Reviews from

in the past

This game has so much fun with its concept and (hopefully not a spoiler) does that puzzle game thing I love where it takes the concept just one step beyond where you think the limit is and you go "whaaaaaat, that's so cool!"

It is so cool. Whaaaaaat!

the look of this is so charming and the puzzles are so merely okay

It looked so cool until I played it. Puzzles are really uninteresting and boring for my taste. Once you get bored of its schtick, you are left with nothing.

Really good puzzle game nice work

Really fantastic puzzle game. Not too difficult, nice and relaxing.

muito foda, mas podia ter aproveitado por bem mais tempo a mecânica que foi introduzida no finalzinho

Jogo de puzzle muito gostosinho com uma ideia bem legal. Eu acho muito charmoso isso de controlar um "bonequinho de placa" e ir interagindo com as coisas.

Os puzzles são na medida pra não ser frustrante demais nem fáceis demais. Mas senti falta de um sisteminha de dicas, as vezes.

Foi um jogo que eu comecei em março (!!!) e só terminei agora pela minha falta de foco, mas eu acho que ele funciona muito bem pra ir jogado aos poucos, ligar, passar algumas fases e partir pra outra atividade.

Eu acho que ele tem uma barriguinha de leve ali no meio, apesar de ser um jogo curto. Fica uma sensação de que ele parou de apresentar conceitos novos e é só repetição, mas não é nada que atrapalhe a experiência.

Obviamente não vou dar spoilers, mas digo que vale a pena ir até o final. O jeito que ele termina e apresenta uma mecânica nova é muito legal mesmo. É inclusive uma pena que essa mecânica só seja usada uma vez, mas foi o suficiente pra me ganhar.

Above average puzzle mechanic. Doesn't overstay it's welcome either, has good pacing and moves on from mechanics before they get tired.

Sehr schönes Puzzlespiel mit kreativen Ideen.
Von den acht Kapiteln kann man die ersten 5 relativ gut wegspielen, in 6+7 zieht es dann dank einer neuen Mechanik nochmal an. Das letzte Kapitel ist ein echter Kopfzerbrecher und etwas abgefahrener als alles davor.

Fun little puzzle game about street signs and connecting them. Didn't really keep my interest and stopped halfway through, but I have trouble pointing to any real negative about the game.

Nice puzzle game, nothing more.

Bem esperto, jogo bem desafiador que te faz pensar muito, Uma pena que o final dura tao pouco pois ele é incrível

Puzzles that feel like cleaning your room.

super cute aesthetic that was basically what i really wanted from INFRA anyway, but the actual platforming was a little -- the actual platforming was a little pede--- the platforming was a little PEDESTR --

Cool concept, flawed execution. It starts up really strong, introduces a few mechanics, but as you get yourself involved with the game you start to notice some annoyances.

(For example: if you reach secret areas in the game, you find collectible hats. I hated the hat I found, but there was no way to remove it. I even contacted the devs on Steam and they confirmed it wasn't possible to remove the hat. This is just one silly example.)

Abandoned it when it failed to introduce a new mechanic (the yellow liquid) in a thoroughly clear way. Solving increasingly difficult puzzles with a mechanic the game didn't take proper care of explaining to a satisfactory level isn't my idea of fun. The game was tight up until that point, and I wish it had maintained my interest.

But take my opinion with a grain of salt. My relationship with puzzle games is I often find them super interesting conceptually, but I tend to abandon them fairly easily. If you have a higher tolerance for opaque puzzle games, you may very well enjoy this a whole lot.

i'd been following this on the gamedev subreddits, glad I picked it up. it's one of those puzzle games that ramps up in coolness the longer it goes on

Really enjoyable puzzle platformer, absolutely loved the aesthetic and vibe it was going for. If I had to nitpick I'd have liked to see more of the type of puzzle you get at the very end of the game, and the actual ending is a bit blah but I still had a great time with this.

An amazing puzzle platformer. A must-play.

A pretty decent puzzle platformer with solid escalation and difficulty if a bit on the easy side, mostly carried by it's art design and presentation.

The Pedestrian is a 2D puzzle platformer where you control a figure from a street sign across signs around the city. It's a very smart game that has interesting puzzle mechanics and can has just the right level of challenge as you go through it. The environments are astoundingly detailed, and there are secret puzzles and easter eggs for you to explore. My time with the game was only smiles, and the only criticism I have is I wish the last section of the game was longer. The mechanic introduced was so interesting, I wish that more of the game's runtime (possible sequel) was dedicated to using it.

The Pedestrian é um jogo muito inteligente e muito divertido, mesmo com alguns picos de dificuldade que vem do nada. Toda a estética é muito maneira, é muito legal viajar pela cidade pelas placas, todo o trabalho de iconografia é muito inteligente.

Dito tudo isso, POR QUE AQUELE FINAL DURA TÃO POUCO? É uma ideia incrível, deveria demais ser mais do que foi, mas ainda foi uma ótima maneira de terminar esse jogo com chave de ouro.

Puzzle Spiel für einen entspannten Abend. Hintergrund sieht besser aus als das Gameplay. Aber dafür ist es süß.

Very satisfying puzzle game with a perfect length. The last puzzle was super fun and felt like a fulfilling reward to make it to the end. My only complaint is that finding a secret does not feel rewarding. 100% of the achievements coming from just finishing the game when there are secret collectables in the game feels like a miss.

Way more puzzle than platformer. It's cute, and it continually pushes you with new twists on the formula to keep you interested. Ultimately I just burn out on puzzle games, and I feel like I've seen what I needed to see.

Back when Portal came out, there were a bunch of people who made 2D Portal demakes. There was a homebrew one on DS that I played and it was so disappointing. None of the clever ingenuity of the game it was copying was there. They were, frankly rubbish.

Anyway, The Pedestrian is more akin to what a 2D portal should be and it's absolutely sensational. It manages to add new twists and throw them away before they get stale, and every new twist comes at just the right time to stop the puzzles from becoming rote and boring. Honestly, I'm floored with how good this game is. The last puzzle made me audibly gasp with how clever it is. It is the only puzzle like it in the whole game and it could easily carry an entire puzzle game on its own. It's daft to say this on the 8th of January, but it's going to take some beating for my favourite game I play this year.

I played maybe two hours of The Pedestrian and, although the core concept is intriguing and the puzzles are well put together and occasionally really shine, after the first hour I was tired of it. Maybe I've just played too many puzzle platformers, but I understood what was going on pretty quickly and after that there wasn't enough pulling me in to make me want to spend another 4+ hours picking up keys and pushing boxes.

This was a cool little Indie game!

It's just a puzzle game with some fun mechanics to give your brain a little gymnastics. The gradual increment in difficulty was nice and felt finely tuned so as to not feel like you're walking off a cliff into the deep end, towards the end some of the puzzles really had me scratching my head though.

The game was complemented with some nice backgrounds and different scenery that the pedestrian you play as traverses. Also a nice little soundtrack to help mellow you out if you find yourself frustrated with the puzzles.

I really liked the final puzzle that takes place on the skyscrapers. I feel like you could have another whole 3 or 4 hour game with puzzles that utilise those mechanics.

Very well paced, inventive puzzles, doesn't stretch the running time, very generous with art and music in ways that are a little surprising. It has the impeccable good sense to introduce new concepts continually, and throw them away before they become tiresome. There's an audacious sequence at the end that is worth the price of admission alone.

It's unfair to compare two games that are doing such different things, but I'm very surprised Unpacking got so much love while a game that I think is superior in every way was barely mentioned.

Also it's the real prequel to Myst.

A cute concept decently executed, but the puzzles get tedious real quick and it wasn't introducing new mechanics at a fast enough rate to keep me interested.