Reviews from

in the past

yeah its fanbase is awful but it is a damn good game and very charming

Los fanboys y haters no le entendieron a la estética, lol.

Amazing writing and characters. Fantastic Soundtrack. Blends gameplay and it's narrative without creating dissonance.

10/10 GAME i think everyone should try it.

Writing: 4/5
Gameplay: 4/5
Art Design & Visuals: 3/5
Voices & Sounds: 4/5
Atmosphere & Immersion: 2/5

I watched this game before I was able to play it and I still had a few surprises and interesting facets to the game and learning those were especially interesting. The story is really good and there were even a few points where I got really into it and fought the bosses excitingly and loved navigating around.

Está muy coqueto, el sentido del humor y calidez de los personajes es atrayente. El sistema de combate está muy bien logrado para convertir en un reto el conocer y sociabilizar con los demás. Aparte, el juego tiene una ruta pensada para los que quieren forzar la maquinaria, ir contra las reglas. Me parece que sus mayores picos de calidad estan en sus finales pacifista y genocida, las rutas neutrales pierden muchisimo fuelle, y son las más probable desgraciadamente.

Just fine, the music is excellent but the gameplay is totally nondescript with the exception of two fights en route to the worst ending. The writing is the particular breed of western indie quirk that constantly toes the line between mildly funny and grating.

Obra maestra. Historia, personajes, banda sonora, humor, narrativa (y metanarrativa)... todo es de 10. Incluso la jugabilidad, sencillísima pero muy eficaz, me parece ideal.

Y sí, a nivel visual no es gran cosa, pero no solo no me importa sino que creo que eso le da parte de su encanto.

El hecho de que Toby Fox esté detrás de casi todo me parece una barbaridad, no sé cómo una sola persona puede acaparar tanto talento.

me a molao bastante y en el contexto que esta creao es casi un 10. heheheheh

i don't want to overreact but undertale is the greatest piece of media in human history.

The fandom for this game is so fucking annoying but damn this is a really great game.

At this point, there is no need to truly write anything about it - its already famous to be ported to the nintendo switch and have its own Super Smash bros. debut.

But ill just say that its one of the best written, unique, and morally refreshing indie games and rpg games I ever played, with always a reason to come back and explore more.

(just a chame it has a cringy fanbase)

Undertale é sem dúvida alguma um dos jogos mais peculiares, únicos e geniais já concebidos.

As mecânicas que quebram paradigmas do gênero, o roteiro absurdamente despretensioso que surpreende o tempo inteiro com diálogos cativantes, aconchegantes, divertidos e que não temem em adentrar em temas mais pesados capazes de despertar sentimentos múltiplos no jogador.

Destaque ainda para a belíssima trilha sonora que ultrapassa e muito o conceito de mero acompanhamento, criando momentos especiais, tanto de introspecção e melancolia, como também tranquilidade, motivação e embalo de momentos tanto épicos como tocantes. Uma trilha facilmente figurável no panteão de melhores da mídia dos videogames.

Surpreendente em diversos sentidos, o jogo não tem medo de dialogar com o jogador fazendo extenso uso de metalinguagem e firulas de apresentação para criar momentos extremamente envolventes e marcantes.

Tudo isso com um elenco de personagens cativante não só com personalidades, mas também trejeitos e desenvolvimento encantadores, engenhosamente apresentados com muito humor e extravagância.

É difícil apontar pontos negativos, mas senti que o ritmo do jogo enfrenta alguns momentos mais sonolentos e enfadonhos, além de um sistema de finais que por conta das mecânicas e a metalinguagem pode exigir a odiosa repetição da jornada caso o jogador não se toque, ou não saiba interpretar o direcionamento do jogo (é bastante provável, inclusive) .

Uma obra-prima (pós-)moderna.

This game... let's just say that this game started my love for indies...

Pretty overrated imho. I really didn't care much for the characters except for flowey. So any sort of weight the story tried to put on me for a decision i made i couldn't really care less. The gameplay is solid, game looks good and the music is nice. Genocide is a chore which i know is the point but doesn't mean i liked that route. There's only 2 things in genocide, that route sucks

Okay - this one of those games that you truly have to separate from the people who obsess over it. It almost feels like a repeat of what happened with Portal when that was first released but now you have junior high kids making Sans jokes instead of Cake jokes.

That aside - yeah Undertale is rad. The writing is compelling, the subversion of classic SNES RPG mechanics are surprising and nuanced. And the music is fantastic.

Anemic character writing, sappy plot. Still, Toby Fox is a pretty cool guy, and the soundtrack is great, so I can't say I hate it.

The pacifist route feels a bit too sappy and undeserved for how little you know any character myself, and the genocide routes meta commentary are done better elsewhere. Still, there's some cool tracks and a few of the lines made me chuckle. I don't despise it, but please keep the fanbase away from me.

Twas only okay...Which is honestly kind of an minus when it comes to its message...

It might be a walking simulator for the majority of the game, but the story, the twist it has on the RPG formula, and how each boss battle is creative and unique makes this an unforgettable experience and easily the best game of 2015.

me llego en un momento sensible y me gusto una banda pero ahora si me pregunta cualquiera le digo que es una mierda para no fumarmelos

Este juego es muy especial y está hecho con un cariño increíble, cuidado y mimado con muchísimo detalle. Toby Fox tiene mis respetos para siempre.

ive replayed this too many times

game good, songs good, caveman out.

omg the og earthbound inspired quirky indie