again anytime in the future, so I just wanted to say something about it just to get whatever it is that bothered me off of my chest.

I didn’t even really notice my issues with the game back when I started playing it, strangely enough. It was just a simple thing to me for some time back then. I started playing around the whole time it took off in popularity. Most people probably remember that era, right? The turbulent tale of when Fall Guys had a brief moment in the spotlight is likely one of the most notable events in gaming during the very perilous first year of the Covid-19 pandemic. Being one of the handful of games that sort of united us in a brief spree of joy during the upsetting year of 2020. The sort of competition it had with Among Us around that time was rather cute in a way with both of their quirky stylizations and quick rises to fame. However, knowing the intense memetic influence Among Us has to this day should give you a good idea of who won out in that. It’s still a tad strange to think on how Among Us is essentially the game that had indirectly taken Fall Guys’ fame from it but it sort of makes sense considering each game fundamentally. One of the main complaints about Fall Guys was that it had very little to it for very long stretches of time. Among Us never really had this as a major complaint though, even with it also having a quaint amount to its name as well, likely due to Among Us working in a much more erratic way. Extensively playing Fall Guys would be much more likely to give you fatigue on the game in comparison, and it seems like I definitely found that out when I was playing back then. My main influence for playing Fall Guys in the first place was to play with a couple of my friends, and since I really didn’t wanna miss out on being with them, I ended up buying the game at full price. It was an impulse decision that I still rather regret to this day, as it never really paid off as we never played together that often with how quickly we fell out of it. Granted, I played it for quite a lot more than they did but my decision to do so wasn’t entirely out of attachment to the game, and more than likely caused me to grow bitter with it in the end.

But first, in regards to the model shift—no, the whole Epic Games Store exclusivity thing that happened with it along with the new free-to-play model is not where all of my issues come from. Sure, it is something that I take issue with in general as I think it’s an extremely aggressive and unnecessary marketing strategy, but I guess it doesn’t even affect me in particular since I still own it on Steam. (Well I need an Epic Games account to even play the damn thing now for some reason but eh I said earlier that I’m not interested in picking it up again so I guess it still doesn’t affect me lol) My issues with Fall Guys as a whole stem more from fundamental parts about the game. Like, it’s mechanics and gameplay and all that. I think I’d rather go on about that a bit later since I’m more on the topic of the whole free-to-play aspect and how it affected Fall Guys because… honestly? I find the changes kind of dire, in a sense? This is more of me going on about the new changes so pardon me if I get something wrong about these here. For the first thing I’m wondering about, did they just… remove the crowns currency as a whole? Apparently every crown you had before the model shifting was converted into kudos, the main currency, which are more difficult to obtain now, even. The crowns just seem to just be apart of crown ranks now, from what I read. In the place of crowns is a new currency obtainable by paying real money or through progression in the season pass. It might be a me thing but I personally find it really lame that they removed an integral currency of the game that made your victories and progression worthwhile with all of the rare collectable cosmetics that you can obtain with them. Now all of the rare and legendary tier cosmetics have been locked behind this new mostly-paid currency which I just find really lame from a progression standpoint, but it also gives me a sick feeling thinking about a whole paid currency type of thing as a whole.

But enough of my gripes with the new free-to-play model shenanigans, that’s not where my distaste towards Fall Guys stems from anyways. I really want to talk about how the game plays as a whole and why it’s always rubbed me the wrong way. I’ve called it this several times before in more secluded chatting areas but I think referring to it as some sort of “struggling simulator” is the best way to get across what I mean about it all. I get it’s supposed to try to emulate a wacky game show type of feel but extending your idea to the games own physics was a questionable extent to take the dedication, to say the least. Sure it may be entertaining to watch some streamer fool around in attempts to come out on top and subsequently have their bean man eat shit to some sort of obstacle but being on the receiving end of these struggles is a completely different story. The obscenely sluggish movement combined with any sort of impact with something sending you into a completely helpless ragdoll stun-mode makes episodes a complete chore to sit through, not to mention all of the waiting in between episodes and even individual rounds. But all of this doesn’t sound so bad if you’re just playing it regularly and not expecting the best kind of results each time, right? That’s kind of a thing with battle royale-type games, they’re very spontaneous with how results come out, aren’t they? However, there was one thing in Fall Guys that I wanted to get that completely went against a casual sort of mindset, and upset me to the point of eventually realizing all of this that I disliked here in the first place.

You see, I’ve always been some sort of a nut for achievements and the like. I’ve always enjoyed being a completionist because I liked doing everything a game had to offer, you know. Achievements always gave me a sort of baseline definition for 100% completion for each game that had them. Most of what the developers have to offer and want you to do has an achievement system in place for certain platforms to signify progression status, along with all of the optional stuff like sidequests or extra challenges. I particularly enjoy extra challenges that games want to test me for, but there was one here that went so completely against how the game worked that I just had some sort of revelation about what’s so wrong with it fundamentally and why it’s so draining to play to an extensive degree—Infallible.
The goal of the Infallible achievement is simple on paper yet absolutely absurd on execution; win five episodes in a row. If you’ve ever played Fall Guys before, you should get a good idea of how awful this is. Combined with the many sorts of physics frustrations, the randomness of outcomes with this type of game are increased to an absurd degree. The frequency of the kinds of situations you can encounter that are completely out of your control is absolutely insulting. Team games as a whole are a good example due to a necessity for others to properly cooperate. Hunt games are another example due to the ping of other players not being considered and having very notable luck for objective spawns. But the prime example of a fundamental part of the game that is completely out of your control is one of the main mechanics of your limiting moveset: the grab. If someone takes ahold of you with the grab, you’re completely latched to them and have all of your movement options severely crippled. You can get out of it, but when you do you’re sent flying off in the direction the other player grabbed you from and are put into that same irritating ragdoll stun for a brief period of time. It may not be a long effect, but it can be enough to set you back and even completely screw you over in active situations, and literally any player can do it to one another on a whim. The grab move as a whole is the prime precedent for how huge the issue of player interference is in Fall Guys and how the Infallible achievement completely goes against what the game is trying to be. Sure, there have been easier methods of toughing this achievement out that were implemented later on like getting a squad together to increase your chances of winning episodes, or particularly cheesable episode types like Sweet Thieves, but the utterly dire experience put onto me while attempting it back in seasons 1 and 2 completely killed any and all desire to keep playing as a whole. I’m not underestimating when I say that the Infallible achievement in particular made me find out about everything wrong with Fall Guys.

It’s just disappointing the more that I think about it, really. The concept of a battle royale based on triumphing in an assortment of Mario Party-like minigames was such a cool take on the genre. Everything about it’s concept in general even, the game show like style with the round elimination format and the brilliantly adrenaline rushing original final round theme, there just wasn’t anything else quite like it. I wanted to make special note of the original final round theme—Final Fall—because it’s still honestly one of the most brilliant tracks I’ve ever heard in a game, it’s composed in such a special way that combines the silly nature of Fall Guys with the climactic finality of the ending rounds that gives the feeling of having triumphed over countless others and are just inches away from victory in a heart-pounding rush against the other players you’re pitted up against. None of the other final round themes I’ve heard can even possibly compare, honestly. I really just wish this game was more fundamentally rigid, but I guess that would kind of ruin what Fall Guys is as a whole? Well, Infallible already did just that anyways, so… what's really the point then?

Also I held back on talking about the dumb social media management because I honestly couldn’t even care at all regardless of how “cringeworthy” people say it is, but I just wanted to say one thing about it in particular and that is that WHY DID THEY NAME THE SEASON TWO SWINGY THINGY THICC BONKUS WHEN MINCE MEATUS WAS RIGHT THERE. IT WAS IN THE POLL AND EVERYTHING! IT WOULD’VE FIT THE THING PERFECTLY WITH THE DUMB NAMING SCHEME THEY WERE GOING WITH THEN, EVEN. IT FIT THE MEDIEVAL THEME THAT SEASON HAD AND IT WAS, LIKE, COVERED IN SPIKES. MINCE MEATUS WAS THE PERFECT NAME I TELL YOU, BUT NO. THICC MOTHERFUCKING BONKUS.

I don’t know why I’m still annoyed about the results of a dumb meme poll for an obstacle name to this day. I need to go rest, probably.

we all fall down sometimes

Esse jogo é muito divertido carakkkkkKkkKkK
Principalmente com amigos
Esse mano ai sabe dms controlar esse feijões gordos até a linha de chegada!!kkkkk😘

people are still surprised that this indie game made by a small team was not able to keep up with the demands of the AAA live service audience it accidently got popular with

fall guy: (hits the edge of a platform and falls like a dumbass) wowooa!


Joguei na beta e depois que lançou, pode ser divertido por um tempo mas tem a tendência de ser um pouco enjoativo.

this game blows, but i got bullied into playing it so trolled

Getting tripped up by other people diving too much, losing because your team is just not putting any effort in a team game or just being bored playing a mode that's just too easy are the biggest plagues of this game. It's a really fun experience for the most part, but the challenge it poses is less on the levels themselves, but more on the sheer randomness that other players and object physics may provide. Cheap losses are endless. The game is based on individual success yet it commonly places you in a mode where you have to rely on a team to make it to the final round. Two of the final round levels are absolutely non-dynamic and just feel like blind luck with no strategy. The idea of future content and rotating out levels makes me hopeful for the game's future, and I do like it a lot. I just think it's a little too frustrating and unreliable for skilled players to win.
Also Slime Climb is the best level

Just like with Tetris 99 and Mario 35, I'm counting a single victory as "beating the game".

This game is actually way more creative and fun than those, so it gets a higher score.

The weight Mediatonic put on their shoulders by trying to reconcile party game and competitive game sensibilities was a tough one. The RNG required to balance an experience between casual and dedicated gamers in this kind of game comes from wobbly, unpredictable physics, where the funny outcomes justify any unfair metagame balance. That concept clashes frontally with what is expected from a competitive game (even if the game doesn't aspire to be an esport), and Mediatonic isn't capable of reconciling both concepts. On one hand, physics is too bland and weightless, so you don't get all those funny moments Human: Fall Flat or Gang Beasts were filled with to the point you didn't even matter about winning (unless your honour is at stake) and on the other hand, it doesn't feel rewarding to win, either for "status" or genuine gratification, too much is on other player's hands, like the balancing platforms, or it's straight boring, like that "remember the fruit" trial.
OST's a banger tho.

A hotdog grabbed me, losing me my winstreak of 4 and thereby my chances at getting the final achievement

fuck you I'm counting this as a 100%

Was fun for a few weeks, another game that got stale quickly like Among Us, AC:NH

I do prefer this over Among Us but that isn't saying much

nah they caught me fallin for some guys

actual log since ive gotten around 3-4 hours more: this game fucking blows. the map roster is terrible, ive played some matches where we got the same shit maps time and time again!!! wheres the fuckin variety!!! its serviceable fun (LOW BAR) with friends but god, did they really charge for this shit? just a slop consequence of throwing every "fun" idea into a blender and serving it, charging 20 dollars for a series of barely designed minigames that was on an imminent swap to a f2p model

So this is the second review I'm writing of this game, as I feel like a lot of my thoughts on it have changed since the first review. Simply put, this game lost me big time and I haven't played it in months. I'm not entirely sure what Fall Guys had to do in order to keep my attention, but it's whole structure, reward system, gameplay, everything just got so old to me. I was just tired of playing the same minigames, more than half of which I can't stand. I also really don't like the naming system, I think it's insane that the game never allowed players to have their actual name, which would make things so much easier and more enjoyable.

I just feel kind of dumb for getting really into this game that ended up having no legs at all, which people rightfully pointed out at the beginning but I was having enough fun that I didn't care until now, when the fun ran out. I still have some fondness for this game, and I'm sure if a friend ever randomly asked me to join them in a game I would, but overall I'm pretty disappointed by how quick I lost any interest.

A really easy game to pick up between time but after awhile I feel like I lacked the motivation to actually keep trying. I only won a crown once over my first 10 hours of playing so it's hard to see myself winning again. The game itself is pretty addicting and still feels enjoyable to run through the courses, I only wish there were more variety. Might try it again once a new season comes out but otherwise I feel like I got my fill of Fall Guys.

Enjoa muito e rapidamente, se tu não jogar com amigos fica muito entediante ficar fazendo as mesmas coisas sempre, esse jogo morreu rápido demais devido ao seus próprios problemas que não foram arrumados

awful fucking game but +.5 stars for the stretch of august 2020 to march 2021 and how i managed to lose 800 hours of my life to this thing

10 Fall Guys Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words
There are a lot of hilarious Fall Guys memes floating around the internet. Here's a look at 10 of our absolute favorites.

A Fall Guy waving at the player and a picture of Fry from Futrama as part of a Fall Guys meme
When Fall Guys was released, it was free for players with PlayStation+. It quickly became popular, having crossovers with popular video games and gaining notoriety with trophy hunters for having one of the hardest trophies. As more time went on and as more players started playing, fans started to have some fun outside of the game.

Fall Guys: 10 Things You Should Avoid Doing If You Want To Win A Crown

As players started to have favorite stages and as Season 1 went on, players started to create memes relating to the game -- with the official Twitter account getting in on the fun. By creating memes and comics, fans are able to bide their time as they wait for Season 2.

Not Everyone Can Fit
Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout (2020)

(developer Mediatonic)

— Simpsons Videogames (@simpsonsvgames) August 17, 2020
This Tweet comes from @simpsonsvgames and is sure to be relatable to players trying to fit through doors. As the Tweet shows, no one can fit through the doorway, blocking it up. This is sure to be a common sight as players race to the end of Door Dash.

The GIF also sums it up perfectly for the round -- the players are able to go around. If a doorway isn't stopped up with players, is it really a game of Fall Guys?

The Pain Of Falling
This comes from the Fall Guy's official Twitter account, @FallGuysGame. It shows a player on Slime Climb, slipping off the balance beams into the slime. Of course, this eliminates the player from the game entirely.

The dad's face is probably also the same the player would make. If the player is in a party with friends, they are sure to be asked 'Did you make it passed the slime?'

A Similar Look
This meme comes from the Instagram user @fallguysxamongus and shows the similarity between Fall Guys and Among Us. There is also a 'competition' between the two games, with the two games having similar-looking characters.

Fall Guys: All The Mini-Games Ranked From Best To Worst

As shown in the picture, Fall Guys have arms while Among Us characters do not. It also mix and matches the two characters, showing how similar the two characters actually are.

A Traitor Among Us
This is another meme joking about how Fall Guys and Among Us are similar in styles. It was created by @ttonyesp on Twitter and is sure to make anyone who is a fan of both games laugh.

It has a Fall Guy blend in and get an actual Among Us character ejected into space. Or as the official Twitter might say, the red spaceman was yeeted into space.

An Enemy Was Gained
Roll Out can be stressful on its own, but having another player grab you adds to the stress. As the meme says, anyone who does this will become an instant enemy. The meme comes from @fgdailymemes on Instagram, but was created by u/darthservo on Reddit.

Being grabbed will cause the player to panic and try to escape from the other player's grasp. If the player does fall off, they are sure to yell out in anger as they have to quit the match.

The Cause Of Trust Issues
It is bad enough when the player is falling behind during a round, but it is even worse when there is a player waiting at the end. When the top right corner says only one player left, players are sure to wonder if the person at the finish line will run in at the last second. When they do, it is sure to cause some frustration.

10 Biggest Fixes Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout Needs Immediately

This meme comes from @fallguyshouse on Instagram and is relatable to any player at the back of the line. When you make it to the end of the round, don't be that guy to wait around and mess players up.

Is this...?
This meme shows a friendship that ends with a player being eliminated. It is also a reference to another famous meme called 'Loss'. It was made by @gamerzoneit on Instagram.

Besides being a reference, it also shows how sad it can be when a member of the player's party is eliminated in a game. They can no longer play and instead must watch their friend as they complete whichever rounds are left.

A Fall Guy's Look
When a Twitter user asked the Fall Guys account if the characters look different under their costumes, the official account said they had not thought about it. One Twitter user, @blocboytogata, decided to take a creative approach and make what they believed the character looked like.

10 Games You Should Play If You Like Fall Guys

This discussion comes from the fact the player can customize the faceplate, making fans of the game ask if this meant the Fall Guy looked different underneath. Luckily enough, the official Twitter account responded to this picture and said this is 100%, not canon.

Game's Take Over
This meme jokes about how both Fall Guys and Among Us became popular in the last few months. Both games have characters that look like little jelly bean people, making it very appropriate. It comes from @illogical_insaan on Instagram.

Both games have become known on the internet in the last bits of 2020, and it looks like the games aren't about to go away.

Uneven Teams
While this problem has been fixed, it is nice to see the Fall Guys' Twitter can make a joke out of it. It refers to how a team game would be played even if there was an odd number of players. The finales for the game could be played with 13 players, confusing some players why these team games happened.

The team responded and got a fix out, but not before they made a meme relating to it. It is also entertaining to see, as most gaming companies do not make a meme relating to an issue they are having.