Reviews from

in the past

Nice as Bun-B when I met him at the Source awards
Girl he had with him - ass coulda won the horse awards

Excellent game! Really enjoyed the combat and the different transformations and the humor. The art is SUPERB, and the little touches like all 25 mana fairy pickups having different art and how the art for many NPCs change after a certain point in the game are lovely. All the forms have uses and I'm looking forward to NG+ where I actually have much more to think about in terms of builds.

The biggest issue for me is the form selection wheel. It doesn't hold all the forms in the game and rotates things out as you swap to new forms. This meant I couldn't use muscle memory. Combined with the fact that it covers the screen without pausing the game means I never used the wheel and instead just kept going into the menu. I think it'd be better if we could select our own shortcuts, then I imagine we can do some fun combos like in Genshin.

Had a really good time with this one. Don't get me wrong the game is pretty one note throughout but it was a perfect turn your brain off and play sort of game. It looks great and the writing is above average. The controls are a wee bit janky, like I would have preferred it if it was a dual stick shooter but I got used to them easy enough.

Ended up beating it with all forms s rank and all but the new game+ achievement. I have trouble beating games so I guess that's pretty high praise i got into this one.

It gives me heavy diablo 3 vibes despite the disparate art style

This game is currently in the Humble Choice for December 2023, and this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before January 2nd, 2023, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

Achievement hunting the game.

You know what’s better than Achievements, lots of them, and in quest form, with multiple different characters, and abilities that you’ll have to use to complete the quests. You then tie the completion of those achievements into progression in the game, so players are constantly pushed to beat more of the game’s meta quests. And while this sounds like a sick fantasy of people who care about achievements too much (which I do)... it’s also how Nobody Saves the World works.

Players will change their form to use different abilities and constantly switch what attacks they’re using so they can beat these mini-quests. In addition, the game has an interesting and often funny story. There’s a lot to do in the game, taking about 20 hours for me to beat and I was having a great time throughout.

Still, this is very meta quest and achievement style gameplay, so players who want to focus on the large epic journey and get annoyed by achievements in games should steer clear, that’s most of what the game does. The art style is a take-or-leave-it number, and while I like it, it took me a while to get comfortable with those empty eyes.

Pick this up if, I keep saying it, but if you like metagaming. This was an engaging title, and I even picked it up myself because I wanted to play the whole thing after seeing it on Game Pass, but I’m also thrilled more people will get the chance to check this out.

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

Fun to play and the writing is goofy. The constant form changes and mix-n-matching abilities between them are a blast. How all these move sets and passives work together is a testament to the excellent game design. Just the right depth and consistently engaging. The only thing I’m not crazy about is the art style, but that’s mere indifference.

This is a phenomenal experience, especially in couch coop. I bought it for 11 euros including the DLC and it‘s worth every cent.

- great design
- nice gameplay
- motivating
- cool music
- funny characters

It feels like a mixture of an old 2D-Zelda game and Super Mario Odyssey with all the different transformations.
I highly recommend this game if you can play it with a friend! ❤️

## Edit after beating NG+ and 100% ##
Well, I sort of got addicted. I love this game! The deeper you dive, the better it gets. Building whacky builts or just crushing through a dungeon with zombie familiars etc. is so fun to do.
This COULD be my GOTY already! ♥

It was a great experience. The mechanics and the forms are really creative. It was slightly longer than expected, but it was a blast throughout. The visuals are great, the soundtrack is simple and the gameplay is stellar.

A fun dungeon-crawler that unfortunately wears out its welcome before the end. The combat mechanics are solid, and I enjoyed playing around with the forms I unlocked. It will likely test your tolerance for grinding, if you want to see it to the end. There are several mini-challenges to unlock for each form, e.g., killing an enemy with a specific ability, and these give you stars that you'll need to unlock the larger main dungeons, which you'll have to complete to get to the final encounter. Some of these challenges you'll do naturally, but others require consistent form-changing and ability-reworking to make sure you're always making progress in those challenges. Unfortunately, this made the last 5+ hours of a ~20 hours game feel like a chore; I had finished all but one mini-dungeon, and I felt well-equipped with the forms I enjoyed playing, but I had to keep grinding out those challenges to get more stars.

Drinkbox's fun, colorful art style is great, and Jim Guthrie's score is solid. I appreciate their ambition, and there's a lot to like, but I think it could've been stronger had they shown some restraint with NSTW.

This is such a slept on game. If you love the dungeon crawling genre it is a must play.

If you're looking for a game to spend a lot of time on, this is definitely an option. The game has its good and bad points that can end up ruining the experience for some.
The fact that the game proposes a kind of improvement for each character, like a rank (and to increase the rank, you have to do specific things with each character), is interesting at first. But I was very disappointed when I realized that I couldn't improve a character to the maximum rank because I had to progress in the story for that (and to improve all the way to the last rank, you have to play a good portion of the game). Besides, doing this with all the characters is very monotonous and repetitive.
The game also kind of "forces" you to increase your main level to finish it, as the last castles are at a very high level and you'll need to spend some time getting stronger.
The NG+ increases the difficulty in a rather unexciting way.
There are no bosses in the game, only enemies that you encounter on the map, albeit giant ones.
The DLC doesn't add anything spectacular, just two characters that you won't use for anything in the game and some extra challenges.
The story is nice, the art style is adorable, the gameplay is repetitive. It's a great game to spend hours playing while listening to a podcast or something similar when you have nothing else to play.

Really solid grindy game! I loved figuring out combos that made the game easy. Any game that lets me do that is at least a 4/5, I'd say.

This game actually surprised me in a very good way!

From the makers of the incredible metroidvanias Guacamelee 1 and 2 (both of which I loved), comes a... hack n slash RPG with lots of grinding? What?

Well, let me tell you that despite the unexpected premise, this game is amazing!

Most of the gameplay consists of just killing baddies, completing challenges and levelling up, and oh boy, if you're the kind of person that likes to just hit stuff and see NUMBERS GO BRRR, then this is the game for you.

The main feature that makes this work is the ability to unlock new forms (granting you unique powers) and COMBINE POWERS FROM DIFFERENT FORMS! The amount of fun builds and combinations you can make is absurd, and its incredibly enjoyable to try stuff out and find broken combinations. All the while you will almost never run out of challenges to grind, so there is always a short-term objective in sight.

In other aspects, the visuals are charming, the humor is silly and pretty great (even more so if you enjoyed other Drinkbox Studios games), there are dungeons with cool themes, the plot starts out "meh" but becomes surprisinly engaging the more you play.

Overall a great action RPG that actually makes grind work and will net you several hours of button-mashing baddie-killing fun.

um dungeoun cralwer muito divertido

Super Coop-Spiel mit interessantem Levelingdesign.
Gegner geben keine Erfahrungspunkte, stattdessen muss man für jede "Form" bestimmte Missionen erfüllen.
Töte 20 Gegner mit Fähigkeit X zB.

Das sorgt dafür, dass man das ganze Spiel hinweg nicht nur die Taste A drückt und beim Endboss steht.

Dazu unkomplizierter Coop-Modus, bei dem alles geteilt wird.

Der Humor war überhaupt nicht meins, aber das meiste lässt sich überspringen.

It's not necessarily a bad game... but temper your expectations.

Being able to access and customize various transformations (forms) allows for plenty of diversity in builds- however, combat is rarely compelling or challenging enough to necessitate much thought about builds, and gameplay generally feels mashy.

The overworld is fairly uninteresting to explore, all dungeons are procedurally-generated which makes them feel even more of a slog, and the writing is just not very funny (though not for lack of trying).

However: if you are looking for a game that'll activate the pleasure-seeking centers in your brain through incremental progress, this may be the game for you.

Each form has numerous 'form quests', where you have to complete some sort of combat-related challenge, in order to unlock new abilities and forms. These quests are generally fairly easy and varied, and together with the rest of the game (exploring, completing dungeons, etc.) it becomes the perfect brain-dead kind of experience to have while listening to a podcast or hanging out in a voice chat with friends.

It's not bad to treat yourself to a mindless button-masher once in a while. I definitely needed one.

- aesthetically pleasing art style
- customization of playable character using different forms
- relatively fun story

-repetitiveness and grindness of having to do 'chore' quests to rank up forms. Especially once hybrid quests (custom form) start.
- gatekeeping by suddenly running out of form quests (e.g. can't get to A rank cause literally no new form quests were given)
- OST is nice but not much variety, tiring to listen to same 3-5 songs
- Dungeons don't seem to have any unique memorable bosses from what I saw in the 6-7 hours that I played.

Overall, good game but maybe more fun and less repetitive playing co-op?


Deus abençoe meu amigo planta por ter me emprestado esse jogo maravilhoso, que foi meu escape mental em muitos dias. Que joguinho carismático, tendo bastante personalidade em vários aspectos, com sua gameplay que consegue se renovar bastante trazendo vários modos de jogar e enfrentar os desafios dos jogos que são na medida é muito gostosinhos de se enfrentar, com uma trilha sonora muito boa e principalmente seu estilo de arte que da um tom muito bom para tudo, foi uma boa experiência que fui jogando durante dias, sem pressa para zerar e mesmo assim mantendo progresso sempre, terminando o ano de uma boa maneira.

This game is the embodiment of dopamine. It starts slow, but the rate at which you acquire new forms with unique abilities and passives during moment-to-moment gameplay is insane. The final key ingredient is that you unlock the mechanic to combine any non-signature abilities and passives to any form early on, and that's when the game truly became amazing for me.

As you might assume, the difficult balance must be broken as hell, and that is where I'm gonna surprise you by saying no. The dungeons in this game present modifiers that push you to craft optimal builds for your forms, despite the numerous options available. This becomes especially important in the new game plus mode, where unique dungeon modifiers present additional challenges. This game's difficulty is impressively well-tuned for how easily it could've broken in half.

The charming visuals and writing that Drinkbox Studios is known for are once again delivered in this game, which I fell in love with when playing Guacamelee for the first time last year. However, I do have one complaint about this game, apart from the slow start. I find it puzzling that your form quests are locked from completing them in the main big dungeons. This decision is something I don't quite understand.

My overall conclusion is that I strongly recommend this game if you are in the mood for a mix of 2D Zelda & Diablo that has carved its own identity that Drinkbox Studios has excellently crafted.

Nobody Saves the World is an ugly cute RPG revolving around transforming into different characters for puzzles and combat.

The gameplay is interesting, with every transformation having different playstyles. Each transformation has its own set of quests you must complete to level them up and unlock more abilities for them. These quests are cool, as not only do they teach you how to play the characters, they encourage you to mix and match abilities with them, letting you experiment with different combat builds.

The dungeons are fine, but they tend to feel the same after a while, even with the different aesthetics and modifications trying to make them unique or challenging.

The story is basic and somewhat predictable, but I think it’s written well enough to not be boring or overbearing. The humor is kinda hit or miss though, as the game’s style of humor isn’t for everyone, and some jokes overstay their welcome a bit.

All in all, a fun game to play in short bursts, or as a quick time killer.

One of the most stilted dungeon crawlers I've ever played, the entire right stick going unused for the transformations while being shoehorned into needing to combo between them to damage any enemies in the first place is mind boggling. Why does it feel like they optimized the game for the SNES pad but put so much extra bullshit on top of that? Why limit basic movement to 8 directions and attacks to 4? It feels needlesly limiting and, to draw comparisons, even Hammerwatch which is going for a far more traditional approach like Gauntlet lets you do 360 analog movement if you wish.

It's like they missed the memo entirely about what makes games like Hammerwatch fun. Shoving a million forms and upgrades in my face with the illusion of freedom and specialization while telling me to use them like RPS to get rid of invulnerability layers on the enemies is a slog.

Game looks like an above average Newgrounds game which is to say at most serviceable, none of the attacks feel weighty and they kind of remind me of the few criticisms I have for Castle Crashers but amplified threefold. Also gorilla warfare copypasta as an unironic quest in 2022 lmfaooo if I wanted lolquirky writing I'd play Borderlands.

The online co-op is serviceable at best but I really really wish they'd have figured out how to do something other than just doing an input buffer delay. I don't care if there's minor visual glitches here and there, please just do rollback or similar lol

Potentially good, the groundwork is there, but feels utterly insincere and like walking around with a pebble in your shoe. At least it's on GamePass amirite?

It started fun, but the grind just became too much as it progressed.

The game is embed with charm and wit, but the humor doesn't always work for me. The fluidity of customizing the forms creates a sizable amount of possibilities for any play style. Griding is a critical part of the game but doesn't encourage repeatedly exploring more than a few dungeons.

Extremamente repetitivo, com um senso de humor besta divertidinho e um sistema de "classes" confuso e meio exagerado.

A mecânica principal do jogo são as formas. Seu personagem pode se transformar em diversas outras criaturas, desde classes de RPG até animais e monstros. Cada forma tem uma habilidade passiva e algumas ativas e eventualmente o jogo permite que você combine essas habilidades e crie umas coisas bem únicas.

Você evolui essas formas completando quests pra cada uma que são umas coisas bem simples. Mate 20 inimigos com essa habilidade, acerte 50 inimigos com essa outra. E isso já faz parte de outro sistema do jogo: você está sempre completando pequenas quests. Mate X inimigos, abra X baús, etc. E isso já apresenta outro problema, porque você sempre precisa abrir um menu e completar individualmente cada quest. Num jogo onde você completa dezenas de quests por hora. Sabe. Um saco.

O maior problema pra mim fica na maneira como o combate funciona, você mata hordas de inimigos e apesar da variedade de golpes e habilidades é tudo extremamente repetitivo.

O overworld é grande e lembra bastante um Zelda da vida pela maneira como ele é disposto. Acho que o jogo é muito bonito e tem muita coisa interessante para se ver mas não tão interessante de se interagir. Na maior parte do tempo você só está andando e destruindo pequenos obstáculos e inimigos. O progresso já fica em dungeons que existem espalhadas pelo mundo. Apesar de cada uma ter um nome, sprites e temática única, a estrutura interna dela é gerada proceduralmente toda vez que você entra nela. E aqui que fica ainda mais chato. Você sempre está correndo por salas genéricas destruindo hordas e mais hordas de monstros iguais.

O ponto mais fraco pra mim fica na OST. Pouquíssima variedade, umas batidas toscas sem muita personalidade e algumas faixas simplesmente irritantes mesmo. Bem triste.

Acho que da pra se divertir com Nobody Saves the World mas eu cansei antes da reta final (acredito que eu parei em uns 60~70% do jogo) e não me importei muito de ver o desfecho da história ou as últimas transformações.

A joyous little game with a fun gameplay loop. Rapidly completing quests and leveling up your various forms is very rewarding. However I found that once I unlocked the final form my interest started to wane. I cared little for the story, as it was a generic save-the-world type of thing. It also occasionally felt like the difficulty curve wasn't very well tuned. It went from hard at the beginning of the game, to easy for most of the mid-late game, and then very difficult in the final dungeons where it suddenly required mastery of the tools at your disposal. I didn't mind that necessarily, but since it aligned with also unlocking the final form, I didn't really feel compelled to keep trying past that point. I still hope to play the DLC one day, the prospect of new forms is exciting.

Clever and charming, Nobody Saves the World runs out of narrative energy by the end. It could have either built up to the final ~3 hours better by including a more substantive plot, or just cut the last 10 or so levels.

Either way, it's a great co-op adventure. Highly recommended to play with a friend or partner.

Superou todas as minhas expectativas, eu não tenho nem 10 horas de jogo e já é um dos melhores jogos que joguei recentemente, valeu muito a pena esperar a promoção por meses.