Reviews from

in the past

Mirror's Edge is one of the smoothest games I've played. Each section of parkour is satisfying and gives you a feeling of bliss. the game also just generally looks good and holds up well with the minimalistic art style and cell-shaded textures. The game is also very open when it comes to decision-making and how you approach each playground of obstacles, with multiple paths and techniques you can use to succeed. Eventually, you just get to a point where everything starts to click and you understand what makes this game so special. The only slight issue with the main story is that it's a little flat, but it gives much-needed room to the atmosphere and worldbuilding which makes this game so memorable and a worthwhile experience.

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Out of all the Pikmin games I feel this one is probably my least favorite, not that it’s bad though far from it!

It’s a great game to speed run due to its fun challenge and the time limit adds a great sense of urgency that other Pikmin games severely lack either due to way-too-easy time limits or nonexistent ones.

But the AI feels moronic with what they do and the random tripping does not help and a few enemies feel really unfair.

But overall it’s a good game that gets surpassed by the ones that follow it.

I think Pikmin 2 is 5 stars so I think this is 5 stars.

I don't know if the developers meant for this to be a Spacewar! homage, but it's what it most resembles, I think.

Nesse jogo é todo mundo contra vc, difícil pacarai...

The Gunslinger mod will always be the best mod for any of the three Stalker games.

A good game which could be a great game if it didn't have a handful of obnoxious flaws. It's aggravating how close it is to being top-tier.

I wish that there was online co-op for the story mode. That seems like a strange omission.

The lack of checkpoints during long boss battles is really frustrating. I know it's supposed to be difficult, but at the normal difficulty level they wouldn't be out of place, IMO.

It’s Pikmin 2 minus the Wii pointer!

It still works pretty good.

Some interesting visuals, but beyond that it's a standard fare top down shooter of the time.

Probably one of the weirdest Castlevanias out there, which also makes it one of the most ineresting to play.
It's as much of a classicvania as a classicvania can be: linear, hard, and simple, just kill everything in your way, and be careful. I beat the arranged mode, since Simon femboy and the tech/electronic soundtrack (Simon's Theme and The Tower of Dolls 👌) were what drove me to play this, but I experimented a bit with the classic mode.
There's not much else to say, it is a very solid and competent remake of the first mission of our boy Simon, great both at its graphics and gameplay, I just almost had a rage quit on the medusa boss fight lol.

This is a good game, but there are just a couple of things holding it back from being better. Starting with the good: the action is extremely fun. The way action and turn-based strategy are melded into one fluent experience is so fun. I just wish there were a couple less encounters with filler enemies. Now for the bad. There are two things which hold this game back from reaching that upper echelon for me. The first is the complaint everybody has on this game: the pacing. I understand why the story has to be slow at the start, but when that slowness drags on chapter after chapter, it gets grating. It's not that there aren't fun moments within, it's just that there is nothing motivating me to keep going. At some point, the stakes feel low and everything feels aimless. The story undoubtedly has very good and impactful moments, but these are all contained within the final few chapters or surrounded by drivel. The second thing is more of a personal complaint, but this game is so linear. I understand that it's meant to be a story that flows continuously, but everything down to the corridors makes this game feel like I have no choice to do anything. By itself, this probably wouldn't be such a problem if it wasn't mixed with the pacing issues before. Then, you're left with a low-stakes story that you have to continue following. Every now and then you'll get an area where you're given the freedom to explore the new sector and complete some side quests, but even that feels linear by the time you've done it for the third time. The structure just feels odd. My favorite part of the game was when all the areas finally fully opened up right near the end and you're given fast travel. It makes the world stop feeling like linear corridors and more like an interwoven community. This game is still good. The combat feels amazing, the characters are likable, the story beats hit sometimes, especially at the end, etc. There are just a few glaring issues that make this game hard to get through at times.

Intermission Side Review:
There is no reason for this to be better paced and arguably more hard-hitting than the main game. That ending hits different. It's a lot simpler, but that doesn't stop it from having a lot of good moments. The combat does feel worse than the main game, but maybe that's due to having less time to play with it (also the targeting can be horrendous; that boxes minigame is nightmare fuel). Overall, it's a very concise side story that's really fun.

"Oh dear god, who or what could have done this! Devon...Lucy...Dona...their all dead... I have to get the hell out of here." is the funniest line in any game ever