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So... cool funny fact! Including the ones from the extra levels, there are 100 different sun-stone collectables across all the stages, and you can in fact get all of them on your first go through each stage and before reaching the final fight, which it's exactly what I did. And after collecting the last one, it turns out the reward a keychain… of the final boss. I did know who the final enemy was before playing the game, but like… it never makes an appearance before the very last level, so those who decided to get everything before finishing the game, their reward was a spoiler, which I don’t know if I find it awful or fucking hilarious.

Taking into account hoy much I adore this pink ball of destruction and entropy, it’s surprising how I haven’t actually beaten a large number of his catalogue, and it’s doubly surprising how, despite loving Plantet Robobot and Return to Dreamland as much as I do, I didn’t even try any of the other two modern Kirby 2D platformers. Looking back, it was clearly a mistake, since many of the things that Triple Deluxe does would have impacted me way more if I played it before the absolute juggernaut that is Robobot and maybe I would be less severe with it in certain aspects, but at the same time, as good as this game can sometimes be, Triple Deluxe doesn’t nail things in the same way its predecessor did, so its problems can’t be summarized by simply saying ‘’is just a worse Planet Robobot’’, ‘cause just that eclipsis both its negative and positive aspects as well.

Triple Deluxe was very much designed for the system is on, and I don’t say that just because of its admittedly cheeky name; while the gyroscope controlled sections and the change and interactions between the background and foreground could be pulled off in any other console, it’s clear that this implementations where made with ‘’let’s showcase what this bad boy of a handheld can do’’ mindset, and yet, for things that could have ended up as mere distracting gimmicks, I don’t know man, I actually really enjoyed how these expand upon the original gameplay. The game does extremely neat things with this basis; all of the mirror sections are honestly fantastically designed and by far the best parts of the game (tho I wished there were more), the gyroscope on old stage hazards like the cannons put a really interesting spin on things and open up a ton of possibilities for puzzles and secrets, and the mere act of jumping between perspectives is always satisfying and never confusing. Plus, this might be the first game in the entirety od 3DS catalogue where I actually needed to put the 3D on, which depending on who you are may be a positive or a negative, and I’m someone that thinks the former; it’s implemented in an awesome way in boss fights and truly shows how 3D can enhance the moment to moment action, even if is just really solving a problem that itself created, it’s super satisfying to feel like there’s actual depth and dodging attacks that actually feel like they come out of the screen. Kinda funny it’s Kirby of all series that pulls this off the best, but oh well. It also holds up pretty well visually; I still defend that its successor it’s one of the best looking games in the entirety of the console’s library, but Triple Deluxe, even almost 10 years later (Jesus fucking H. Christ I’m withering alive…) has managed to stand tall as a visual spectacle; the colors, intertwined with the nature aesthetic that keeps changing across the entire game and the fantastic animations in the mini and normal bosses, make a 240p game look outright gorgeous. Oh, and before I forget, people always tend to praise Kirby’s OST, however, I’ve never seen many kind words towards TD’s soundtrack, which after playing the game kinda surprises me considering IT FUCKING SLAPS, sadly it does re-use a ton of Return to Dreamland’s songs, and I say sadly because every single level and boss theme is like silk. You’ve heard Masked Dedede theme. I don’t have to tell you how hard it goes, everyone knows it, and for good reason.

The game feels like it’s PROUD to be a part of the system its on, trying to be a kind of technical demo on steroids, and truly uses everything new it can to it fulles potential, and yeah, if Triple Deluxe is something, is sure is a fantastic showing of what the 3DS can do for 2D platformers. But that’s the thing, sometimes it feels like that’s everything it is: a game to go ‘’Wow, cool!’’ from time to time, and it seemingly forgot to try to craft the same sound and fun core that made up the games that came before and after it. Don’t get me wrong, as I said, Triple Deluxe it’s good, it’s fun, and it’s very much competent, it has a ton of interesting puzzles, the boss fights are varied and fun even if they are on the slower side this time around, and most of the new power-ups are great additions to the roster, specially Beetle and Circus (or as I call it and always will be in my heart, CLOWN), and all of that is nice yeah but… it’s what I expected from a Kirby sequel. Nothing really blew me away, it was consistently fun yeah, but not as fun, not as impressive. There’s a ton more stuff going on in the levels than ever before, but it doesn’t feel like it, even if it’s adorable to see Waddle Dee’s chopping trees in the background, the levels themselves are very ‘’by the numbers’’, and I don’t mean that it’s too simple, that’s how Kirby games are and I love them for it, but this is not that, it's not that it’s simple in its design, it’s that it’s simplistic on its layout; they follow the same beats and the same conventions that Return did while not being as fun or thrilling as that game was, and that makes Triple Deluxe feel like an overall lesser game. Hell, you could say it’s simplistic even on its story, Kirby was never strong on the moment to moment narrative, yeah, but here is basically nonexistent until the very end! And the Hypernova… oh how good could it have been… look, I’m not gonna act like the Super Abilities from Return were the best thing ever, ‘cause they weren’t, they were a small power fantasy that made one thing and one thing only, but at least: 1. They ended with unlocking a secret more challenging part of the level, 2. Their sections where still pretty interestingly designed and felt fun and organic, and 3. They were indeed optional. Hypernova throws ALL this out the window, sure, the sections when you have to use it can be fun and have great animations, specially the mini-bosses, but what ruins the re-playability it’s how you ALWAYS have to be Hypernova when you reach a certain moment of the game, the levels from that point onward are designed around the Hypernova, and they just result in the end of the level itself. As such, Hypernova doesn’t feel as much of a power-up as it is just a game saying ‘’NO! We gotta do the cool thing I want to do NOW!’’ and maybe that’s what they wanted to do, making cool sections to add variety in, but it just doesn’t translate into the levels that well, and I’m ever so glad that for the nex game, they designed the Robobot around what this type of mechanics should be, an expansion of you arsenal and a great utility instead of some glorified cutscenes and simplistic levels.

Maybe is wrong of me to be this harsh at Triple Deluxe, on their first go on this new system they laid down a ton of the basis that made what would end up coming after so incredible, and the game does manage to accomplish what it initially wanted to do, but that just doesn’t justify its shortcomings. I’ve seen this series do better, and this series would go on to even better, and so Triple Deluxe exists in this weird limbo, sandwiched between two games better than it, while still managing to be a pretty damn good snack on its own. It is fun, it is inventive, but it’s not exceptional…


This game gets 5 starts! Why? Easy. This game is absolutely amazing, I loved every single part of it. But I absolutely loved how they built in the 3D mechanics and made a usually dumb feature so amazing. Then there is the form I loved to call the "very hungry Kirby" I mean c'mon. It is halarious to see Kirby eat all this huge stuff.

An extremely solid Kirby game.
I love the focus on a more naturalistic fantastical art direction.
Also name is a thriple entendre and that's hilarious.
Triple Deluxe, three d's, 3ds
The game has a focus on Dedede, a character with triple d's in his name.
In Japan, it's the third Kirby game to use the Deluxe title.
Great job, hal.

A car crash happened right behind my house when I finished this

This is the first Kirby game I have ever completed and it sucked...

There is your "Kirby Sucking" joke for this review.

Predictable Kirby joke aside, this game was solid and I enjoyed it. It is a cute platformer that is a good entry point for people who are new to platformers. Platformers are one of my favorite genres, so this game was a breeze to me, but this, or the Kirby series in general, is a good way to introduce newer players to the wonderful world of platformers.

It is short, but it is a handheld game, so that is not too surprising. If you are not going for 100 percent completion, I think the length is good for this type of game.

+all in all as a kirby game this is a pretty solid one. there are certain kirby titles that aim to play like a "normal" kirby game, and this is one of those
+the challenge rooms to get sun stones are solid in this one, several of them actually gave me a bit of trouble
+this is one of the few 3ds games I've played where the 3D is actually useful, specifically for certain attacks or sections that are hard to judge without it on. still totally playable without it tho
+kirby fighters is a nice addition, considering how the kirby series mechanics have neatly dovetailed with super smash brothers from the very beginning. I only spent about five minutes playing it but the stage variety is nice and the hazards are neat

-hypernova is never really utilized in any interesting ways, even in the final boss battle. occasionally you'll need to spit out whatever big thing you sucked in at a specific time, but that's about as complex as it gets
-the game feels sluggish, especially when trying to use the circle pad. this would be less of an issue if I wasn't trying to play this on an OG 3DS with adult-sized hands, where accessing the d-pad can be a little bit uncomfortable
-this is a bit of a slim package even for a kirby game, thanks to the final world being padded out with boss refights. the final boss lineup is solid, but it feels a little premature

I overall enjoyed the experience but I think that's because I was playing it mostly in fits and spurts when I had free time, including during long loads for other games. it's sort of a middling kirby game overall but around the middle it feels like one of the better experiences in the franchise.

One time my buddy found modern Kirby director Shinya Kumazaki's blog where he shared some of his favorite game music. Porky's battle theme from Earthbound is listed among his top three favorite battle BGM, which explains quite a lot about Sullied Grace, Queen Sectonia's first boss theme.

Sorprendentemente, mi primer Kirby y me ha encantado, el diseño de los personajes chulísimo y los niveles muy entretenidos
Me habría gustado que los bosses fuesen un poquillo más difíciles/largos como Sectonia

Kirby rolls worst gimmick ever, asked to leave Scrimblo Bimblo convetion

Wow this game, I haven't had full on one player fun in a Kirby game since Super Star, this game felt complete, with mostly new music and great remixes, beautiful graphics that look awesome with 3-D on, a good set of new abilities and new moves with old ones, an okay story that got good in the end, and creative boss battles and level design as well as new modes. I have nothing but praise to say about this game and as a Kirby fan, I hope to see more like this on Wii U and 3DS.

it's more solid kirby, though i wasn't too fond of the hypernova gimmick tbh

Kirby Kirby Kirby

Hyper nova

He's round and full of ang-a
Big mouth-o
Problem disappear-o
Kirby Kirby Kirby


Into a
Beetle or an arch-a
Fight as a
Or be a circus act-a


Personally my favorite 3ds Kirby game :3 Kirby gets the big SUCC!!! xD

While I haven't played Kirby's Return to Dream Land (yet), Kirby Triple Deluxe feels more-or-less like a continuation of many of the things introduced (or should I say re-introduced?) in that game.
The story, while pretty normal at first, when you start analyzing it more (especially if you pause the game during the fights), it becomes pretty interesting, and the gameplay is just really fun!
The Hypernova mechanic is alright, definitely very situational, but it ain't bad.

Overall, I had a good time with this one, it's probably one of Kirby's best!

Veredito: É divertidinho e tem um visual MUITO FOFO, mas não passa disso.

Sei lá, acho que fui com as expectativas erradas. Todo mundo fala TÃO BEM de Kirby, o único da franquia que já joguei antes - Canvas Curse - é super criativo, e já vi dizerem que Triple Deluxe é um dos melhores... Esperava mais.

Não me entenda mal, é um plataforma 2D bacaninha sim. Várias fases são muito criativas, ele usa bem o giroscópio pra alguns puzzles, tem músicas bacanas, brinca bem com os 3 planos (quase sempre vai ter coisas no fundo ou na frente interagindo com você, e várias vezes você vai pular de um plano pro outro, é bem legal), e a direção visual super fofolete VAI te fazer vomitar arco-íris, ACEITA QUE DÓI MENOS.

Mas comigo, o foco excessivo em ser uma experiência tranquila saiu pela culatra. Em algum momento no meio da partida ele deu a volta e ficou só meio chato mesmo, que nem aquela piada do "primeiro jogo para um bebê". Tipo, o pulo duplo faz você flutuar, o que é legal, mas diminui DEMAIS a velocidade de um personagem que já é meio lento. É como se os devs tivessem botado essa freada na hora de flutuar caso você queira que ele seja um jogo mais fácil ainda do que já é, tá ligado? Só que como várias vezes flutuar é algo exigido pelas fases, acaba só sendo um facilitador que te deixa lerdo sendo empurrado goela abaixo.

No começo era bem maneiro passar pelas fases com o cérebro desligado, só curtindo os gráficos e as músicas, mas acho que o jogo ficou inchado demais pra pouca variedade que tinha. Inimigos comuns se repetem demais, subchefes se repetem demais, puzzles extremamente parecidos se repetem demais, os mesmos usos básicos pras mesmas habilidades se repetem demais, e aí não importa o quão bacanas essas habilidades sejam - estou olhando pra você, Supernova - sempre tem a hora de parar. Mas Kirby Triple Deluxe não entende isso, e olha que até que ele é curtinho.

Como se não tivesse gordura o bastante, ao zerar destrava uma campanha com o Dedede que é... só a mesma jornada de novo mesmo. É isso. Dedede tem exatamente os mesmos controles do Kirby e passa exatamente pelas mesmas fases, chefes e subchefes. Porém sempre com o martelo, e agora sem ter nem os colecionáveis pra pegar.

Mas a campanha do Dedede tem um chefão final novo que é bem foda, vá lá.

Como eu disse, Triple Deluxe é muito bom quando ele quer. Só que ele não quer o tempo todo. E quando não quer, ele é só um joguinho normal mesmo, bem morno, nem muito bom nem horrível. Eu é que fui esperando algo fodão, por toda a fama da franquia.

Se Triple Deluxe tivesse 1/3 ou 1/4 do tamanho que tem, sem ficar repetindo batalha e puzzle desnecessariamente, ele seria CONSIDERAVELMENTE mais divertido e mais rejogável, com toda a certeza. Mas parece que os jogos têm que ter uma cota mínima de horas de duração, pra justificar preço ou dizer que tem conteúdo o suficiente ou porque sei lá que caralhos, então duvido que eu vá voltar pra ele tão cedo.

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Taranza could use a hug

basically what made kirby return to dreamland good translated for the 3ds which equals to a fun time

not that groundbreaking or particularly interesting but i gotta say ive been listening to the final boss theme (the second phase one) for the past 3 years or so on repetition because its just so so good kirby composers saturday im free if you wanna have steamy hot sex with Moonstruck Blossom / Vs. Queen Sectonia 2 - Extended in the background when im free on saturday

btw he sucks forcefully as fuck in this game haha hey kirby what else can you

facilmente um dos jogos mais criativos da franquia com ideias que quebram a fórmula de mundos elementais que já tava um pouco batida

mistura isso com uma OST muito boa (como sempre), visuais sensacionais e você tem um dos melhores jogos de Kirby

me irritou um pouco o uso de giroscópio (por sorte eu tenho um controle de PS4) de resto, brabissimo

it's good. has that usual kirby charm and whatnot, physics and level design are solid as per usual for a kirby game, but this is just a pretty by-the-numbers kirby game. robobot kinda curb stomps it.

Kirby starts a keychain collection and kills a giant bee

This review contains spoilers

Kirby Triple Deluxe aproveitou a engine maravilhosa do Return to Dreamland e trouxe uma sequencia de peso, aqui vemos NOVAMENTE a franquia no seu melhor.

Cada fase é diferente uma da outra, cada uma tem pelo menos uma coisinha nova, além de que esse jogo é um dos mais criativos da franquia, tantas mecanicas (que usam muito bem o 3ds), ideias, temas de fases... é tudo muito variado e bem criativo. Em uma fase tu vai estar numa casa mal assombrada que esconde saidas e coloca fantasmas vistos apenas em espelhos, em outra você está em um velho oeste infestado de trems prontos para te jogar pra fora do cenario.

A trilha sonora dele também é muito boa, as musicas que são marcantes elas são MARCANTES DMS, o tema da primeira fase é certeza um dos meus favoritos de kirby inteiro.

Os bosses são outra coisa, no mesmo nivel do Return to Dreamland, finalmente bosses interessantes e divertidos de lutar, assim como o anterior, o boss final é sensacional. Return to Dreamland entrega a melhor batalha da franquia com a melhor finalização de todas, usando muito bem o conceito das super habilidades, Triple deluxe começa como uma grande homenagem ao primeiro jogo da franquia, trazendo uma luta com o King Dedede igualzinha a primeira do dreamland, e na segunda forma te entregar uma batalha epica reimaginando uma do Super Star Ultra, depois dessas ótimas batalhas ainda tem a primeira forma da Queen Sectonia que é muito divertida e épica, a segunda forma usa o mesmo conceito de usar o poder central do kirby só que no chefe, mas a batalha é um pouco decepcionante apesar de visualmente perfeita.

Enfim, pra finalizar, sobre a nova habilidade do kirby, a super nova. Super Nova é uma ideia bacana, mas muito perigosa. Quando ela é usada apenas para destroçar inimigos a frente sem nenhum desafio e sendo apenas uma linha é simplesmente insuportavel. Mas quando usam pra puzzle (a maioria) é muito legal, cria umas situações iradas e novamente criativas.

Esse jogo é incrível, mesmo achando as fases finais meio cansativas, ainda assim não tiram o brilho do jogo pra mim. Joguem, tá no top jogos da franquia pra mim.

Played it on a whim one day. It's the very definition of mid.

it's really good! just...forgettable. the gimmick isnt the most creative but it is fun ngl. shoutout to the keychains, had a blast collecting those

Besides the fun bits and the main villain's henchmen being one of the more interesting characters in Kirby lore it's so basic and by the numbers, I kinda get bored with it.

I don't remember why but I was super baby mode on this and thought it was hard

My parents divorced cause of this game

I want to boot this game up again right here right now.