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in the past

O jogo que apresentou a Lara Croft pra um nova geração. Eu só fui entender o porque de alguns fãs mais antigos não gostarem desse jogo após jogar a franquia quase inteira, só que não como negar a importância que Tomb Raider 2013 teve em criar novos fãs, eu por exemplo só fui atrás de jogos anteriores da serie após essa nova trilogia. Altamente inspirado em Uncharted e thrillers dos anos 2000, Tomb Raider entrega uma jornada de aventura, acão e sobrevivência na temerosa Yamatai e que a cada momento tira seu folego com set pieces que levam a Lara a beira da morte. Mas esse jogo tem diferenças a franquia do fanfarrão Nathan Drake, Tomb Raider é um jogo com uma vibe mais tensa, a atmosfera é mais pesada, com violencia extrema constantemente, eu tenho a impressão que a Crystal Dynamics queria fazer um jogo que passasse a impressão de ser imprevisível, impiedoso e brutal, e em alguns momentos é isso msm, qualquer erro seu bobo pode levar a Lara a morrer da forma mais brutal que vc possa imaginar, só que em muitas partes isso fica exagerado demais e o jogo não deixa respirar quase nunca, e curiosamente a parte onde ele mais brilha é quando ele respira e te coloca pra explorar mapas semi abertos, resolver puzzles, descobrir segredos, ir atrás de recursos materiais, ir atrás de conquistas. A historia é ok e consegue manter uma boa linha entre o “real” e o “sobrenatural”, embora muitos personagens sejam mal aproveitados com 0 desenvolvimento, a gameplay é uncharted mais survival, só que alguns momentos é notável que precisava de mais polimento. Um bom reboot e um bom jogo.

I completely forgot that I played and beat this game in 2013 as I can't remember anything about it besides Lara being impaled by wooden spikes

no adventure, no color, no vitality, no gameplay. an exhausting movie with a dangerously glum outlook on life and set piece button prompts, just hope you're not too checked out to press X to advance the script

jogão dahora demais, é um jogo bem intuitivo, muito bonito, com uma gameplay excelente e uma história de origem bem legal, só que é um pouco estranho a gente começar o jogo sem ter matado nem animal pela primeira vez e no final do jogo a gente tá matando centenas de samurais e a porra toda kk

Took all the lessons learned from the Uncharted series and finally created an Indiana Jones-esque game that gets it right. There are way less shooting galleries with way less bullet sponge enemies to mow down at a time--and unlike the Uncharted franchise the combat is actually fun and allows you to be creative. There is a bigger emphasis on exploring and solving puzzles which was much appreciated. There are also plenty of big cinematic set pieces as you would expect from a game like this. What I think really puts the game on another level compared to Uncharted is a progression system which allows you to tailor Lara's abilities to match your playstyle. This one element adds a depth to the combat that you just don't find in any of the Uncharted games. Lastly Tomb Raiders story puts Uncharted to shame-- Actual character development... WHAT!?!?

PS. At first it may seem unfair to compare this game to the Uncharted series but honestly uncharted 3 came out only 2 years before this game so it's really not as big of a disparity as you'd initially think.

С серией Tomb Raider знаком еще с детства. Но так вышло, что перезапуск 2013 года и последующие части я пропустил. И вот решил наверстать упущенное. Может быть для своего времени игра и была шедевром, но для меня она оказалась достаточно посредственной.
Локации достаточно бледные и скучные, изучать их желания особого нет. Количество загадок сведено к минимуму. Почти единственные места, где нужно подумать - это необязательные гробницы. Обычный игрок их вообще пропустить может. Зато огромный акцент в игре сделан на стрельбе, которая реализовано максимально скучно. И как же достали скрипты! Конечно, встречаются и локации, где вас отправляют свободно все исследовать, но очень часто приходится просто идти/ползти по прямой, а под ногами у Лары будет все взрываться и разрушаться. Иной раз даже понимаешь, что вот сейчас точно что-то произойдет. Второстепенный персонажи скучные (некоторые даже раздражающие), сама Лара просто добрая и на этом все. И при таком количестве минусов есть в игре что-то такое, что заставляет заходить в нее снова и снова, пока не завершишь сюжет. Некоторые кадры поставлены великолепно (Лара, которая выглядывает из лужи крови выглядит офигенно), сама атмосфера чего-то мистического завораживает, да и сама Лара приятно выглядит (хоть, по сути, пустышкой и является). Я не понимаю откуда у журналистов взялись оценки в 9,5, но свои 6-7 баллов игра точно отрабатывает.

Tomb Raider is well-written, sympathetic, exciting, beautiful and just incredibly well-made. The single-player rarely makes a mis-step, and though Lara's quick transformation into a hardened killer seems at odds with the narrative at first, the game quickly moves past it. It is a superb action game that brings a new emotional dimension to one of gaming's most enduring icons, and repositions her alongside Nathan Drake at the top of gaming's action-hero heirarchy.

Desde pequeno gosto muito de obras de aventuras, é uma das minhas favoritas e indiana jones, sempre acabo revisitando os filmes e sempre acabo me divertindo, nos jogos nunca tive muito contato com jogos do gênero, mas um que tinha me marcado e justamente esse. Um novo começo para franquia Tomb Raider , qual nunca tive contato com os antigos , sendo esse um dos meus primeiros contatos com os jogos e na época tinha me apaixonado já de cara , então resolvi visitar a lembrança desse jogo e ver se ainda sua aventura me agradaria e me divertiria novamente, ainda bem que eu não estava enganado, apesar de 10 anos, esse jogo envelheceu muito bem, sendo até hoje muito fluido e muito bonito e que consegue te levar na aventura da Lara Croft ( uma espécie de John wick + Indiana Jones + Kratos), tal como indiana jones, existe pontos aqui que você precisa ativar uma suspensão de descrença ,se tu conseguir te garanto que é diversão garantida.

A terrible game. It symbolizes everything wrong with the modern (2013) game industry. The writing is awful and it's made by torture fetishists so it's really awkward. The gameplay is terrible, there's so many QTE's, the guns have no impact. It's an incredibly boring, unfocused mess.

The game is written so poorly that Lara's "badass moments" are entirely undeserved and almost insulting in how they hit you over the head with them. She starts out as a uwu softe girl who can barely do anything then at the end she's heckling people as she's shooting them. And I have to ask why? How? What happened to her to make this change? It certainly can't be how many people she's killed, because she's been doing that since the start of the game. The disconnect between story Lara and gameplay Lara is atrocious. Why is there a survival mechanic, where Lara has to get food, that disappears literally the second you kill a deer and then never appears ever again? Why are there berries to pick that give you 10 exp? Why are there random animals to kill?

The writing is so bad that it's honestly insulting. The puzzles are insulting, if they're even there. Tombs are made up of the most barebones "puzzles" ever conceived by man and what do you get out of it? 250 money, I mean scrap, I mean salvage. There's no reward for exploration or doing anything.
You only get the currency you get by doing literally anything in the game. Imagine if in Dark Souls you open a chest and you only get souls, not even an item to save them for later, but literally just currency. Also you can't skip the tediously long tomb chest opening animation. There's LITERALLY TREASURE PHYSICALLY in the chests and all you get is salvage. It's a joke.

The game speaks down to you like a child through overexplaining of basic concepts (Lara sees a bow, "That bow, I could use that bow! I need to find a way to get that bow."). If a game has a button that highlights all usable objects / tells you where to go, that means the devs fucked up.

It's actually incredibly racist despite how it's a "feminist" game. You have the Spiritual Aboriginal Guy who's also fat and half his dialogue is about food. You have the Angry Black Woman who is angry. Why is she angry? Who knows! But then she stops being angry during the last hour of the game for some reason. You have the Cowardly White Guy who only cares about his career I guess and betrays everyone despite being the only reasonable one here. I mean, who are you going to listen to in this situation? The people who've captured you and will kill you if you don't listen to them or your colleague who just so happens to be stronger than god and can kill everyone (no one knew about this before)? The only good character was Roth cause he was voiced by Robin Atkin Downes so it was nice to hear Kaz Miller again (this is the only reason why he's the only good character).

The fact that 95% of the enemies are random white guys who formed a cult who I think are supposed to be Russian (one of them is named Nicolai, and two others have Russian names but I forgot what they were) yet have thick American accents despite the entire game taking place on a Japanese island. The fact that these white dudes formed a cult around a Japanese princess and then the first Japanese women they meet just so happens to be a descendant of the princess just seems so weird and contrived and kinda racist.

The environments are so goddamn ugly and colours are washed out and are mostly varying shades of grey and brown. 20% of the game takes place in a self-described shantytown. Why are we here? Are we not supposed to be on a Japanese island? Why is the palace section 20 minutes long and then it's on fire and you never return there? A real missed opportunity for anyone who likes to look at things.

All those reviewers from 2013 who gave the game "critical acclaim" should listen to the black man with the lightning.

What a waste of time.

A dark and brutal tale of a lone survivor.
This is a fascinating Tomb Raider origin story, even though I was never really interested in these games, I now consider myself a fan of the Tomb Raider franchise.

The gameplay is great, many tools to use and weaponry to unlock, combat is fast and fluid, climbing is fun and the puzzles are decent.

The Tombs are cool for the most part but unfortunately there aren't many of them. However, there are some open world elements, you can explore the island for secrets and collectibles, which I enjoyed.

Now the plot, it's just mediocre. It has some fantastic action-oriented moments, but for most of the time I didn't find myself attached to the story or the characters, and I didn't like the main villain.

Also there are way too many Quick Time Events, and combined with the linear main story, there's no replay-ability, some sections are straight up exhausting to go through.

Lara Croft carries this game, she is an exceptional female protagonist and goes though some messed up things, and she's easily the highlight of the game.

Final Rating: "Good" ~ 7/10.

#1 childhood game, this girl is THE icon. honestly wish i was her.

"The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are."

Was very excited to play this. Didn't take long for that excitement to turn into desperation for the game to just end. Very bad voice acting, terrible story, and gameplay that tries everything yet does well at nothing. I'll try the sequels eventually, but the trilogy is not off to a good start.

Lara Croft is a young adventurer from London that embarks on a journey to do the things brits love the most: invade territories in other continents, exterminate the local population and steal their belongings.

And, just like the UK, it's also really bad.

With the difficult project of a reboot for a legendary franchise, Crystal Dynamics have tried to keep the variety of elements of Tomb Raider, with the approach of modern TPS. On the face of it, the idea is interesting enough and the pitch catchy, but numerous problems punctuate the title. Several dichotomies are palpable: between the ruthless Lara in battle and the more naive and fragile Lara in the cinematics, there is a surprising chasm. In the same way, the game is particularly focused on action and fails to make you want to get interested in the side objectives, especially the tombs, where the puzzles are centred. The hunt for collectibles is also uninteresting, despite the certain necessity to find the notebooks to better understand what's going on on this island; this poses a problem for the development of our crew's characters, since the notebooks prevent them from being fleshed out in the main narrative. Sometimes too repetitive, sometimes long, sometimes boring, we still reach the end of the title, suffering with Lara. Tomb Raider (2013) appears to be an attempt with an interesting idea, but a cruelly shaky execution.

Esse jogo me pegou de surpresa, nunca tinha ouvido falar dele, mas quando fui apresentado a essa franquia eu amei todos os jogos e esse tenho um carinho maior, justamente por ser o primeiro e me impressionar.

Fast-food of video games. A competent but ultimately very safe reboot of a beloved franchise that does everything ok, but never stands out.

For an action-adventure-collectathon game it never really does any of those things particularly well. As an action game it's fairly mediocre with very few enemy types and really easy enemies. Most of the game you will just fight Men (somethimes Men will have Shields), with a rare Boss who also acts just like A Man but has more health. The first level of Tomb Raider 1996 had better enemy variety with bats, wolves, and a bear, and while the game starts on a survival note with a few wolves stalking you, it ultimately goes to human enemies and never comes back.

The adventure part of the game is probably the best thing about it. The game is divided into one-time corridor action sequences and bigger "levels" you can return to which contain a multitude of secrets. The set-pieces are gorgeous and very cinematic, but I wonder what I'd feel replaying this game. Even on the first time the amount of times you just hold W and jump sometimes was overblown, and I can't imagine those scenes feel much better the second time around.

Collectathon parts are very underbaked. Not only do most items you collect fade into the background and are hard to notice unless you mash the "Lara vision", but in each location the game gives up on secrets whenever you find a "Secret Tomb". I use the game's wording here, but none of the optional tombs are secret. They are the most obvious things, contain a single Half-Life 2 tier puzzle, and give you out a full map of the area.

The game has a lot of moments like that where it gives you the option of being less frustrating. Throughout the game everything gives you exp which you spend on some of the most boring options imaginable. Do you want to get slightly more exp or make the game less dull is effectively your only choice at any point. Weapon upgrades are a little nicer, but the RPG system feels like a bandaid on a flawed game that's designed to give you good number up chemicals.

The story is fairly boring and only makes me wish the game had more weird enemies in it, because if you were to skip all the cutscenes nothing would stand out as strange up until the final area which has magic happening. No t-rexes here.

Lara as a protagonist is also extremely boring, which I assume is why the game tortures her on every opportunity. Sorry, doesn't really work on me, just because she's a sick puppy who gets eaten and pierced every 2 seconds doesn't make me like her more.

I still would say I've enjoyed my time with Tomb Raider. It's got some great set-pieces and wonderful-looking levels, and the shooting and climbing around can be fun. However just because it's not a bad game doesn't mean it's any good. I probably won't return to it and I've got no desire to check out the sequels.

my original review for this was "needs less guncharted and more funcharted", but actually, this should've just never come into existence. holy hell, this game is the most cynical thing i've played in ages.

i guess let's start with the obvious comparison: uncharted. this game is aping uncharted so hard it borders on plagiarism. uncharted isn't a perfect gameplay formula, but it works because it has likeable (for the most part) characters and occasionally even has good dialogue. i actually tend to care about what happens to the characters in uncharted games and more on how they interact with each other and banter. i'm not even particularly passionate about uncharted as a series, but it at least nails the very basic concept of "make the audience interested in the cast". nathan drake is well defined and has clear motives! i know who he is, i can describe him. with that in mind, describe lara croft in this game. here are the things i parsed out across my most recent playthrough: she cares about her crewmates, she feels guilty when someone dies, and she has a dead dad. i could describe the supporting cast in about as many if not less qualities. i'm not looking for dickensian level characters here, but you really need something for players to attach to.

but no, reboot lara has to be an icon because she's lara croft, one of the most iconic characters in video games. she's not only an adventuring go-getting wealthy dual pistol wielding thrill-seeker, but she's a GIRL. so much of this game feels like that one meme that's like "normal couple, yaoi couple, yuri couple. i see no difference, love is love!" but with gender here. i guess now lara croft is just nathan drake but with stripped away personality traits and an informed sense of "you're bringing everyone you know into danger and killing them", except she doesn't really react or change at all because of this. no, lara croft can't just be lara croft, she has to be already popular male character in every way, down to the informed character arc. so much of her characterization is just informed. she is intelligent, sure, but i don't get any sense of her having an out of control adventurous personality that so much of the dialogue tries to sell me on. she strikes me as having a very tepid and tame personality, which doesn't work for the premise, the setting, the IP, or the character.

i wouldn't MIND it as much if they didn't also go for the katniss everdeen hunger games route of making lara's signature weapon be a bow. there's even a completely extraneous aesthetic of survivalism that exists for quite literally one part where you have to kill a deer and then the idea of lara being hungry and having to survive off of the land and wildlife just disappears from the game conceptually. i think what makes this whole thing not work is that it lacks so much confidence in who lara croft is as a character and icon that they have to melt her down into a pastiche of other popular ideas of the time that she loses all individuality. again, lara croft isn't good enough just being lara croft, she has to be so many more things. this is where the cynicism comes into play; tomb raider got a reboot because it could garner money off of brand recognition and because it'd be easy to make an uncharted knock-off with that series' formula. it's truly ironic that nathan drake started as the lara croft knockoff, only for this game to happen.

another aspect that kills this for me is that the game seems to have the idea of girl power and feminism but then is wholly playing towards male crowds. i know lara croft is known as a sex symbol to many gamers, but it deflates all sense of empowerment to have ass and tit shots of her. and it feels as though so much of the game is dedicated to her either getting abducted, being thrown around like a ragdoll by the entire world, or just generally being victimized by the men in the world. it's been a while so you could be forgiven for forgetting, but within the first like 20 minutes a dude tries to rape her. was this necessary? did we need to be reminded of lara croft's femininity and girl power by constantly showing it juxtaposed as the victim of masculinity? is it not enough that she could just be a woman who likes to go on adventures? did we really need her to be put in those excessively gory QTE failure states like getting impaled through the head? of course we did. male gamers need to be comforted above all else, and we need to undercut lara's power and strength as a woman by reminding the audience how easily it evaporates at every turn. it is not enough for her to be capable of great violence, she has to be subject to just as much if not more violence for masculinity and men to be sated. a friend described this game to me as "the most misogynist feminist game i've ever played" and he was spot on.

i think if we ignore all the cultural iconography and baggage that comes associated with this game having the tomb raider IP attached to it, it's just not very good. the combat is bog-standard and nothing special, exploration feels extremely limited, the story is barely written, and the set-pieces are parody. my favorite part is when you're running through the bad guy hideout that is inexplicably now exploding because the game needed a level that was full of explosions and it all just feels incredibly difficult to take seriously. someone had to be in on the joke with this when that level ends with lara pointing a gun at a pilot telling him to land and his only response is "fuck, you're crazy!".

i just feel so bad for everyone who worked on this game. you really get the sense that people were passionate about bringing new life to the tomb raider ip and portraying lara croft in this new way, but they were just hopelessly misguided. it does strike me as a "the call is coming from inside the house" moment when you have lara fairly early into the game say "i hate tombs". and having tombs themselves be a complete extraneous afterthought in terms of gameplay too just feels so oblivious to what type of game this should've been. how do you knowingly decide to separate lara croft from tombs and make her show revulsion to the concept of exploring them when it's her namesake? it feels like there was this pure disdain for what tomb raider was, yet they still tried to make a new one.

i'm sure the publisher, square enix, was making a lot of decisions on what this game was to be as well, because square enix is the devil, but there's still a sincerity in this game that feels pitiful, pathetic almost. i look at this game and i see a mountain of effort and work hours that i probably could not begin to understand without several years worth of education and training and experience. and all i can go is "this game is terrible, try again".

there's probably a 2.5/5.0 game here, hell maybe even a 3.0/5.0 game, but i keep getting stuck on the fact that this is a tomb raider game. cards on the table, i've finished no tomb raider games, only played a very small portion of the first one, and i still feel this is in many ways a bastardization of what tomb raider was and what it meant to so many people. on release, my ex was playing this game and i was watching her. she had such a fondness for the original games because she grew up with them. i remember watching her beat it and asking her what she thought and she said "it's okay. it's just different. it's not a tomb raider game.".

edit as of 12/16/23: no one asked nor likely cares but to "validate" this review somewhat, this game being so bad motivated me to play the original TR games. i've enjoyed them far more than what was offered here. in particular, i find the first tomb raider to be a landmark game that absolutely anyone should play if they care about games that changed the landscape of gaming and/or want an atmospheric experience with tight controls. for as many negative things as i had to say about this entry, i think the originals are 100% worth your time.

empty repetitive spectacle crossed with a french extremity/torture porn sensationalism that never clicks into place one way or the other. Lara Croft's design feels very inspired by The Descent, down to a copycat scene where she literally rises out of water drenched in blood.

those horror elements makes for an interesting set dressing, especially in comparison to the lightweight, frolicking Indiana Jones inspired adventuring in the Uncharted series. gone is a quest for treasure. welcomed marooned on an island of supernatural worshiping Russian pirates. when Lara has to kill her first man, there's a compelling dramatic weight to the moment. but the game does nothing with that, says nothing about it. quickly moves on and sets her on a bloodthirsty, revenge-seeking rampage that would make 80s Schwarzenegger jealous.

the quick turn to action doesn't bother me. i can accept it as a convention of the genre. i just don't think this game pulls it off very well nor infuses it with the horror very well. it is a very paper thin game with no real concrete base. at least in the Uncharted games there is some characterization, some dialogue and banter and quiet moments between all the action. the game gives something to care about. and i guess i can accept straight action and a thrilling non-stop tension but i can only watch Lara fall off a ledge and not break any bones so many times before I grow incessantly bored with the trick.

i also think, you know in film, with horror specifically, there's a tactility to everything that brings it to life. in a game where every movement is carefully designed and manufactured, there's something extra gross about watching them animate this character into moments where she's constantly being impaled, or threatened with assault... there's like no humanity to it. but you know as a movie this would only be 2 hours long not like 7. i would rather have watched either the Angelina Jolie or Alicia Vikander Tomb Raider movies on repeat all day than have played this really. at least one has a shirtless Daniel Craig in it.

What's up with all these games like Tomb Raider and Uncharted having infinite amounts of breakable objects? Any ledge or wall you merely touch is bound to crumble like a month-old bread loaf, which is fine from an action standpoint, but is it that realistic?

I mentioned Uncharted, and yeah this is Uncharted but you get to see a woman's ass instead, and I like it and prefer it. Wait, maybe that's why I like : a lost legacy (2017) so much...

Anyhow, there's really nothing to complain about. Puzzles are good, short, and sweet. The action can be a bit over the top with things exploding and breaking at pretty much all times.
It has some very forgiving gunplay since you can spray as much as possible without ever running out of ammo.

Tomb Raider (2013) is overall a really fun and straightforward game with the stuff to expect.

The Story was awesome but the PC-Version had many Bugs sadly. Need to play the Consoleversion in the Future

A Reboot done right! Well mostly.

Tomb Raider (2013) is a full-on Reboot of the classic Tomb Raider franchise and serves as the origin story for Lara Croft on her first real adventure on the lost island of Yamati in the middle of the Dragons Triangle.

Gameplay: This is a 3rd person shooter, action thriller game with a semi open world map. The game follows Lara as she is shipwrecked on this mysterious island with her friends and fellow explorers. The gameplay has some Stealth elements but switches between high paced action and puzzle solving. The Puzzles involve a lot of climbing and platforming to find or move switches and platforms, explore environments to figure out how to get from point A to point B and collect artifacts, collectibles and upgrades. All of the gameplay and combat is pretty fluent and satisfying though I will say a few of the areas and puzzles I had to Google to figure out. Most of the gameplay involves you fighting enemies with guns, undead creatures and animals. Speaking of animals, there is a hunting mechanic in this game where you can hunt animals like deer and wolves for materials and then go to one of the many firepit locations around the map and save, craft gear and upgrades. The map is mostly linear but there is a back tracking and open world element to the Island which allows you to go back and solve puzzles you could not figure out before. The whole gameplay loop is pretty solid and fits in well with the idea of what Tomb Raider was all about and is probably the most successful element to this reboot.

Graphics, Voice acting & Music: This game graphically looked great for 2013 and still doesn’t look half bad at all in today’s day and age. The environments all look and feel very realistic and spooky with ancient caves, a shanty town made out of shipwrecks and the large cave and mountainous regions all fit well with the theme. The new cast of characters all sound fantastic, Voice acting from everyone around the board is smooth and give great performances though I will say a few of the NPC enemies have the same voice from time to time and I wanna say whoever that voice is also voiced Cyborg in Teen Titans but I could be wrong just sounds a lot like him. The music and environmental themes are all pretty great but also isn’t anything too amazing either, but it certainly fits and gets the job done.

Story/ Minor spoilers: The story is another fairly strong point for this reboot as it sets up this universe and gives us a more realistic version of Lara Croft. What they did here reminds me of how the Resident Evil Remakes changed those characters. We see a human and not over sexualized version of Lara and I know a lot of people didn’t like this approach and I am usually against making changes like this, but I actually found this version of Lara great and really didn’t have an issue with it at all. Lara is younger and less experienced here and I could totally see them doing an adult Lara trilogy where she is the dual gun slinging Lara people are used to in time. Basically, in this story we see Lara and her colleague exploring this mysterious island with savage and crazed survivors, mysterious ghostly ruins and undead phantoms of ancient Samuri and the inclusion of an unsolved mystery involving a sun queen and a supposed curse. All interesting stuff that I think worked super well for what it was. I don’t want to spoil anything about the story because it was all pretty solid and works well. Overall, I really loved this reboot, had great gameplay, a fresh take on Lara, good characters (for the most part, some of the side characters were a little one dimensional and cringe but they don’t take up too much plot for it to be a problem for me) and a good map and story, lots of replay value. It’s not a perfect game and I know this is a version of Lara that’s a bit more grounded, but I personally found it very enjoyable. 8.5/10

La mujer mas desafortunada que he visto.
Es que le pasa de todo a esta señora.

continua lindo e incrível como sempre

a experiência definitiva de um jogo de ação e aventura, com toda a certeza do mundo.
a gameplay é absurda de boa tendo diversas formas de explorar o mundo, puzzles bem legais e bem intuitivos que dão vontade de terminar e seguir a história, combates impecáveis com armas de fogo, machadinha e um arco e flecha que é o meu preferido. achei o final muito legal e só o que não curto é mundo aberto que não é um dos meus estilos favoritos, fora isso é muito foda.

The only way for this game to be perfect would be if the writers had allowed Lara to kiss Sam as the rainbow shone down on them.

What if Tomb Raider ripped off Uncharted after Uncharted ripped off Tomb Raider?

Diferente do que eu esperava gostei bastante desse jogo, você tem que jogar isso relevando algumas coisas por que tá LOTADO de conveniências, mas é bastante divertido. O jogo é graficamente lindo (a Lara é gostosa), os set pieces são muito bem executados, o combate é bem divertido, a gameplay no entanto trás algumas incongruências narrativas e os puzzles são um completo disperdício, a história não é lá essas coisas, mas como o principal objetivo é mostrar uma história de origem da Lara, é razoável.

I haven't played a Tomb Raider game since the third one of the original franchise came out. I didn't experience the 1998 one, my dad emulated the game around 2009 and we had a blast going through the levels (even if they were super outdated by that year standard). However, after we finished it I was never drawn back into this franchise at all until very recently. As some of you may know, Epic Game gave away the 3 latest additions to Lara Croft's adventures: Tomb Raider (2013), Rise of the Tomb Raider (2015) and finally Shadow of the Tomb Raider (2018). All of them were developed by Crystal Dynamics, the guys that made Gex back in the 90's and more recently The Avengers game. I don't really like their style, it seems to be that they handle their business out of money but no for passion.They are always after the latets trend like a videogame mascot during the years they developed Gex and the "game as a service model" that they handled with their latest super hero game. So I firmly believe that the same can be applied to this entry.
Tomb Raider was published in 2013, during the early to mid 2010 all of the well known franchises were turning into a dark and serious reboot or sequel like Halo Reach, Dante's Inferno or even Prince of Persia. So, once again I strongly believe that the developer was chasing trends with this particular game. However, What do I think about the experience as a whole and on it's own?
First of all the story is the main issue I have with the experience, I literally just remember the last few details of it due to how insane it turns out to be. Other than that I just remember Lara's and Kimikos name. The antagonist only shows up four a couple of scenes and at the end you kill him on a quick time event, so there's nothing special to say about the story.
The gameplay is kind of stiff compared to games that came out that year like The Last of Us or Bioshock Infinite. I guess they are a little bit similar, now that i think about it. It seems that they took a lot of inspiration from the Uncharted series because almost all of the scripted action events were chaotic and explosive, also the climbing sections were an Inspiration for Uncharted 4.
Nonetheless, Tomb Raider wasn't that big of a deal, I really enjoyed how insane the ending turns out to be but they began with a mediocre and uninspiring reboot that somehow generated more than 4 million copies sold across the world.