Reviews from

in the past

Cute but absolutely miserable to play.

Skatebird começa com uma fase grande no quarto do "amigão" do protagonista (efetivamente o dono do passarinho). Ela não é grande coisa, as variações de altura são legais e há bastante espaço para fazer combos grandes, mas também tem muito espaço vazio e partes repetidas que não se complementam, basicamente dividindo o mapa em várias seções com pouca conectividade. Eu não sabia que haviam missões no jogo, então passei por volta de uma hora apenas aprendendo os controles e fazendo combos enquanto ouvia música, o que foi uma experiência relativamente agradável, por mais que a forma como se controla o passarinho skatista seja inconsistente e pouco flexível para um jogo de skate. Após eu começar as missões, percebi que estava habilidoso demais para o meu estágio do game: tudo era ridiculamente fácil, mas isso era compensado pelos pequenos elementos que mudaram no nível, permitindo novos caminhos para tentar alcançar as maiores pontuações.
A única questão é que pontuar é inútil, o progresso apenas acontece depois de fazer as missões principais, que dispõem de bastante tempo e de objetivos simples. Dá para dizer que não é necessária uma justificativa in-game para melhorar sua habilidade, pois o ato de jogar deve ser intrinsecamente divertido. Entretanto, Skatebird é repetitivo e limitado, além de não possuir níveis que tragam boas novidades. O jogo até era divertidinho enquanto se ouvia música até chegar na segunda fase, mas depois dela, a experiência inteira se joga de um prédio. E não tem nenhuma gaivota para salvá-la da queda nos níveis seguintes.

Great for twitter gifs and youtuber reactions. It’s fun to dress up your bird in the character creator. Looks and feels like a licensed browser game.

Got in the Ukraine Bundle. A very charming and funny game that I had a blast with. I grew up on the Tony Hawk games; this doesn't quite nail the gamefeel of them, due to the controls and character being a little clunky like I was piloting a tank with the wheels of a shopping cart but it worked fine enough for the concept. I loved the environments, UI, bird customization, petting minigame, and a few other things about the game, definitely worth checking out.

An idea that could have worked really well, unfortunately it feels clunky and unfun.

It has two positives though… Tiny Hawk as a character and We are the union in the soundtrack

cute little game, kinda started getting bored toward the end but had a aight time otherwise

a charming and very adorable game that is unfortunately very clunky. the idea is adorable but it didn't keep me engaged. although i did enjoy customising my bird!

It's a bird skating, the controls could be better and less clunky, it's a harmless cute game, and it's just fun. The controls could have been less janky, and more tested out. But it's a cute little game, it's a skateboarding game with birds.

The first level of this game is honestly fantastic. If you can get the game on sale for dirt cheap on whatever you majorly play your games on, I absolutely recommend it if you're a fan of the Pro Skater games. A bedroom transformed into a skate park for a bird on a teck deck is complete genius and I had so much fun.

Then the game goes into stage 2 and this is where I had to stop because wow does this game get WAY TOO hard to even keep going, not to mention, just loses a lot of charm because now we're just on a connection of buildings.

It's hard to even decide if Skatebird is a solid title or not, but since I had so much fun in the first stage I can't hate it

I’ve seen such harsh criticism of this game and I don’t really get it. It’s a good arcadey skateboard game in the vein of tony hawk with some quirks. Flight as a mechanic to add additional tricks and the like. It gives a variety of challenges that are like what you’d find in THPS but also others like just rolling around after bailing and reaching target zones.

They don’t always work perfectly, and the difficulty is uneven but I really didn’t have any problems with the controls or camera. I thought it was very cute, and had a lot of charm in the levels and story, and the costume options. Even the writing despite being born from “birb” memes that got tired was pretty good and would pull a chuckle from me.

The soundtrack is also great, approximating the sort of ost in a THPS but with small artists. We Are The Union rocks and I’ve begun following them

You are a bird. And you have an urge... to skate. It’s a cute little game with cute little birds! You can change up their feathers, their fashion, and do some neat skateboard tricks. My biggest issue with this game though is that the controls are very clunky. But from the short time I played it I found it very amusing.

Um dos conceitos mais fodas q eu já vi, precisava de um pouco mais de polimento, mas pra um jogo independente eu bato palma de pé!!

led me to go to therapy because of how it realized how easily frustrated I can get and how I actually hate myself constantly, but overall horrible game

Bird just wanna skate and I love that for them, but unfortunately I grew up with THPS and the skate mechanics just weren't quite there.

I'm genuinely glad that this isn't the only skating game in town anymore. The gimmick is cute, and the original music is pretty good (they picked a lot of shitty bands for their licensed music, and with it being strictly unlockable, you're gonna be hearing it a lot), but the skating on its own doesn't feel nearly as refined as Tony Hawk. I can definitely call this cute and ambitious. If you ended up getting this game in that Ukraine Bundle from, you should give it a go. Otherwise just play the Tony Hawk 1 & 2 Remake. You're better off.

Previously, my run of Tiny Hawk Pro Skater stopped when the computer's motherboard was exposed, as my motherboard wasn't powerful enough for it. Now that I've spent like $2k on a computer and finally beaten the game, I can share my thoughts. That said I did bring it up to the devs that this specific model was the only thing my computer could handle and they just told me to buy it on a different machine rather than change the needlessly high poly model but eh.

It's much clunkier than THPS, but it means well. The bird humor is cute at first but then it spends too much time being quirky if you understand.

The missions are mostly simple with a few score challenges but finding the birds for the missions isn't as fun as being handed a handful of missions at the start and seeing how many you can do at a time. This sounds fine in something like THUG or something but is more of a problem here because of the intense focus on Verticality in the levels with the sole exception of the roof. This with the clunky controls makes getting to every birb more of a hassle than it should be. The missions are mostly easy and mundane, but then you'll be thrown random curveballs in spots with a difficulty progression that makes little sense in the same level.

I can't say anything about the music because I decided to turn off this game's music and put on the THPS3 soundtrack instead so I can think Skatebird better than it actually is by association.

Quite literally one of the worst feeling games I've ever played, to the point that I wonder if the game got playtested a single time

Weak designs, but the idea of "skateboarding" birds that can help themselves in the air with their wings is pretty good, the gameplay is just okay.

Skate Bird is such a novelty of an idea that it honestly felt like it couldn't fail. Birds are cute, skateboarding is hecking fun, the soundtrack is reminiscent to some '90s bands that you'd likely hear in a Tony Hawk game. Sadly tho, this game is no Tony Hawk Pro Skater, and perhaps because of such point comparison; Skate Bird simply doesn't live through it's gimmicks to give us a fun quirky bird skating game.

The biggest problem with this game is the controls, and one that perhaps is the thing that holds it back more than anything else. With Tony Hawk's Proskater, the ability to do tricks, gain momentum, and figure out how to get from point A to B felt nuanced, and something to master. With Skate Bird, getting from point A to B feels wonky like a rollercoaster that is out of control, while handling like a shopping cart that is slightly wobbly. Basically the game takes a lot of getting used to, and with the campaign lasting roughly 7-10 hrs pending on how much you do, and if you know where you're going can be extremely off putting when you are 2 hrs. deep and still are just hoping you stay on the board when you move 2 feet to the left. Combine these rough controls to move around with a somewhat half baked point scoring system, and it really leaves a lot to be desired. Ya, it has a lot of the same tricks you would see in a skating game, and yes, you can indeed get more air time, but this often leds to problems with the way maps are designed.

Not a lot of maps in Skate Bird, but perhaps the most infuriating thing about them is more so the quality of some of them. A lot of levels just do not have the same space you need to pull off tricks or gain momentum. They are either too cramped or too spacious to really make use of them as skate parks. While there is a fun novelty of each level effectively being made of various "household items", these same items don't make for a fun skating level. There is a bunch of random bumps everywhere, areas that are too far spread apart to really connect tricks throughout the level, and sometimes even too small to really make use of your additional jump that helps separate this game from other Skating games. So you add in all these factors together with controls that are hard to get used to, and a rather long yet short campaign means that a lot of people just don't finish your game out of frustration.

Charming is really the only word I can give this game tho. In the end of the day, I can say I did have fun with Skate Bird, but next to none of it was from gameplay. The funny way the birds talk, the cute outfits you can wear, and the aesthetic it has going for it all make up for a really charming game, but next to nothing as something fun when it just takes too long to feel decent at it.

Meh. There's just not enough interesting to do to motivate mastering the controls

This Mfin bird can't grind for shit!

you skate
as a bird
what more do you need?

Bird's whole dumpy got thrown out the roof because of the weirdest collision known to man

you know I had to give my birb ice cold drip tho. Beanie, tie and eyepatch all that junk with no synergy but I just think it looks neat

Oh yeah, last thing (important!!!), go to the options page 2 and disable timer and balancing if you suck wiener like me

- Birds are cute and the character designer is extensive.
- The music is pretty good (if you like ska)
- Anthony Hawk won my heart.

- The skating can feel really, really bad and you might fall off your board without knowing why.
- If you dislike ska, just turn off the music.
- Levels and missions can be frustrating as hell.

The vibes are immaculate but the skating is challenging to say the least.

I saw the trailer for the game when it first was announced and was super hyped about it. Tony Hawk birds sounds great.

I started the game on gamepass and quit almost immediately. The skating is not intuitive or easy to control.

A year later, I got Skatebird in a humble bundle and decided to give it another shot. I turned all of the difficulty settings to as low as they would go. It was a way better experience. The skating did get better as I played but the seemingly random bailing when you hit a surface slightly off-kilter still feels bad.

The character designer is great and the birbs have huge personalities. If you aren't into borderline twee birds talking about their problems, then this game isn't for you.

A mechanically sloppy skateboarding game that fortunately has other nice things to enjoy about it. The mostly chill and funk-ish base soundtrack is delightful, and the more skateboard culture adjacent ska-punk rock collectible tracks are quite solid. There's a fun cartoon-y story about a group of birds trying to help their owner from losing their job, it has that trademark Xalavier Nelson oddball silly tone. And the cute gimmick of playing as a little birb and being able to customize them with silly clothing is a big endearing factor. As long as you're not expecting this to be a serious skateboarding game that will test your mechanical skills, it will be a pretty decent time.