Reviews from

in the past

i cried when this was announced and i cried when i booted the game i cant believe how much kirby is emotionally ruining my life

return to dreamland has been one of my fav games for the longest time since i was like 7 yo or something when i used to play and replay it day and night and i honestly could not believe it when this remaster was announced it was something absolutely breathtaking that i only experienced when SMTV was announced and if you know me im a huge smt fag

i played this game something like 30 times between the normal mode and hard mode and i feel like i could play this blindfolded its just that muscle memory that makes me go so smoothly to the point that i think i finished the base game in like 4 hours this game is short but i dont think its THAT short so i think im sick in the head but anyway that means this game has no secrets for me and still i get back to it every year because i miss my pink ball so much

this also was the first game that made me acquaint with the pink ball of wonders and to this day i love him so dearly i swear i got a recurring joke with some friends about me being kirby because we were born the same day and we are both ENFP so like this is genuinely my entire personality

the review i made for return to dreamland wii didnt really contain all my feelings for this game so its the time to do it on this one

in general this game is quite a standard kirby for the series and you got some fun multiplayer to boot (didnt experience it even once because i got no friends but it looks fun at least) and you follow titular character + the whole crew waddle dee king dedede and meta knight ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ my boyfriend i love him so fucking much in a quest to help poor little magolor from another dimension who got stranded on planet pop and his ship is all fucked up so you gotta help him and all going through different classic worlds that got some parts of the ship

now this is p bland but when i tell you that this game is full of life its so fun its so charming its so UGHHHHHHHH i love it

apart from the ship parts (boss reward) theres some ship gears around the levels that are needed to open up some parts of the ship for extra content like ability rooms or minigames and such so nothing that important i dont usually like collectibles and i dont care but i do religiously seek at least the most important ones or the ones that i remember because its part of the experience to be honest

a gimmick that was added in this game was the mega abilities which to this day still hype me up THEYRE SO FUCKING COOL like you got a big ass sword or a fire dragon or a huge hammer and you tell me not to scream and then theres that ost going tu tu tu TURUTUTUTU TATATATTAT yea no i love mega abilities i think about them everyday

at its core this is a platformer with some puzzle elements as in you gotta think about what ability to use or what to do to get some ship gears but thats basically it everything else is delicious action platformer content
so you go through the levels reconstruct the lor go through some other levels beat landia and then beat the TRUE FINAL BOSS WOOOOOOOOOOO not gonna spoil here anyway so the end

onto remaster stuff

im not a big fan of graphics as in i do not really care how many polygons there are for what i care they could all be 2d triangles i needed to point that out because the other day i was talking with a friend and i told him did you play uncharted and he said no i dont play games like those the graphics are too outdated (?) what ps3 graphics are outdated ok man live your truth so what i wanted to say with this was graphics got better DUh the landscapes are delicious the characters shine of a new light every monster and every environmental element has been polished and pushed to the limits of graphical fidelity and the background images are outstanding to look at but what really got me here are the little artistic touches now THATS the big stuff for me like the little star animations between levels or the new polished UI or even the characters restyling which is less evident in most of them apart from king dedede who looks GORGEOUS in the forgotten lands style hes … hes kinda hot can i say taht here can i umh is that allowed umh ok

also they got some sexy outlines i love outlines

OST remained quite the same i think i dont have the kind of ears to know what the fuck is different between some tracks i needed to listen to kingdom hearts 2.5 remix music and original kh2 ost like 10 times to know what was the difference but again the music in this game is phenomenal if youd let me say this so honestly theres nothing to remix or arrange its prolly just been hd scaled or something so love it

gameplay is basically the same what is different here is the new additional content aiding the gameplay

wii motion controls were seamlessly adapted for the switch control set in mind and work flawlessly even though i kinda miss shaking my fucking wii remote to the hell and back but im fine with pressing B i guess

new abilities were added theres festival who acts like a screen bomb clear which is fine and theres mecha and sand now i thought i was gonna love mecha ability which somehow i do but what really took me by surprise is the fact that i fuck with sand ability too much what the hell that ability is so fun did you look at the moveset that shits amazing people you need to try it firsthand wows

super abilities are mostly the same but they got some faster gameplay and that animation flair uuuuuuuuh delicious fucking great i love the little magic ball animation he looks so fierce kribri i love yoiiiiiiiuuuuuuuu kirbuuuuuuuuu

clearly since theres new abilities but also in general the levels got revamped to some degree to accommodate the new stuff but to the core this is the exact same game you can trust me this is basically return to dreamland wii with fancy graphics

now theres also a new world called merry magoland which is basically a hall for the countless minigames (that i didnt even try if you know me you know i fucking hate minigames im sorry thats true maybe its the trauma from final fantasy fort condor minigame) and where you can use the new ticket collectibles in the level to unlock some useful objects to carry in the levels and get some masks for kirby to wear like its fucking majoras mask this is so funnt they also make sounds im dead anyway this is basically a waddle dee town from the forgotten land clone but its a cute addition anyway for the base game also it looks like magolor my bf so its fine

theres also some missions i guess . never did them goodbye also the bosses get in here after you beat their asses

theres a magolor helper mode if you suck . i dont suck haha so i didnt need it HAHA I FINISHED THE GAME WITH 50+ LIVES LEFT SUCK MY DICK im failing at life but at leasst i can play kirby

i think thats all the new stuff ………………….. I THINK ? idk

ok so anyway MID SPOILER actually if you havent played return to dreamland yet what are you doing honestly

whatever after the final battle against magolor which is one of my fav final bosses of all time literally its perfect its great i love it i want every game to be like this ok anyway you unlock the usual stuff hard mode (didnt do it) arena (didnt do it) and then

a surprise i was not fucking expecting a brand new holy shit magolor mode for people like me who absolutely love magolor . i screamed i screamed i was not ready for this and wow . wow when i finished the main game it was already a 5☆ this sealed the deal

you play as magolor after being defeated by kirby and besties and being stripped of every power in true metroid esque fashion and gets stranded in a place between dimension where he needs to go through some levels to piece together AN . ? apple ok weird twist but anyway

I LOVED THIS MODE . I LOVED IT THIS IS GREAT its like nightmare returns the mode where you play as meta knight but with my other fav character so like . this was particularly made for me as you all can tell

main gimmick is magolor got some basic skills that you can power up by going through levels and acquiring some spirit tears or something so then you can use them to idk get the main attacks range longer or attack stronger to shit like making him faster or modify some abilities or increase the health bar its just . its great you can slowly and steadily see him go from a wounded little bitch to a strong magus and UGHHHHHH i love it i love his movesets i love the levels he goes through i love acquiring the tears in normal levels or extra levels and make him stronger this mode absolutely blew my mind its just wow


so whatever the levels are actually “new” even though they do use the same assets of the base game and the bosses are just reskins of the main game ones but still with new movesets and anyway whats really different here is magolor animation arsenal of spells and absolutely cute battle cries hes ……. hes fucking great people

finished all of this you get to battle against possibly one of my new fav bosses in this series which funnily enough is a tree and no its not whispy woods so thats already 1 less

anyway umh great battle and i love seeing magolor smile in the end hes a sweet boo oof i want to hug him ok

OH ALSO theres remixed osts i forgot about them theyre the base game ones but with some extra flare and i ended up bopping to every of them so good good stuff

so umh

i guess this is it this really is a piece of my heart i just love this game to the moon and back and its still a big part of my life today as it was 10 years ago funnily enough

its kinda weird playing a game that you know everything about and still get excited like it is the first time booting it up idk its a weird feeling do you get that feeling too idk its just yeah

if you look at my ratings i dont usually put 5 stars to basically anything apart from smt mainline stuff and possibly jak 3 or sly 3 or ratchet deadlocked if i played them again because those are also big parts of my childhood and adolescence and to this day they still have a big weight on me like they never left and i guess its due to give this tribute to one of the dearest games i have a 10/10

i enjoyed everything about the remake and they even managed to make me fucking excited for new stuff with the magolor epilogue so congrats nintendo you stole my heart yet again with this pink ball

the forgotten land was a great game that is gonna be a 4.5 stars soon because thats just how much i loved it but still this is the game that i think about when kirby comes to my mind


that was long

this is probably gonna be the definitive edition to play this game for the next replays to come even though i will go back to the wii version from time to time and idle in my childhood yet again playing as the gluttonous pink sphere being from space

i just wish sakurai knew how much this series meant for me

Okay, this confirms I’m not crazy. Star Allies really is just bad.

i literally love magalor he's so fluffy (he tried to kill people)

maybe Return to Dream Land isn't the most perfect Kirby game, but it's still getting a 10/10 because it's my personal favorite and means very dearly to me, but also because the Jukebox now has official names for every track now YES FINALLY

what did they mean by "Vestiges of the Ancients"

Pop-Up Kirby is officially...found media! I enjoy Return to Dream Land back on the Wii, even finished it when I rented it from Blockbuster with my brother. Those were fun days as a kid... This truly was Kirby's return after a decade of Super Star's style left to sit there other than the DS remake. I plan to try the epilogue mode soon, but the minigame mode is a real treat of fanservice!
It's fascinating just how far the Kirby GCN iceberg goes. Once a late GameCube title canned and moved onto the Wii for a 3D action game. Then restarted development and shifted to a 2D pop-up book style game, which eventually became the game we know today. Assets reused for Smash Bros Brawl, Subspace possibly being inspired by Kirby GCN, and beta songs from all 3 iterations of Return to Dream Land. You can hear a specific motif that was truly made for Pop-Up Kirby and GCN, like yeah this totally would fit a storybook Kirby game. All of those assets were in the Wii game and still in this Switch remake, it's kinda crazy! This is just my space to ramble about Kirby GCN cuz it looked so damn cool...

(Edit: 2/13/24) Magalor Epilogue is a fun mode that adds some extra challenge to the mix. I like the moveset, upgrades and action focused level design a lot. I wish I could have tried it in co-op, but it’s a good, short experience in single player.

NOTA: 8,0

Sendo uma espécie de remaster, foi merecida a chegada do melhor game da franquia Kirby do Nintendo Wii para o Switch.

Com a introdução de Magolor, um interessante personagem para o game, Kirby's returning to Dreamland Deluxe oferece a experiência que estamos acostumados a ver na franquia, com destaque nas texturas, sombras e a direção de arte sensacionais e uma trilha sonora bem fiel ao original.

Sinto que das aventuras de Kirby, esse é um dos mais divertidos no coop, oferecendo outros personagens além do protagonista, com fases curtas e em ritmo bom, com alguns chefes resgatados e remodelados de outros games e outros novos chefes.

Embora a experiência tenha sido divertida, sem dúvidas a campanha principal é extremamente curta e linear (solo é mais ainda já que as interações do jogo como os minigames são feitos para coop), o jogo poderia ter mais variedade de chefes e ser mais criativo de maneira geral (mesmo com a adição dos modos ultra, os chefes de fenda são quase sempre os mesmos também) talvez na maneira que o jogo esconde seus segredos e itens no meio da fase por exemplo.

Eu diria que o que dá uma salvada no game em questão de conteúdo e custo benefício é seu pós game, com a adição da arena e a campanha alternativa, além de no caso dessa versão em especial, a campanha do Magolor mudando um pouco a gameplay original do jogo ( destaque para o boss final, bem interessante, kirby não costuma errar nesse quesito).

Sem dúvidas uma experiência especial, porém reviver um jogo 2d da franquia me fez admirar ainda mais o Forgotten Lands de Switch com a gameplay em 3d, mostrando que de fato era necessária essa transição, ainda sim, recomendo o game para fãs da bolota rosa.

So I never got around to playing Return to Dreamland on the Wii for whatever reason… I think there was a period of time where I prefer watching LPs of Kirby games instead of playing them myself? I’m not really sure why, but I’m glad there was an expanded port to the Switch so I could actually play it. I mean, it did look fun, so it was probably going to be a great time, right? Yeah, it’s another game to 100%!

…I did not 100% it.

Kirby’s Return to Dream Land Deluxe is a game that I loved, like, a little over two thirds of, but boy, that last third is just. Well, I know having a harder Extra mode goes all the way back to the original Kirb, but hoo boy the autoscroll segments of Extra Mode’s orb dimension segments got kind of brutal after a certain point and bosses that I thought were decently challenging on normal were just kind of nuts. There’s nice helpful items you can get from Magoland but damn. That halved health bar is brutal. The fact that the changes to the stages effectively boil down to there being more and bigger enemies is also something I think is kind of dull for a campaign as long as Dreamland Deluxe, and I kind of wish they messed with the standard enemy models a little the way they did in the original Dreamland. So yeah I really do not feel compelled to finish Extra or the True Arena, like I am straight up not having fun with those. I got through the first level of the last world and decided I was done.

The rest of the game rules though. I really liked the Superstar-style big elaborate move lists for the copy abilities even if I found some of the inputs a little fiddly, and I enjoyed the Deluxe specific ones a lot. Mecha Kirby rules super hard and Sand is pretty neat. I gotta admit that I was especially fond of Spear too, it makes Kirby into a goddamn murder machine. The levels are fun and have some pretty neat little puzzles, and I had a pretty great time 100%ing Normal Mode.

And I gotta be real, I always love A Kirby Story. Love these little guys. Love the stylistic choice being consistent with Forgotten Land when it comes to Dedede too, he’s so friend shaped. I wouldn’t say this is my absolute favorite stage design in the series or anything but the atmosphere and aesthetics are pretty good, especially when you hit the last chunk of the game.

Speaking of Kirby Stories, Magolor Epilogue was a lot more fun for me than Extra in terms of more challenging content. The score based gameplay and upgrades were a lot of fun to mess with, and I DO love that little guy. He’s super fun to play with and his personality is a lot of fun. Maybe I do kind of wish it was just a little bit longer but eh it was still pretty great.

Magoland is the other piece of new content Deluxe brings and it’s… alright. I’m sure the minigames are more fun if you’re playing with friends instead of against the AI but I did have an okay time. Not enough to want to try and get every mask but I got a fair amount. The masks themselves are a fun collection of references and I do like them for the most part but…. I want to see Kirby’s cute little face doing his cute little emotes instead of a static mask… they did make replaying levels a little more fun and I imagine they’re really fun in multiplayer, but they were mostly Alright to me.

Honestly I wish I liked Extra mode more than I do because everything else is great and I feel kinda bad for being defeated by Kirby of all things. I mean the game just dumps lives on you constantly so it’s not like I was in danger of getting a game over literally ever, but at the end of the day this isn’t the kind of thing I come to Kirby for. I finished the stuff that mattered to me and I guess people who actually like to get their ass kicked by the cute little guy game for babies can enjoy Extra, but I think I’m good.

Damn they weren't lying. That Kirby's Return to Dreamland really is Deluxe!

There's not too much to say about the bulk of the game cus.. it's Return to Dreamland. It's an already really great game that just got better. It's kinda like the Metroid Prime remaster in that way, only this time there's a bit of extra shit here to discuss.

Firstly, the visual overhaul looks really really good, and while it may be a little mixed, I honestly think the outlines helps make this game look super distinct and It looks really nice! It definitely is a way to visually update a Wii game to look distinct. This game looks great.

Now, in terms of extra content, there are two main things added to this game. The first is this little mini-island filled with the different minigames from across the series. Not much to say on those except that they're all pretty fun and it gives me something extra to collect during the main game.

Now, the MAGOLOR EPILOGUE is definitely a lot more interesting for me personally. While the Magolor Epilogue is not that long, similar to something like Meta Knightmare Returns, it's a really nice epilogue with improved Level Design, Progression, and ESPECIALLY Boss Fights since the original Return to Dreamland and the last 2D kirby. It's a really fun package with some really cool and surprising moments.

Overall, a nice, if simple remaster to one of the best wii games out there. The only thing I'd say is missing from this remaster is online multiplayer but I think beyond that, this game is just a really fun alternative to Forgotten Land. A simple, yet really well designed 2D Platformer that is good for some straightforward fun.

you can wear kirby's face on kirby so it's at least a top five kirby game

I'm not quite done with this game - want to do as much side content as possible - but close enough to where I think I can review it.

The original Return to Dream Land was the first Kirby game I really liked and was already a 4/5 for me, so a remake with a more personally appealing artstyle and side content is great. And yeah, it delivers. Magolor Epilogue is probably the best side mode in the series as of now, clear effort went into making it a reason to play this version; not that it isn't rather short still, but longer than its contemporaries, and much more original than them. Merry Magoland is such a great treat. I veered straight towards it as soon as I could, wanting to get as many of the masks as possible before moving onto the story, and I'm glad I did. The returning subgames are mostly improved and are genuinely good challenges when going for all missions, and the new ones... well, the library one is good - reminds me of a fleshed-out Astro-Logical from Mario Party 6. Yes, I realize how specific of a comparison that is.

Really, my biggest problems with this game come from what problems were already there. I think the level design of this game and general feel aren't as up to snuff as I'd like, and makes levels feel like a slog sometimes. I'm usually able to look past this since the copy abilities began reaching their apex in this game (helping with that is Mecha, added in Deluxe, being perhaps my new favorite ability), but it's definitely an issue I have. The other is more of a nitpick, but I really hate Extra Mode is a requirement for 100% - getting all the gears in it, too, no less. It's very exhausting going through the game a second time, and the hard mode isn't different enough to warrant it.

Anyway, I love and treasure the masks for Dark Nebula, Awoofy, and Clawroline.

Not even the most optimistic Kirby fan (me!) could’ve imagined we’d get a remake of Return to Dream Land, especially right after we had just gotten the fantastic Kirby and the Forgotten Land (my GOTY of 2022) and the spin-off Kirby’s Dream Buffet, but we surely didn’t complain about it, and as expected of HAL Laboratory, the remake is fantastic.

Given it’s a Wii game, you’d imagine they’d just upscale everything and call it a day, but no, this is a remake from the ground up, with all models, assets and backgrounds completely remade, and HOLY DAMN if this game isn’t gorgeous! It’s even prettier than the previous 2D Kirby game on the Switch, Star Allies. Just that alone would justify the existence of this remake, but HAL is never content with the bare minimum, so they added some substantial new modes.

The one heavily featured on marketing material was Merry Magoland, a multiplayer-focused side mode featuring many subgames returning from previous games in the series and two brand new ones. Usually the subgames are just meant for a quick diversion in Kirby games, but this mode is surprisingly in-depth, featuring a bunch of missions for each subgame (that are fun to do even in single player!) and collectibles in the form of masks that you can get by playing them. Some will even alter Kirby’s sound effects when worn, which can be funny as heck (loved used the Drawcia and Haltmann masks).

But even better than Merry Magoland was the new campaign, Magolor Epilogue. You get to play as Magolor, the game’s “villain”, who starts incredibly weak, but as you progress through the campaign (which lasts around 3-4 hours, a solid amount for an extra mode) you unlock new abilities that make him overpowered af. The central mechanic of this mode is chaining combos on enemies with your attacks to get more Magic Points (that you use to get the aforementioned abilities), and it’s incredibly satisfying to chain massive combos. Undoubtedly one of the best extra modes in the entire Kirby series.

However, with all that said, Return to Dream Land is the game that started what Kirby fans like to refer to as the “modern era”. As such, it’s a solid yet pretty standard Kirby game, with simple level themes, bosses and gimmicks, aspects that would get much expanded on in the next games. If Triple Deluxe and Planet Robobot get remakes as phenomenal as this one I’ll be the happiest Kirby fan in the world.

Nature being the cold hearted bitch she is decided to threaten me with power outage potential weather so I had to forgo my "one game at a time rule" to not run the risk of potentially losing progress in Octopath 2. Really this is the only thing the switch is good for.

Anyway this was my first time playing Return to Dreamland so I don't know whats different about this release other than the graphical changes, some new powers and a new mode from what I remember from the trailer. Its a kirby game, not really much else to say. You played a standard kirby game before? Then you know 90% of what to expect there. No suplex in the game it gets points reduced.

The big new mode is ok I guess. I was hoping something more along the lines of Milky Way Wishes but I got something akin to a Meta Knightmare. Asset reuse and recoloring with bosses getting their elements changed along with some new attacks. At the very least it didn't have another 100+ collectables but it could artificially inflate its time in other ways. I don't give a damn about the minigames or its little mask rewards. I did planet cracking once and never went back to that place.

I can see why it was so lauded back on the original wii release but I can't say I'd be replaying this over Super Star Ultra

genuinely a peak 2d platformer. I remember playing triple deluxe and robobot first and initially thinking "damn kirby games kinda don't seem as good ever since they shifted to 2.5d" but MAN was I wrong. breezed through it with 100% completion in 3 days and had a blast every second.

Não joguei o original e tive mais uma ótima experiência com Kirby. Super divertido, relaxante e repleto de fofura. Apesar de curto, o 100% dele garante um bom tempo de gameplay extra. Recomendadíssimo pra quem curte o gênero de plataforma e aventura!

Nota Final: 80/100

Honestly not the biggest Kirby fan. Love the character and love 64 and Super Star. I heard good things about this game! I didn’t play it on the 3ds and I heard they added some cool features to the switch version! So I boot it up and fell in love with it… for the first world. The music was catchy and I enjoyed having these super power ups that wipe a whole screen! It was fun! Then world 2 came and it was much of the same until the final couple worlds to be honest. The game went from fun to a slog really quick! I beat the game and unlocked extra mode and just couldn’t play it anymore. I know Kirby games are known for being very easy and this one is no exception. But I’ve played games that are easy but fun. I just didn’t have fun. Now the mini games they added were really fun!!! Kind of like the Pokémon stadium mini games. I loved the mini games and unlockable masks but that’s it. I regret playing this game as it feels like I wasted my time. As a man of 34 who loves games I’m learning to value my time. Play games that are good and don’t waste your time. I should’ve stopped playing the minute I stopped having fun. I’m honestly disappointed . Also this game is 60 bucks and I don’t think it’s worth that. It was 30 on the 3ds and I don’t see enough to justify a double price increase. If you can get this game for 30 bucks I’d say it’s worth it for the mini games. I don’t mean to be so negative I was just disappointed.

I’ve come to the unfortunate realization after going from playing practically no Kirby titles until 2 years ago and to now playing around 10 that this franchise is superb but it’s just not for me. I get that the series is mainly for children but it’s just so easy that I can never really get into it.

As far as this particular entry it is much of the same, great game but just not for me. The levels are varied, the game controls great and is very fluid, the music is great, and the art pops and is my favorite part of the game. I just can’t help but personally feeling like I’m just mindlessly getting from point A to point B. I truely think my problem is the difficulty. Have you every drove to somewhere that you go all the time and on your way you get lost in thought or lost in your music and when you arrive to your destination your like I wasn’t paying good enough attention and don’t even know how I got here. That’s how I feel about this and most Kirby games. I just kind of play but mindlessly get to the end of the game.

I completely understand this is a me thing and not a general consensus. This is a solid game and can understand why it’s beloved by many. If you are looking for a relaxing Kirby adventure I would say definitely play this game, as even though I have been negative it is in my top 3 Kirby games with Forgotten Land and Planet Robot.

I feel bad that my first experience with modern 2D Kirby was Star Allies. While that game has its moments, it totally pales in comparison to this. First of all, running at a consistent 60 does wonders for bosses in these games, and second of all, there's actual level design. Levels aren't just a series of hills and enemies, there's shit to do! I really felt like I finally got a good grip on how to play these games, and I understand why the majority of Kirby fans nowadays are so content with where the series has been going.

Also, the bonus Magolor Epilogue is nothing to sleep on. The way the levels in that mode are based on maintaining a combo may seem odd at first, but as you unlock more of Magolor's moveset it all comes into place. Each development feels fun and substantial, and every level feels extremely well tuned to compliment the combo-based system.

This game in general does a really good job of encouraging mastery by giving you lots of little opportunities to hone skills with moves and copy abilities. Little sections in levels are all about understanding certain abilities and what they can do, and the challenge levels in Magolor's ship are all about understanding the little nuances of abilities you may not have recognized before. It's no wonder this became the Kirby formula back when this came out on the Wii, it's all done just right.

Even the side mode Merry Magoland, a collection of really solid mini-games, has this aspect of encouraging mastery through its achievement list for every mini game, as well as the super-satisfying stamp rally system. This is just an incredibly solid package, and as someone who hadn't played the original I was constantly delighted.

What a fun and charming little game. I've never played a Kirby game before and to be honest they never really looked all that appealing to me but now that I have played it I gotta say it's one of the best platformers I've played in a while. My only real issue is the price. 60 dollars is a lot for this game however I got with the vouchers which I also used to get Tears of the Kingdom so in reality it was more like $30 however that's just in my case. Anyway, I absolutely enjoyed this game and would absolutely recommend it to platformer fans. Just be aware, and if you know anything about Kirby than you prolly already know this, but this game is pretty easy so if you're looking for a challenge you probably won't find it here.

There are two games that can be pointed out as the culprits as why I love the videogame medium as much as I do today, one of them is Super Smash Bros. Brawl, which introduced to many of the franchises I love to this day (And I'll probably talk about it another time), and the other one was Kirby's Adventure Wii, as it was known here in Europe. Funny thing is, I didn't even know this game existed before I bought it, I was barely 8 years old and didn't pay much atention to TV ads, so imagine my surprise when I walked into the game store with my parents, with the idea of getting Epic mickey for my birthday, and seing the funny pink ball from Smash in a box art. I don't know why, but for some reason I changed my mind, and I ended up asking my parents to buy that game, and honestly, I will forever thank my past self for that decision, because it resulted in one of the best possible proper introductions to the platformer genre I could have had, and the mos fun moments I had with a game in all of my life.

So, yeah, after that chunk of background, I think you could guess that I got pretty excited when this game was announced, I mean, a remake of my favourite game when I was a kid? with an oncredibly beautiful art-style? with more Maglor? AND THEY GOT EGG CATCHER ON THIS SHIT?! Sign me up! So now the question is, is it any good?.... I mean yeah the original was awesome so of course it's good.

The game as it released on 2011 had one goal in mind: offer a fun but simple platformer that everyone can pick up and have fun both alone or with friends, and my god it delivers. All of the levels are devided by rooms, are while most levels do have some mechanic or platforming obstacle accross all the rooms, in general terms, each room is its own little puzzle, with its secrets that give either lives or the collectables, and some levels end with a ''Super-ability'' section which can grant access to challenge room that ends on a mini-boss. A faily simple gampley loop, one that becomes almost ACDICTING, this is how most Kirby games operate, but this in particular just stands out, and even tho it's an easy game, everytime you complete a puzzle or defeat one of the really fun final bosses, you feel like you achieved something great, a reward sensation that few other games match, and the fact a game like this can give such feeling is incredible.

Honestly, I think that the game as it is holds up extremely well, so it makes sense that the only changes made to the main campaign are visual (also two brand new abilities, both extremely cool, albeit one of them is pretty damn overpowered), and speaking of visuals...

I understand why some people dislike Dedede's new design and the outlines, I really do, but I just don't agree. The presentation id jaw-dropping, is a bit of a shame that because of Metroid Prime Remastered dropping this month I can't call this the best Remaster Nintendo has put out, but holy hell does it come close. The new artstyle injects new life to every corner of the game: the colors pop out even more and it looks gorgeous, the backgrounds are all amazing, there are some new animations and details that add a lot to the experience,... It's probablu one of the best looking non pixel-art 2D platformers I've played; keep in mind, I'm not saying the original looks bad, it still looks amazing, but this is just another level, it may be nostalgia be playing tricks on me, but I just love it too much.

On top of ALL of this, on top of all the incredible base game and visual overhaul... YOU ALSO GET FUCKING EGG CATCHER LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I really like the adition of Magoland , it just add so much content and fun that it's almost surreal; a TON of minigames, some new, some returning, and all really fun; the hub that changes as you progress in the story and in Magoland's missions (yeah, there are over 100 missions in Magoland alone, this shit is crazy) PLUS the mask, a really cute collectable with references across the series, wich at this point I feel spoiled with tha amaount of Kirby love. There's also Magolor's Epilogue, and... I don't really want to talk about it a whole lot, is a great adition and creative one at that, tho the level design can feel a bit ''arcadie'' and not as great or fun as the base game, but the progression sensation is awesome thanks to the RPG elements and, the ending is batshit insane, I'm not saying more so I don't spoil anybody, but it goes so fucking hard.

Oof... so, here you are, you just read a random guy on the internet gushing about a game he loves, and honestly, first of all, thank you for lending your time into reading this, and also, yeah, I just really love this game; it's far from being perfect, there are some minor problems here and there already present on the original release and some of the Magoland missions do feel like padding and in some cases straight up bullshit, but... I just can't bring myself to not love this game. Again, nostalgia doesn't blind me from its shortcomings, and Robobot surprasses it in both design and what it has to tell as a story, but I really recommend this game, it's a lovely time both alone and in co-op, it has love oozing from every part and it ahs a ton to offer, trust me, is a good one, and it has some secrets to show... so might as well discover them...

oh yeah I almost forgot, the music fucKING SLAPS HOLY MOTHER OF DEDEDE THIS SHIT IS A CONSTANT BOP WHAT THE ACTUAL FU- ok that's enough, again thanks for reading, and have a good day or night :).

It's kinda impressive HAL Laboratory got away with selling a glorified remaster of an already pretty great Wii game for 60 dollars by adding in a mario party style minigame collection, and a "short" RPG style gamemode starring the villain of the main game. I mean the game is still great and the new gamemodes they added in are fun and make the price more justifiable than other remake/remasters, I just it's neat.

Between how gorgeous this looks, and how natural the additions feel and the surprising quality of the minigames, this has become a definitive version of an already phenomenal game. It is a faithful remake, but in cases such as this game, faith and a few additions which just make it all the more consistent are awesome. Particularly looks gorgeous on OLED. Magolor mode is short, but sweet, and has the most mind-numbing lore implications. Good stuff.

This review contains spoilers

I rate this as: googoo gaagaa 👶🧸


...a game made for lil tots 👦👧 which is hard to "die" in the game... 🤔

It sure takes a lot of effort 💪 ... to die 😵 (instead of finding challenging ways to survive 🧮💪)

Maybe they should re-rate this game from "Rated E for Everyone" ❎ - but instead, put it as "Rated T for Tots" ☑️)


Sinceramente, me diverti muito com o jogo. Os puzzles, embora simples, são divertidos. Pegar os segredos gamers do jogo, embora simples, deixa a gameplay ligeiramente mais desafiadora. O co-op dele é extremamente funcional, o player 2 pode trocar a hora que quiser entre os 4, fora outras versões do próprio Kirby. Isso deixa extremamente dinâmico, já que não existe aquele problema de você estar limitado por não ter as mesmas habilidades do protagonista. Sobre as habilidades evoluídas, achei meio monótono. É só um showzinho visual que diminui um pouco o dinamismo, tanto para o player 1 e principalmente para o player 2, que apenas olha. Mas isso é detalhe, o jogo continua sendo extremamente divertido.

Deixo uma dedicatória para o Magolor. Eu gostei mais do epílogo dele do que a mainline do Kirby. A evolução do Magolor é extremamente divertida, liberando habilidades completamente diferentes em relação ao jogo do Kirby, e, inclusive, o epilogo dele é bem mais dificil que o jogo normal. Eu te perdoo, meu mano Magolor.


This is pretty much pure, basic, unfiltered Kirby. There's little bells and whistles to the formula. It won't bring in anyone not a fan of Kirby and won't turn anyone away who is a fan.

There are the ultra powers, or whatever they're called. Supped up copy abilities that can be found in specific stages and essentially exist just to smash everything on screen for 3 minutes and unlock a secret portal to an auto-scrolling platform challenge, followed by a fight with a mini-boss for two of this games obligatory collectibles.

These power moments provide some brief fun, but like the mega mushrooms in New Super Mario Bros. there's only so much you can do with a gimmick whose entire thing is hulk smashing everything.

The mini-game compilation is pretty fun. Of course the real draw of the mode is multiplayer, but they provide lots of encouragement for solo players to try it out, with a challenge list and unlockable cosmetics + items to use in the main game.

What I didn't quite get was why the entire mini-game catalogue opened up straight after beating level 2, then one of the bonuses for collecting the previously mentioned collectibles was unlocking mini-games in the games hub area. I can only assume this was a leftover from the original game where mini-games had to be slowly unlocked?

As a Kirby game you can expect it to be short and easy, but as usual post-game provides both a little longevity and a lot of challenge for 100%. There's "extra" mode, which is literally just the whole game again but basically hard mode. I'm not a big fan of difficulty options that are disguised as unlockables, especially when there's no option to select default difficulty in the first place.

Magolor's Epilogue provides a pretty cool alternate-gameplay journey. Being very combo and upgrade focused as opposed to Kirby's switch-and-swap abilities

And of course you've got your boss rush mode.

All in all, it's Kirby.


Um remaster impecável de um jogo que já era excelente. Melhor que o original em ABSOLUTAMENTE TUDO, e as novidades são excelentes.

A campanha do Magolor é simplesmente absurda.

Kirby's Return to Peak Land Kinoluxe

Played whole game in co-op and finished maingame + all minigames & the new extra story. Even tho they advertised it as a must co-op, it wasn't really optimized for it like ready l Rayman legends was for example.
Overal a fun experience, but barely any really memorable moments.

My thoughts:
(+ = (mostly) positive; - = (mostly) negative)
+ Gameplay;
Smooth and fun gameplay. Plenty of power ups to choose between and the variety of levels was nice. Sadly when in co-op, the camera only has focus for player 1. Same for the lives you have, the game just doesn't seem to care there is a second player. It's a real shame they could have fixed in this remake (again looking at how Rayman did it right).

+ Music;
Kirby music is always a hit.

+ Graphics;
Visuals were nice, but nothing special as well. I didn't mind the border around the characters which some seem to hate.

+ Story/Characters;
The big 4. Can't go wrong with that. Story is just simple and like many other Kirby games

Idk, it's plenty fun but would rather recommend Rayman. If you're looking for a more simple game you can always give this one a try.

A really good remake of an already great game, everything I loved about the original is preserved outside of Scope Shot being cut which still ticks me off. But I really enjoyed the retro sub-games they remade here.

Magolor Epilogue is also fun, didn't really expect for them to make a new mode but I felt like I should've after Forgotten Land.

If you've never played the original RTDL then you cannot go wrong with buying this game. You're basically getting an already great game you can play on the go with more content than the original.

If you played the original or still have access to it, then its really up to you if the new content is enough for you to throw 60 bucks down for it.

oh my gawd they made it even better??????