I started playing this cuz my friend had already bought it and wanted us to play with him. It is mindless drivel. Everything it does some other game does better. But you can also wear cowboy boots and dress up like a lil cowboy and root and toot.

I put 100 hours into this game because my friends on the playground said the SS Anne came back at 100 hours and had newer cooler pokemon to trade.


Great game for kids! My son and I loved it. Only downside is there is a lot of text and he lost interest in the 'hipster slacker raccoon' story faster than I did and demand we skip it all.

Not the best... but my favortie.

Top down isometric wasn't the most fun thing ever but it got the job done back inthe day.

I forgot that I played this game and it existed before I saw the box art. Not a good sign.

Quality space shooter that hits the lil itch in your brain that makes you wanna merc some tie fighters.

Purer than Driver 2 which muddied the waters with gunplay, this game was a gem at the time. Launching low-poly muscle cars off the San Francisco hills?

Forget about it.

Way more oomph than you'd expect from a Gameboy Advance JRPG but still a lot of fun.

Some of the later missions were a giant pain in the ass with some restrictive rule sets but still a really solid driving game (with a great replay editor).

This game is fine tuned within an inch of perfection. The levels are inventive, the story is better than it has any right to be and the challenge is as brutal as you want it to be.

Also every track on the OST is a certified bop.

Hell yeah this game was amazing. It just felt good back in the day. I remember playing it obsessively until I got to the ridiculous shooter boss which frankly was a weird left turn and kicked my ass. It feels like it's still got the old blood of those SNES and NES side scrollers running in it's veins but updated for a new dimension (yuk yuk yuk). Also there's a hot babe in the logo! C'mon!

Perfectly competent co-op puzzler that probably sucks shit by yourself but is fun to be like "No move that there... no there... not there, there!" with your buds.

They say your first is the most special and this was my introduciton to the Civ series. What is there to say about the "just one more turn" addictive nature of these games. For my salt, I liked the AI more in IV and I liked unit stacking. This game also came with community mods baked right in and waiting for you which I thought was pretty neat.

A perfect mobile conversion of the Mario Kart formula and having mario kart in your pocket is fun as hell.