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in the past

I literally did a James Bond marathon, which is still missing 2 games, and I replayed Half Life, just to avoid playing with Vampyr.

I always wanted to try this one, as I heard good things about the story. Basically, you play as a vampire, who needs to decide the fate of certain districts, because as you kill certain characters, others may notice the fact that they are missing, and their death will cause consequences, essentially making the game much more darker.

To be fair, Vampyr's premise is a really good one, and I appreciated how it tries to be different from the rest of the bunch, but you really need to bring out the big guns if you want to make a game like this. Not just because, the other alternative is Vampire: The Masquerade, but because old timers, who remember the Legacy of Kain games, will possibly try this one out, and if you make both group disappointed, well, it is over. The game has very janky animations, somewhat decent voice acting, and an RPG side, that needs more polish.

Aside from these problems, the worst part about this game, is the writing, as I never encountered such artificial writing before. The whole game reeks from being written like a vampire fanfiction, lacking any depth or original thought, and I was deeply sad that this was the aspect that was praised by some of my friends, and weirdly, it is the worst part of the game.

What I liked the most, is probably the mediocre combat, because you can unleash some vampire abilities, that are fun to use.

If you want to try something new in the vampire genre, give this one a try, but avoid it if your expectations are high.

Wow do I want a sequel to this game. It has some great systems and gets so close to fulfilling the vampire fantasy, but plot issues and jank keep it from its full potential.

This review contains spoilers

Don'tNod is really good when it comes to narrative! Vampyr has a really good and immersive story! I just loved exploring London with the Epidemy of Spanish Flu and the After-War historical context. The investigation are really good and fun. I spent most of my playtime listening and finding hints!

The real problem of this game is that it tried to be a narrative action-rpg game and succeded in neither of them. The main story is pretty good at the beginning, but the ending is a little far-fetched. Especially when it comes to the antidote.

As an Action-RPG, it's a big fail. To use your PX, you need to go to sleep. The problem is when you sleep, all the citizens you've met may become ill and their status can aggravate if you sleep a lot of night without healing them.

It would be nice if you had all the remedy available at the beginning. The third remedy is to find in the Graveyard, but normally, you're not getting there before chapter 3. If you go before, ennemies are far too strong if you play a True Pacifist run like I did.

And if you don't find the remedy on a random corpse, you are just punished for exploring. In any RPG, if you explore, win some fights and gain XP, you are rewarded by being able to surpass the difficulty level of the game. In this game, fights are worth 5 XP, no matter the level.

The Action-RPG system of the game encourages you to play a Evil Vampire cause it's easier and is a lot easier... and since it is frustrating cause playing a True Pacifist run makes you finish the game at level 30 max (against ennemies that are 35-36)...

Vampyr is sitten between two chairs and just don't succeed in any style. Giving more PX for the fights would have solved many problems of the game.

Oh and ennemies are strong since some of them have gazes or christian lights that makes you lose both of your gauge (stamina, blood or life). I died a lot of them being trapped in a gaz or in a light, wanting to dodge and realizing that I had no more stamina.

The game is pretty fun for the narrative, but the old engine (there are a lot of unjustified loading time) and the XP, fight and RPG system is completly broken. Would not replay even if only one game of evil and one game of Pacifist would be enough to get the Platinum.

Vampyr offers an interesting premise with a World War I-era London setting and a protagonist grappling with his newfound vampire condition. The game's atmospheric and dark portrayal of the city is commendable, creating a moody backdrop for the narrative. However, the gameplay can be hit or miss, with combat mechanics that feel unpolished and at odds with the game's emphasis on choice and consequence. While the moral choices in the game offer branching narratives, the impact of these choices on the world and characters can sometimes feel superficial. "Vampyr" manages to create a compelling world, but it falls short in delivering a consistently engaging and immersive experience, leaving it as a somewhat uneven action RPG.

Extra frustrating because it's SO close to being great but every individual component lacks the necessary refinement with the exception of the visuals/atmosphere, which are excellent and feel polished. There are a lot of creative and compelling ideas here but everything is executed just shy of good enough. The combat is fun when it works, but it often doesn't work and is more often janky as all hell with the vast majority of deaths feeling like the responsibility of the game's clunkiness (or outright glitch deaths, like enemies hitting you despite being nowhere near you or your character just dropping dead without even taking damage while near full health) rather than actual challenge. The combat system in place has tremendous potential but needed more time in the oven to work out the kinks, and the same goes for the non-combat jankiness as well. The game runs terribly with constant freezing, frame-rate drops, and stuttering (on base PS4) and an obscene number of hard crashes that seemed to always happen right after beating a tough boss or large fight, and of course erased that progress. There's a ton of potential here, but there's only so much bullshit I'm willing to wade through in search of the diamonds in the rough, which are more like cubic zirconia once you rinse them off.

The story takes us back to 1918, when the infamous influenza pandemic of 1918, dubbed the Spanish flu, ravaged Europe and the streets of London were filled with violence and fear. We take on the role of a man named Jonathan Reid, a respected military surgeon who returns from the front lines of the first world war on a personal mission to help those affected by the disease and find a way to stop the deadly epidemic. But during the journey home, our hero is unexpectedly bitten by a vampire. From then on he has to deal not only with the outbreak, but also with his new nature and his growing lust for blood, which leads him to make many difficult moral choices that can significantly affect the course of the story.

In terms of game mechanics, we can say that it's a pretty typical action RPG. During the game we wander through the dark streets of London, complete many main and side quests and talk to the NPCs we encounter. Most of the time, however, we'll encounter mortal enemies, which can prove to be different types of vampires or other mutants, as well as hunters who can use a wider variety of weapons and even traps. The combat takes place in real time and we can use both physical strength and firearms, as well as the typical "vampire" skills that we develop throughout the story.

Of course, as expected from a game about bloodsuckers, there's also an important requirement to regain our dwindling strength by drinking the blood of our victims. Anyone can be our prey, whether in a fight or during exploration. Throughout the game, we often have to make difficult decisions about which NPC will be our next victim, as once killed a character disappears completely and their absence can prevent us from completing certain missions and affect the ending of the game.

We also have to be extremely careful not to arouse suspicion about our second nature among the civilian population, meaning it is not enough to simply bite the first person we encounter. Often, we may have to do time-consuming research about our potential victim, their habits and relationships with other characters. When it comes to graphics, Vampyr is developed by Unreal Engine 4, which offers high-quality visuals. The developers from the Dontnod studio have managed to combine typical action RPG mechanics with the distinctive character of the dark times of a Spanish Flu pandemic and the unique atmosphere of classic vampire movies. The game has an average of 30-40 hours of gameplay. It also has four different endings that change according to the choices made.

I had high expectations for this game, but almost all of them were not met. The plot and the whole atmopsphere are interesting, some gameplay mechanics are nice (even if the combat is a bit clunky) but the story is poorly developed, characters and dialogues are boring and the game is full of bugs. During my run, the game crashed many times, even more than 2/3 in just an hour, it was almost unplayable at the time, not only for me but also for my friends. Someone thinks it deserves a meme platinum, idk.

One of far too many games about plagues I've accidentally played in the middle of a quarantine. Good fun. Requires a lot of micro-managing to get a Good Boy Run but it's far from the difficulty of your average Soulslike. Steals liberally from VTM: Bloodlines, but I suppose if it ain't broke.

Later learned that I had a relatively bug free experience compared to others.

Sempre ouvi dizerem que Vampyr era um clone ruim de Bloodborne. Se fosse isso, provavelmente seria menos pior do que é.

O jogo entrega em atmosfera, visuais e trilha (apesar dessa última ser meio limitada) mas em todo o resto é um completo terror. Parte principal do core dele é personagens com suas próprias histórias e personalidades. Supostamente, todo mundo tem sua verdade oculta e você tem que descobrir para saber como ajudar ou quem eliminar. Parece super interessante de cara, mas jogando por 30 minutos fica rapidamente óbvio o quão limitado e inconsequente tudo é. Num momento você está confrontando uma pessoa por uma mentira descarada ou um segredo terrível que você descobriu, no outro ela está falando com você como se nada tivesse acontecido.

A dificuldade do jogo é outra aberração sem sentido. Inimigos rapidamente se tornam esponjas de dano, os upgrades para as armas demoram muito mais do que a velocidade com que a dificuldade escala. Você tem que optar por matar civis e tornar o jogo muito mais difícil e hostíl ou não matar civis e não ter xp pra upar de nível, já que inimigos dão quantidades patéticas de xp e curar as pessoas da pouco mais que isso.

No geral, minha experiência foi péssima e eu só não larguei o jogo porque eu detesto abandonar as coisas no meio. No fim das contas eu optei por usar um mod que dá todas as armas e itens pra eu poder rushar e ir direto pro fim. Qual minha surpresa quando eu descubro que mesmo a arma mais forte do jogo com todos os upgrades ainda causa uma quantidade risível de dano em qualquer inimigo do meio de jogo pra frente. Tudo que esse jogo "copiou" de Bloodborne além dos visuais foi a """dificuldade""" e assim como a maioria dos desenvolvedores que adoram sair copiando Souls, eles não entendem absolutamente nada de como dificuldade funciona de um jeito divertido.

Não recomendo. Por mais interessante que ele possa parecer, Vampyr é um jogo muito cheio de boas intenções mas que erra tanto em coisas tão básicas que o saldo é negativo.

just did not like how it felt at all. did not seem good

Honestly kind of feel bad dropping it, but I have a feeling it's gonna be mid the whole way through and I have got to make better use of my time.

I really don't get the love for this game. It has a unique premise and a really good soundtrack, but the gameplay amounts to mountains of really, really boring dialogue.

It's a game you'll either love or hate. It has some serious gameplay issues and gets very repetitive and boring very quickly. Also, the game becomes unfairly difficult if you refuse to drink blood. Even when given the choice, the game constantly pushes you to be evil and feed on people. Traveling from one place to another is also tiring. Also, the fact that we have to keep everyone alive in the towns gets annoying after a while. There aren't enough games about vampires, so if you like the concept, Vampyr is worth a chance, but even if you don't play it, you won't lose much. It could have been a good game and it definitely has potential but they didn't work hard enough.

I'd been really enjoying this until what seemed like a straightforward dialogue option completely removed an important character from the game and doomed an entire district of the city to ruin.

9 hours pissed up the wall.

This is a game I really wished I could have finished and enjoyed.

I recieved it for free after seeing a few videos on it previously and throughly enjoy the setting and fantasy this game takes place in and expand on and the story it is trying to tell.

Whilst I enjoy this and the RPG elements, the biggest let down in this game is unfortuntely the combat. Most of the time, the lock on feature does not work or is quite buggy and the melee just does not feel satisfying. Coming across an enemy gives a feeling of dread and unwant to participate in the fight which I hope improves later on as powers level up more, but I unfortunately cannot stick with it long enough to find out.

Loved this game and streaming was a lot of fun too! If you want to have a look, here's the video with my first video:
Stream + gameplay

However, for those who prefer written I'll go into some details here.

The game itself has a fun, if repetative combat style, though not as mindless as Assassin's Creed. You have multiple ways of attacking either with vampire powers, firearms, weapons and so on, but some creatures and people are resistant to different kinds of damage .

Then there's the feeding where you can devour a population and then that whole place will enter chaos. The problem is when the health gets too low, the people cannot be spoken to and will either appear as an enemy or just be dead. Eitherway, you can't get the XP you may have gotten if you instead, got to know them and then drink their blood.

It also makes you feel somewhat bad as when you do it, you hear them cry out their last thoughts as you take their lives, often cursing you, lamenting their life or thinking about their loved ones and how they may eventually die without them or never get to see them ever again.

Both endings are interesting with whatever path you take of either being a murderer or resisting the urge to kill anyone. Plus I'm a sucker of vampires so I love playing as the blood-sucker who is attempting some normalcy after being turned against your will or perhaps you decide to embrace the darkness. I was surprised to find the darker path led to a final boss who was much more powerful than I thought, so don't think of yourself as getting too powerful to beat the final boss. Especially with how tough they are.

My second playthrough was murder based

So... I've been hyped for this ever since I saw the trailer back in 2018. I always wanted a good vampire game and I thought this was going to be one, even though people were already saying it was bad. And yeah, unfortunately it really isn't a very amazing game, but I don't think it's terrible either.
Bad things first: this is an RPG where the most important choices are not even choices. The story wants to go in one direction and it will MAKE YOU go, so you get things like:
- Option A: Kill
- Option B: Let it die
Which is, honestly, hilarious. Also, I think I got the bad ending in this thing, and I have no idea why. Sure, maybe is because I killed some NPCs and the game didn't want me to do that, but that was literally the ONLY WAY to get true XP for the upgrades, cause if you depend only on missions and fighting thugs on the street to get XP, you're simply not gonna finish the campaign because it will be impossible or extremely time-consuming.
And talking about the upgrades, the combat is quite frustrating. You can be on maximum level with a lot of special skills and a powerful weapon, but your stamina still sucks and you're still not strong enough for most fights. By the end you should be passing the thugs with one hit, but you're still getting beaten.
Another frustrating thing is that almost every single door in this game is locked. And the character will tell you that every time you try to open one. The game is also full of bugs. They never ruined anything for me, but were a bit inconvenient. Like, there's one where the map would just create mark points in random places, and I had to remove them manually to follow the one I actually should.

I talked about all these bad things, but I still said I don't think the game is terrible. That's because I loved the atmosphere, the music is great, and the vampire mechanics are a lot of fun, even with the frustrations. Graphics are nice and the story is cool, although it drags more than it should.

Vampyr, o terceiro título da Don’t Nod, produtora de grandes obras como Life is Strange e Tell me Why. A obra apresenta a temática de “escolhas importam” tão característico da desenvolvedora que aborda essa ideia em quase todos seus jogos, como novidade a empresa acaba por trazer uma proposta de combate Action, o que surpreende pela saída da zona de conforto usual da Don’t Nod.

A obra propõe uma aventura protagonizada por Jonathan Reid, um famoso cirurgião britânico que acaba de retornar da guerra após servir seu país como médico de guerra durante a primeira guerra mundial em 1918, após seu retorno ele é transformado em vampiro e acorda em um vala comum, já que Londres passa por uma epidemia, a partir daí começa todo desenrolar da história, com o entender e aceitar de sua nova condição, tentar descobrir quem o deixou dessa forma, e por fim buscar vingança. Além do gênero de aventura é proposto um combate action junto a elementos de RPG, e ainda aparecendo o elemento das decisões que é característico da desenvolvedora.

A temática clássica de vampiros é apresentada em Vampyr com as devidas adaptações para servir diretamente a proposta do enredo. A cria vampírica é substituída pelos Skals, a forma como os humanos se transformam em vampiros é apresentada como incerta, e todo os poderes de vampiros são reduzidos a 3 grupos, poderes físicos, de sangue e sombra, além da ideia de controle mental. As adaptações são entendidas até por conta da temática vampírica ser uma ficção e não haver regras de funcionamento ou cânones, porém é claramente reduzido todo o complexo dos poderes vampíricos que estão presentes em diferentes obras literárias, cinematográficas e diversos games. É entendível essa não abrangência de diversos poderes, até porque o foco da história está mais para o storytelling do que o combate.

O storytelling da obra é interessante, este é bem cadenciado e nenhum acontecimento é forçado, a progressão é suave e sem cortes abruptos. O plot twist é bem construído, tanto que é quase impossível a sua antecipação, não há muitos vestígios do que viria a acontecer. A história principal é direta e não depende da progressão das histórias secundárias e de todo o composto de conhecer e interagir com os diversos npcs dos 4 diferentes locais da cidade. As histórias secundárias são até certo ponto interessantes e recompensam diretamente o jogador, não importando o tipo de caminho que o jogador escolheu, seja o assassino ou o pacifista.

Um ponto importante em toda história de vampiro é a relação do descobrimento e aceitação da nova condição do neófito, descobrir sobre a sede insaciável que agora o assola, a necessidade incontrolável de se alimentar, as fraquezas que agora são demasiadas, lidar com a imortalidade e aceitar a besta que vive dentro de cada vampiro. A obra tem problemas ao trabalhar essa parte da condição vampírica, Reid está mais preocupado com tudo que o cerca, os problemas, e não se foca em quase nenhum momento em descobrir e aceitar mais sobre si mesmo, e ainda, isto não é expressado de nenhuma forma na jogabilidade.

As relações com os personagens secundários são diversas e interessantes, é divertido toda a conversa e procura de pistas para entender mais sobre as peculiaridades de cada um desses. Essa interação acaba por gerar proximidade com esses npcs tornando mais difícil a decisão de hipnotizar e abraçar determinadas pessoas ou não, acaba por ser um elemento importante até na construção da atmosfera de um vampiro recém transformado que tem que lutar contra seus instintos.

Em histórias de vampiros a idade é um ponto crucial em questão do nível de poder dos imortais. Os mais antigos estão em linhagens mais antigas com sangues mais “fortes” pois estão hierarquicamente mais próximo ao primeiro vampiro de todos, ainda tem o fator da idade como experiência em entender e ter proficiência nos poderes vampíricos. Logo a obra de alguma forma tem que resolver o problema da fraqueza inicial do neófito, é preciso ficar mais forte e se aproximar da força dos antigos para lutar contra esses, para isso o sistema de RPG se encaixa perfeitamente, toda a ideia de experiência ao realizar missões, conhecimento e combate servem para dar sentido a esse aspecto.

O maior problema do jogo é o favorecimento demasiado ao jogador que como vampiro cede aos seus desejos e abraça os npcs dos diferentes territórios, é claramente posto que caso o jogador sinta dificuldade o caminho simples é consumir o sangue dos personagens secundários, o ponto positivo é que dessa forma é apresentado uma luta contra o instinto matador do vampiro, o que é interessante, o ponto negativo é que esse artifício se torna quase obrigatório ao longo da obra, pois há um problema de game design onde ao realizar as missões principais e avançar na história os inimigos do mundo aberto ficam cada vez mais fortes chegando em determinados pontos onde os inimigos estão 9 níveis na frente do jogador caso esse escolha ser uma pacifista e não “recorrer ao caminho mais fácil”, para diminuir essa diferença o artifício de abraçar os npcs se faz quase obrigatoriamente necessário, a obra acaba por influenciar certas escolhas de matar ou não matar que vão inclusive influenciar no desfecho final da história.

Sobre a construção da personagem principal e da história, é impressionante como são bem trabalhados para criar um contexto onde todos os pontos apresentados façam sentido e um corrobore o outro. Reid, um cirurgião especializado em hematologia que vira um vampiro, um veterano de guerra que sabe como lutar e agora tem os poderes vampíricos para potencializar suas capacidades físicas ainda mais, e que deve tratar de uma epidemia em Londres que supostamente tem ligações com a onda de vampirismo crescente. E em ligação com a jogabilidade tem a necessidade de produção de remédios e medicação dos diferentes npcs que ficam doentes das mais diferentes doenças, e aí entra todo o aspecto de manter a cidade saudável e manter vivos os habitantes.

A ideia de que “decisões importam” é muito pontual e tem poucos efeitos práticos, apesar de serem impactantes. Não há quase nenhuma diferença em deixar vivo ou morto o pilar de cada um dos territórios, até porque ao longo da história o jogador obrigatoriamente terá que decidir o destino de cada um dos 4. As decisões que importam estão mais ligadas em matar ou não matar os outros npcs, já que o jogo apresenta 4 finais, um para o jogador que não mata ninguém, um para o que mata alguns, outro para o que mata bastante e colapsa pelo menos 1 território e o último para o que mata demasiadamente. É possível acreditar ao longo do jogo que as pequenas decisões do jogador fariam diferença no final, mas este é um engano, são bastante pontuais as decisões que realmente importam para a história como um todo.

Um ponto negativo que não pode ser deixado de ser citado é um certa forçação exagerada de uma relação entre a lady Ashburry e Reid, a construção de amizade transforma-se em um aspecto amoroso do nada, um ponto destoante e até certo ponto estranho considerando todo o decorrer da obra.

A ambientação é uma das melhores partes da obra, a cidade de Londres com suas chuvas quase infinitas, os ambientes são bem diferenciados e apresentam características únicas. O bloqueio de determinadas regiões com portões não é a ideal, é preferível um mapa aberto que apresente outras barreiras para o jogador, retirar a liberdade de decisão do jogador é uma decisão ruim.

Em relação ao combate ele é bem simplificado, tendo armas de mãos primárias e secundárias, 5 habilidades na barra de ação e 2 slots para poções, nada de extravagante e inovador, a restrição ao básico é clara. A movimentação é ruim, travada, desviar de certas habilidades é complicado e o travar/destravar da câmera poderia ser melhor trabalhado.

Esteticamente a obra apresenta um realismo um tanto ruim, os personagens quando estáticos são bem feitos e detalhados mas a movimentação estraga todo o complexo desses, é algo feio e mal feito. Um trabalho mais dedicado nesse ponto não seria pedir demais.

Concluindo, Vampyr apresenta a temática de vampiro junto com todo o drama que essa carrega naturalmente, para aumentar esse sentimento a Don’t Nod adiciona sua expertise em construção de um bom storytelling recheado de drama, trazendo uma história principal e seus meandros de forma excepcional. O problema é que a obra se propõe a mais que isso, a exploração da temática de vampiro traz uma necessidade de lidar consigo mesmo e a sua nova condição, resolver o problema de Londres toma excessivamente espaço do problema pessoal, era necessário moderação nesse ponto. E ainda pior, são todos esses aspectos citados ligados a uma jogabilidade estéril que se contenta com pouco e é muito primitiva, apresentando quase nada de um verdadeiro vampiro. O que se pode dizer por fim é que os pontos positivos se destacam muito positivamente e os negativos se destacam muito negativamente, quase como um cabo de guerra que por fim deixa a obra na mediocridade.

This review contains spoilers

Despite all the negative opinions it has to be one of my favorite games. I enjoyed the story a lot and I love the atmosphere created in the game. I also like the side missions and having to interact with the people in the city. However, I sometimes really despise how the creatures become harder to kill the more you level up. I also did not like the ending, I felt like the main story of the game was a bit short and you cannot go back and explore more after you finish the main story.

so excited for this to be so so boring

a very aesthetique game with some fun (if shallow) good-or-evil mechanics and Vampire Blueballing via basing your ability to suck people's blood off of rpg level stats, not to mention a very double a vibe with a lot of jank and endearing environments. sadly my save file got corrupted 10 hours into the game and i can't be bothered to play through it all again. that pacing is sloooooow

Dropei logo no hospital não aguentei isso não

Wow. I am so mad at myself that I didn't beat this game when it came out in 2018.
I remember buying this game for XBox one and playing it for like an hour before trading it in back to gamestop.
This game actually pretty fun, kinda like an introduction to a souls game since it utilized the same battle mechanics.
The story was great, the controls were easy to learn, and i never felt like i was getting bored with it like some games had made me feel.
Towards the end i had a two handed weapon that could 1 shot a level 25 enemy and it was amazing.
If you havent played this game I 1000000% recommend a playthrough.

It took me 40 hours to complete all the achievements. If there were no bugs in the game, I could have finished it earlier. There is one note collecting mission. We need to collect a few notes, take them to someone, get them translated and get a door code. But even though I have all the notes, the NPC says you don't have enough notes. The game developers haven't fixed this problem even though it's been years, which is an important problem because one of the achievements is to collect all the collectible notes, but one of the notes I need to collect is behind the door I'm trying to get the password for... and what does that mean... it means I have to start and finish this fucking game again because of the bug... Pure fucking manual labour.

dropei por causa do começo chato mas vou tentar dnv depois

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I wasn't a fan of the fact the game punished you for exploring, but that was also thrilling to do at the same time. I liked the fact consequences were heavy and deep set, loved the visual graphics, voice acting, and questline although the ending didn't quite make too much sense to me nor was it the build up I was waiting for.

pretty good game that's reminiscent of games like Bloodborne and infamous in my eyes, fun combat and challenging scenarios.