Reviews from

in the past

We adore grappling hooks in this house

They turned Marx into a fucking liberal

“What’s this Greenie, Assassin Christmas?”

At last, I have arrived at the final AC game that I played, Mr. Syndicate.

Was really meh on this one when it came out and honestly, I think the circumstances surrounding me at the time really affected how I perceived it. It’s pretty cute and harmless, definitely like it more than Unity which is quite shocking since for years I been putting Unity over it.

This is gonna be a quick one because I really don’t have that much to say.

Syndicate is a pretty big departure from previous AC games, mainly in tone. It’s really goofy, whimsical and over the top which is the main issue most hardcore AC fans have with it. I’m perfectly fine with the different tone but I wish the more philosophical aspects of the series weren’t mostly absent since this is a setting and story that’d definitely benefit from having way more of that but it’s fine.

The plot is really REALLY simple and easy to follow which again I was fine with because the characters that move it are really charming and charismatic. The actual story if you break it down is literally just “Frye twins go to London and kill every single evil templar that rules the city”. The meat is the colorful cast of characters and I do think that meat is pretty well seasoned. I really like Jacob which is a controversial opinion in the fanbase I guess but he’s funni moments and I like it. Evie is cool too although her constant yapping about the piece of eden does get a bit annoying at times. The dynamic between them and the dual protagonist gimmick works pretty well, they bounce off each other nicely. The supporting cast is really strong with Henry and Abberline being probably my favorites. The templars are also pretty fun, lot of charisma and great performances, especially from Pearl and Roth. The main villain Crawford Starrick is a fucking goofball so he’s charming for that, literal fucking moustache twirling tea sipper british man.

London is a fantastic open world, really well designed and gorgeous to traverse. Lots of stuff to do with a pretty satisfying progression system.

Gameplay is a weird case. They basically brought back the movement from Unity but for some insane reason took out the jump button which effectively makes Parkour 300% times worse, really bad call. The grappling hook basically takes away any need for climbing which is definitely not a good idea to pull in your ASSASSIN’S CREED GAME but alas, at least the zipline is fun. The combat is fine. It’s Batman Arkham. Definitely a less interesting system than Unity’s but it works. Everything feels faster than in Unity which I appreciate but overall, pretty good gameplay but a mixed bag when it comes to the stuff that was changed from last game.

The OST is terrific, lot of it is ambience but that shit sounds immaculate and really sells the whole whimsical vibe of the game.

Overall... yeah, kinda don’t have much to say. Game is gud and I like it, that's the review. Fun time even if that classic AC depth is missing. A very distinct game in the series that gets criticized unfairly a lot just for trying to do its own thing.

o que fizeram com meu mano marcos

Arkham's creed: Peacky Blinders

well it was mediocre but fun to play

+Outfits are pretty COOL
+i love both jacop and evie
+london designed pretty
+you can kill brits
+you can also kill woman soldiers
+ww1 missions makes me excite bout ww1 ac which won't release(i wish they were not so repetitive)
+jack the ripper dlc was one of the best ac content
+ combat finisher animations are also cool like in the AC III

-evie dating with henry greene
-jacop is bi
-eventhough graphics are almost same with unity, it has high system requirements...(also there are frame rate issues in some places)
- it is sooo repetitive(especially side quests)
- it doesn't add anything new to the series, it's just assassin's creed (everything added in this game is a different skin of the tools we used in the previous games)
- story is not so interesting

Infelizmente joguei este jogo muitos e muitos anos depois do lançamento, AC está morto e essa fórmula antiga da Ubisoft envelheceu que nem leite. Impossível aguentar mais do que 1h de gameplay sem gorfar com a quantidade de coisa num mapa ou sistema muito antigo de se jogar.

Felizmente, o gancho até que diverte e a ambientação na revolução industrial é interessante.

Playing AC Syndicate felt like watching a TV show I used to enjoy which should’ve been wrapped up a few seasons ago. There are elements here which have promise, but they are bogged down in a sea of mediocrity.

Starting with the good, visually London is a fantastic location full of memorable landmarks. These landmarks, ranging from theatres to Buckingham Palace, make for great stealth playgrounds in the assassination missions. Stealth is fantastic with open ended encounters and plenty of tools at your disposal, even if the game can be a bit too hand holdy at points. Another high point is the combat animations, with the brutality and fluidity of finishers being really impressive. Unfortunately, the combat looks a lot better than it plays. The combat system is very simple and involves too much button mashing. This is a big problem given how much the game leans on combat with its focus on gang warfare. The gang system itself is quite interesting, with the upgrade system being rewarding, but it just feels a bit lifeless and generic.

Speaking of lifeless and generic, Syndicate’s mission design, other than the assassinations at the end of every chapter, is poor. The pacing is inconsistent, and the game feels padded with unnecessary content in some places. This is particularly prevalent in the ridiculous amount of side content and collectables. There are a few decent missions in there, but the majority aren’t enjoyable and are copied and pasted many times at different locations on the map. Moreover, there is a lot of traversal to get to missions, and London is not well designed for the trademark Assassin’s Creed parkour, with wide streets that take an age to cross. The rope launcher and carriages try to mitigate this, but neither feels that fun to use.

Syndicate’s story is pretty woeful. Evie and the main villain are decent characters, but I did not connect at all with the rest of the cast and famous historical figures. The writing isn’t good and can even be cringey at times. The ending is a real anti-climax and the journey to get there was forgettable.

Overall, I was disappointed with AC Syndicate. I had some fun with its stealth gameplay, but the sub-par combat system, story and traversal, not to mention the numerous glitches, really tarnished my experience.

2015 Ranked

I have fond memories of this one as it feels very black flag in tone. Very over the top and looking to entertain above anything else. It's funny but when these games focus on the unique aspects of their time periods over being an assassin's creed game I find them very appealing.

Sempre ignorei Assassin's Creed porque não me acertei a jogar os primeiros lá no Xbox 360. Mas como sou apaixonado pelo cenário de Londres Vitoriana acabei dando uma chance e ainda bem que dei.

O jogo é muito divertido, achei os personagens super carismáticos e o mundo dele é de encher os olhos, eu simplesmente fiquei horas só dando voltas pelas ruas de tão bonitas que achei. Gostei do combate, das missões e gosto de como eles usam a história da irmandade dos assassinos sempre estar intrincada com a história da humanidade. Tipo a Evie ter ajudado o Graham Bell com a invenção do telefone.

Eu daria cinco estrelas, mas infelizmente o padrão Ubisoft se repete aqui e por várias vezes eu vi uns bugs no jogo. E bugs bem feios: inteligência artificial desligando, personagem sumindo, cenário flickando, alguns movimentos sendo realizados de forma errada. E muitas vezes esses bugs me fizeram perder ou ter que reiniciar missões.

Mas, tirando isso, eu adorei e agora vou começar a jogar os outros também pra ver o que eu deixei pra trás por bobagem de moleque que não soube jogar os antigos.

I am not a hater by design, and have liked Assassin’s Creed games in the past. III was fun and IV is damn close to Pirate Red Dead Redemption (I stayed up till 5am beating it one morning). I have the capacity to love these games for sure, and I want to play the original AC, the IIs and Rogue someday. But Syndicate ain’t it man.

Syndicate is the video game equivalent of eating packing peanuts. The whole game boils down to using L3 to scan the environment, tag everything, gain altitude, pick guys off two at a time, and repeat. I hit a wall where it wanted me to be Level 6 or something and I was Level 4 so I went from enemies going down easily to getting my ass handed to me in two hits. All the new (at least post-Unity) AC games have this thing where instead of having a gradual leveling curve, it just spikes and forces you to either grind out repetitive side content for a number of hours or pay for microtransactions. I got this game for $6, just let me play 7-8 hours of story missions and uninstall it.

I wouldn’t mind the bizarre level spikes (lord knows Yakuza 7, the goat, has one), but the story here is likewise basically nothing. Cutscenes and story are rushed in a matter of seconds such that by the time you’re locked in and focused the scene has already ended. I also, and forgive me for this, hate the present day baggage. I love all three Watch Dogs games to varying degrees because it bails on all the baggage from the AC series and just gives you cool fun stuff to do (even Legion I thought was great).

As for the story I did stick around for, it’s fine? It’s dumb and barely there, and feels like it was written by 1,000 different people. It feels stale in the way Ubisoft games have a tendency to sometimes. I think I would be more interested in the Assassin’s Templar stuff if it didn’t feel so simple and dull. I feel like I remember ACIII/IV doing the history stuff AND conspiring stuff way better.

But all in all, this game feels like eating air. I could go back due to the 45GB commitment on my Steam Deck but I might not.

This review contains spoilers

Story and Characters
-Evie and Jacob Frye are the two main characters of the game and they are decent enough protagonists although they are both fairly one note. Evie is focused on getting the Isu artifact to stop the Templars and Jacob wants to grow his gang and fight the Templars more directly. They are both decent characters, but neither of them really stand out as being particularly interesting. They have some decent banter between the two of them, but they are separated for most of the game and rarely do missions together so we don’t get to see them interact enough.
-The story is quite basic and really just consists of the standard Assassin’s Creed format. There are Templars who are bad and they need to be taken care of which will inevitably lead to a lot of assassinations and a couple betrayals here and there. For the most part, it works fine and allows for the fun gameplay to shine, especially in the assassination missions, but the story never does anything particularly exciting or memorable. Most of the side characters who you meet throughout the game are rather basic as well and while it is fun to interact with some real historical figures, the villains and your allies are all kind of bland.
-The main villain in the game, a Templar named Crawford Starrick, is rarely in the game and just pops up at the end of each sequence to say something that is supposed to sound insightful or shoot one of his own men for interrupting his piano playing. By the time you get to the final battle, it doesn’t feel particularly earned because we have really never seen the protagonists interact with the main villain of the story. His motivations are also very unclear and he seems like he is bad just for the sake of being bad.

-The gameplay is the biggest strength of AC Syndicate as the stealth gameplay feels very good and works well and the combat is also fast paced and enjoyable. The addition of the grapple makes traversal even more enjoyable and also allows you to perform stealth takedowns from the air which is cool. The stealth is really helped also by the tools you have. Smoke bombs and knives were my favorites and I also really appreciated that when you get spotted by a guard, not everyone instantly knows where you are, which is a pet peeve of mine in some games.
-The assassination missions are definitely a highlight here and it seems they took the formula from Unity and improved upon it. The missions have several different ways to approach them and the locations are all very fun and different from one another. You go to an asylum, a train station, the Tower of London and a high-class theater and they were all a lot of fun.
-They added the ability to dodge when someone is about to shoot at you which is something I really appreciated as the lack of that was an issue I had with Unity.
-The parkour still feels really good and while I used the grapple a lot to get around, climbing was still a viable option. The addition of carriages was also another fun way to navigate the city as London is very large and it is nice to have more options for traveling the map. The carriages were also fun to use in missions as you could fight on top of them or ram enemy carriages to take out people who were chasing you.
-The game also has a very good skill tree that allows you to upgrade both Jacob and Evie separately. It works well because you feel like you are getting stronger as you play and it is fun to use the new skills as you unlock them.

Side Content
-The side content in this game is actually pretty good for the most part, if a little repetitive in certain areas. There are a lot of side quests you can do for your different companions in the city and they all have different types of missions. My favorites were doing missions with Charles Dickens that usually involved tracking down some sort of supposed supernatural phenomenon.
-There are also many map clearing objectives to help take control of the city from the enemy gang and these consist of missions where you assassinate a target, free children from factories and kidnap targets from enemy territory. They are all pretty fun and while they are very similar, I enjoyed clearing the map and doing the side content.
-There are also a lot of little collectibles like beer bottles and animus anomalies and I am less of a fan of those as they don’t really give any rewards besides some XP and maybe something if you collect all of them.

World/Level Design
-London is a really well designed city and a good size for an Assassin’s Creed game. The Victorian setting works very well and gives the game a unique feel from all of the previous titles. The landmarks in the game are recreated very well and were fun to explore. The Thames River was also a fun addition as a minor complaint I had with Unity was that the Seine River was very empty and lacked any boats sailing around. Syndicate definitely rectifies that by having the Thames loaded with boat traffic that was fun to navigate.
-A minor complaint as it fits the setting and the carriages, but London itself feels a bit less dense and lively than Unity’s Paris. That isn’t to say the game is empty as there are plenty of people traveling around the city and the parks have a lot of people engaged in a large variety of activities, but the city just doesn’t feel as cramped as Paris did. Part of this may also be that it feels there are less interiors to go inside of in this game. Not a large complaint, but I do feel like something about London is less enticing to explore than Unity’s Paris, but that is largely just personal preference.

Graphics, Music and Glitches
-The graphics still hold up very well for a game that came out in 2015. The environments are very detailed and at night especially, the lighting from the street lamps reflecting off of the puddled streets looks great. The facial animations also hold up very well and the character models all look very good.
-The music in the game, as with almost every Assassin’s Creed game, is phenomenal. The soundtrack really stood out to me in this game because it sounds so different from the other AC titles and they really were able to capture the Victorian era very well. It was cool to hear Christian hymns like “Abide with Me” used as synchronization music as it really suited the period and again, sounds very different from any other AC game. If you hear a track from Syndicate, you will likely be able to pick it out fairly quickly.
-Glitches were a slight negative towards this game as I encountered a few while I played that became rather frustrating. In one glitch, I had failed a mission because a carriage I was tailing got too far away. When I respawned, I was in an area that was surrounded by enemies and for some reason, I would keep instantly failing the mission even if I wasn’t spotted. So I had to restart the mission from the beginning to fix it. Another glitch I had was when I needed to clear a group of enemies to finish a mission, but the enemies didn’t spawn in so I had to restart the mission. So no major bugs, but a couple that were worth mentioning.

Main Positives of the Game
-The gameplay is some of the best in the series and has probably my favorite stealth sections in any AC game pre-Origins. It feels responsive, you have a good amount of tools and the missions are designed very well for stealth to be a lot of fun. The combat also works well and is challenging enough in big groups without becoming too difficult and it still looks quite cinematic. There are some great finishers for both Jacob and Evie and the different weapons that you can use.
-London is a cool setting and the Victorian era works very well for an Assassin’s Creed game. It is much more modern than the other games and honestly, probably as modern as I would want the series to go, but it is still a cool era in history and old enough that the gameplay works well in that world.
-I think the skill tree was a big improvement from Unity and I liked the way the two siblings had different strengths and could be upgraded separately. The gang upgrades were also very nice.
-The train being the hideout was sweet and something that is again very unique from the other AC games.
-Great soundtrack that matched the setting perfectly.
-Probably a hot take, but I much preferred this modern day to many of the other games. It is there enough to remind us that we are playing the game all in a simulation, but it isn’t constantly forcing us to walk around with a tablet or running around some tomb with characters that aren’t that interesting.

Main Negatives of the Game
-The story is rather weak and doesn’t ever do anything particularly surprising or interesting. There are no real surprises and everything plays out exactly as you think it would.
-The characters are fine for the most part, but they don’t really have any depth or any meaningful character arcs. The main villain probably gets the worst of it as he doesn’t even interact with the main characters until basically the last mission of the game. He is very one note and his motivations are kinda unclear.
-London is a cool city, but it feels less dense than Paris did and the districts don’t feel quite as distinct as I would have liked.
-Some minor complaints:
1) There are times when you accept a mission on the train and you then have to travel to where your objective is, which may be on the other side of the city and there is no fast travel.
2) The final boss fight is kinda silly, with Jacob and Evie taking turns being thrown away from the villain so they can crawl back to try and save their sibling.
3) Some bugs that forced me to restart the mission because I couldn't complete the objective.

Overall Score: 8/10


Sometimes fun sometimes not. Parkour has been downgraded and London isn't as pretty as Paris or as detailed. It's a passable game but I can see why this stopped being a yearly franchise after this, the music is great though.

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate is the most fun I’ve had with an Assassin’s game since Black Flag. In fact, I liked it more. Apart from its ill-fitting conclusion, it never takes itself too seriously and delights in the rich possibilities of its Victorian setting and great new grapple gun. As you explore its contrasting boroughs, you glean some sense of what powered this great city in the 19th century. The story missions capitalise on this by exploring different spheres of influence, which when combined with elements like mass transit, heavy industry, and law enforcement, make this feel like a different type of city than has been featured in the series to date. Best of all, Syndicate asks you to take London back in a way puts the last few games to shame.

Good character choice with the siblings, but just another generic AC game.

First game cleared on a next-gen console! Downloaded this onto my Series S after waxing nostalgic for pre-reboot Assassin's Creed games. And you know what? My nostalgia was wrong!

I am happy I played this game, because it helped me perfectly encapsulate everything I hate about AAA video games from the last ten years. An open world littered with meaningless collectables which just require you to go to a spot, press B, and get XP. The same jank-ass controls that have plagued this series since goddamn Altair.

This game almost completely dodges saying or even showing anything interesting about the period, a time rife with classism and industry and colonialism. The one hilarious exception is that the game goes balls to the wall on the issue of child labor, which it depicts by making you sneak into factories, violently murder people in front of children, then just say "hey, you're good now" to all the kids, to get a big banner that says "CHILDREN LIBERATED". Then, when you go back to the factory after it's in your control, the kids are STILL THERE.

The writing is also garbage. Almost 24 hours of playtime later, I still have no idea why the villain is the villain other than "he is a Templar and Templars are bad". He has a scheme in literally the last mission to kill a bunch of English heads of state, which would maybe be compelling if I didn't spend all game assassinating heads of state. The game attempts conflict between the leads and a romance subplot, both of which are terrible. No characters have any personality or motivation for doing what they do, other than "they are a character in a video game and they have to do this for the video game to happen".

God I really wish I didn't hate this game.

This one's personal, brodie. I got my dad to buy the fucking DELUXE ULTIMATE MOST EXPENSIVE VERSION of this piece of shit. The story sucks dick, the characters are garbage, gameplay is stiff, bland, and extremely unsatisfying. It killed any interest I had in Assassin's Creed going further so lol. Good job Dunkey!

Sinceramente, depois de AC Unity eu pensei que conseguiriam fazer um bom trabalho com esse jogo, mas ele consegue ser PIOR EM QUASE TUDO, coisa que não faz nem sentido, a história parece ser feita só como justificativa pra você ficar repetindo as mesmas coisas no mapa, e ainda te obrigam a realizar as mesmas 4 atividades pra ficar liberando missão da história. IA é uma das piores que já vi, os inimigos simplesmente ignoram cadáveres, os NPCs não tem reação alguma quando você da um tiro e mata 20 pessoas no meio de uma festa e ainda tem memória de peixe. Os bugs nem se fala, tem bem menos que AC Unity, mas ainda assim estão muito presentes, é vergonhoso. A única coisa que elogio são os gráficos e a dublagem, impecáveis, de resto é melhor passar longe desse jogo.

Remember when Ubisoft made an Assassin's Creed game with "dual leads" of a brother and sister, and let you free roam with whichever one you wanted, but then when it came time to actually do the main story assassinations, it forced you to play as the boring male sibling? Classic Ubisoft.

More than makes up for the mistakes of Unity. This is the first time the actual time-period itself affected the feel of the gameplay for me. Syndicate sees the return of a more traditional Assassin's Creed style of gameplay. The changes to the established formula made in its most direct predecessor are still present, only now much better implemented. I still think it's kind of dumb to have a leveling up system in an AC game (why should I have to buy abilities I started off with in the other games?), but it too won me over by the end. There's a real feeling of growing more powerful and capable as you progress through Syndicate's many activities.

This entry in the series takes some notes from the playbooks of gaming's other biggest open-world franchises. Most notably Rocksteady's Arkham games. The open environments the missions take place in, as well as the wide variety of items and abilities at your disposal, encourage experimentation and allow you to find your own solutions and playstyles like never before. Even the fluid combat system that has you juggling multiple foes brought back memories of taking out thugs as The Dark Knight. The inclusion of multiple paths to your target and various opportunities that can lead to unique kills reinvigorate the series' big assassinations. Things like the new zip-line tool and the implementation of carriages make navigating the open-world more exciting than ever. The latter giving the game something of a Grand Theft Auto vibe.

The story is where things take a slight hit. You'll meet cool characters and the protagonists are great. Kudos to Ubisoft for finally having making an entry in the main series with a playable female character (even if she does have to share the spotlight with a male counterpart). I'll even forgive them for the fact that she isn't the more likable of two leads. The events themselves just aren't that interesting. Some bland villain is taking over London, is after some precursor artifact, and blah, blah, blah. We've all seen it before. Only never with such a dorky final boss fight. The modern day story continues going nowhere. Only now there's some stuff about cloning! We just watch Rebecca and Shaun do some stuff in the occasional cutscene because the people at Ubisoft think we like them for some reason. While killing off Desmond was a pretty gutsy and unexpected move, it's clear they haven't had any idea what to do with this part of the universe for some time now as a result. They've even removed it from the gameplay side of things.

Narrative shortcomings aside, this is a phenomenal return to form for Assassin's Creed. One that even brings some much needed change to things. It's brimming with content to the point where you won't even care about the lack of multiplayer. This some of the smoothest gameplay the series has seen and one of its best settings. Syndicate makes the franchise worth returning to after it reached it's lowest point with Unity. Let me tell you, it's one heck of a comeback.


um dos jogos já feitos, certamente

O que falar de AC Syndicate? Simplesmente um dos melhores AC's que já joguei. Os irmãos Fryer são extremamente carismáticos, a história é boa e com contexto histórico, e conexões com o credo e outros AC's. A mobilidade/movimentação é sensacional, me lembrou a série Arkham tanto pelo hook/gancho/arpéu quanto pela fluídez do combate. O parkour é bom, típico de Assassin's. Dirigibilidade boa e bem divertida. E essa somatória faz ser um mundo aberto prazeroso de explorar. Conquistar territórios é algo satisfatório pelo resultado de liberar uma região/cidade. Explorar é muito orgânico durante as idas para as missões, e eu diria que é uma das melhores explorações de AC's. Ambientação como sempre impecável e fielmente histórica. Gráficos bonitos, mas expressões faciais e detalhamentos bem fracos, datados. O combate é o melhor da franquia pré-RPG, muito divertido, rápido, fluído. O stealth é muito bom, e essencial para sentir que está jogando um AC. A verticalidade está SENSACIONAL, graças ao gancho/arpéu, a movimentação fluída e melhor direcionada. Variedade boa de atividades no jogo. E jogar como um assassino faz o level ser só um número. o que é ótimo e satisfatório, digno de assassin's creed. Creio que o maior ponto negativo é que tem MUITA repetição de NPC's e inimigos, demonstra uma falta de capricho. Mas resumindo, é um jogo MUITO BOM.

Jogo legal e tudo mais, mas acho que ficou cansativo. O assassin's creed 2 pegou tudo o que o primeiro fez, ampliou, melhorou, aprimorou e complementou. O 4 fez a mesma coisa com o 3. O Unity reformulou muito as coisas. Mas este é basicamente um unity 2 sem o memso salto de aprimoramento que os outros títulos faziam.

A história é muito fraca, a química e a dinâmica entre os personagens é deplorável, as missões são basicamente variações de 3 ou 4 arquétipos, e são muitas, mas muitas missões pra pouca variedade. Tem conteúdo até demais pro pouco que é apresentável.

Em específico, veja os desafios opcionais das missões. São legais, coisas que você pode pensar que especificam como aconteceu de verdade, tipo "tal personagem foi morto", e o desafio secundário da 100% de sincronização para especificar como esse personagem foi morto. A ideia está aí desde o Brotherhood, mas no geral eram objetivos mais pra se desafiar, e se você falhar, não sente vontade de tentar de novo porque precisa repetir toda a missão de novo. Acho que o único acerto foi no 4, pois lá eram mais detalhes que desafios cansativos. Aqui r uma regressão, tem alguns que são legais de fazer, mas muitos só dificultam as missões artificialmente, tipo "sequestre o alvo no meio dessa escolta de 30 policiais sem matar um policial". Você pode utilizar do combate quebradamente facil para fazer isso em 3 minutos ou pode passar 15 minutos tentando seguir o desafio, só para depois ter mais outros desafios do tipo que só deixam as missões mais demoradas e chatas, considerando que tem muitas, mas muitas missões, e tudo tem secundário. Boa sorte para quem tentar fazer 100% de sincronização.

A relação entre os personagens é pessima. Os irmãos seguem cada um sua trama, mal agem juntos. Evie é ok como protagonista, mas o lance dela com o Henry é patético porque ele mal aparece e se não fosse o Jacob fazer um gracejo, a gente nem ia perceber que o jogo tava tentando criar um clima ali. É deplorável essa tentativa de romance, e é completamente dispensável para a história. E falando em Henry, ele é tem a história 10x mais interessante no livro do jogo, e aqui é 0 explorado, e considero isso um defeito porque o jogo dá a entender que ele tem algum problema de agir em campo, e essa ideia é bem explorada no livro, onde ele é o protagonista por quase toda a história.

Jacob é talvez o pior protagonista da saga. Detestável como assassino, estúpido como pessoa, arrogante, cheio de si, negligente, e chega ao ponto de dizer para deixar o pedaço do Éden prós templários, dizendo que não é importante. E tem 30 segundos de cena de redenção no final.

Os personagens secundários tem suas missões secundárias, e isso é péssimo, porque parece que nenhum faz parte da trama principal ou tem alguma importância.

Um detalhe que só lembrei depois de falar. Como se mata inocentes aqui, hein? O jogo até ds desafios de não matar polícia, mas, caramba, o tanto deles que você precisa matar é absurdo. Nos outros jogos era mais claro que ou você era um criminoso que não ligava para isso, como Edward, ou os soldados estavam servindo a seus inimigos e ajudando a oprimir a população, então eram baixas necessárias, mas aqui os policiais são inocentes de tudo, cumprindo a lei, não te atacando se você não estivesse em áreas restritas, e você passa a faca neles sem punição do jogo. Inclusive, eles estão do seu lado, você esta ajudando-os, assim como os guardas reais que aparecem aqui e ali, e o jogo simplesmente ignora consequências disso. É estranho ter aviso de "este ancestral não matava civis inocentes", mas não dizer nada para autoridades inocentes.

O jogo tem boas mecânicas, aprimotou bastante algumas coisas do Unity, e é até legal o gancho, mas, no geral, são mecânicas legais em um jogo feito com o enredo fraco e com ideias pouco instigantes. Até o predente foi excluído quase totalmente, basicamente tem duas cenas do presente, e só uma realmente adiciona algo relevante. Desmond aqui faz falta, hein?

Enfim, o depois daqui a saga muda, e entendo perfeitamente o porquê. A franquia precisa se renovar depois disto aqui. Jogo legal e tals, mas pouco criativo.

The problem with Syndicate isn't that it doesn't do anything right but rather that the things it fucks up are deal breakers.

Not being able to jump and the parkour being reduced to its shallowest form, combat being one button for attack, one for dodge and one to break guard and the enemies taking forever to die. A lighthearted story with a whole lot of cringey jokes doesn't work too well with a setting this grim and depressing. They scaled down on the side content but that doesnt mean quality over quantity but rather the same 4 copy pasted missions in every district, sometimes more than once, the average collectables and the fight club thingy that's fine but not memorable.

But oh well it does some things right, for starters it gets the stealth right. Being able to crouch is thankfully back though having 2 equippable items isnt back so your options are once again more limited. You can use the rope launcher to get yourself from point to point and it makes stealth more dynamic even if otherwise the rope launcher amounts to nothing but press R to skip the parkour.

And it has a few decent missions ig? The blackbox missions are cool yet very easy and feel like a downgrade from Unity since the parkour and combat aren’t as good even if the unique kills and the opportunities are arguably more consistently useful. Besides those there’s the carriage chases which are silly fun and...that’s it tbh.

I want to like Syndicate, I really do, it was one of the first AC games I ever played and the 2nd I finished, I loved it back in early 2017 when I first finished it but going back, it doesn’t hold up to me.

I get why it’s fun to some but idk I found most of it rather boring.

I played the first chapter of this before shelving it for nearly 5 years. It took a bit to get into the second time but once I did it was actually quite good, one of the better Assassin's Creed games. The combat is weird but actual fun side content with some of the easiest and most satisfying traversal in the series more than make up for it.

idc what people say, i loved this game

underrated as fuck, jacob and evie are amazing (but I'm biased cause I'm a twin) london is beautiful, having your hideout in a moving train is so fucking fun?? love it

Heavily divided on this one, the system driven level design is excellent, the apex of the franchise, everything is polished and works as you would expect, enemies react as it should and you interact with the world appropriately. The problem is that Ubisoft knew this, so the rest of the game is poorly done, being the grindiest as well as having the worst story in the franchise. Besides that, the whole Assasin's Creed identity is lost, as the story ignores the Creed completely in favour of building a gang (?).
It's a shame, especially after Unity returned to the roots of Ezio's Era, with the Assassin's more present and a urban setting so immersive, something Syndicate does extremely well with London and it's mechanics of building an Creed (gang in this case).
I had fun while playing, stealth is super satisfying and the game mechanics integrate well with the missions, but they only scratch the surface of what they build and is depressing seeing the wasted potential.