As close to catching up to Nintendo as they'd ever get. Hell the water effects still are unsurpassed.

It's admirable that "realistic driving trick set" was turned into a fully fledged game but sadly it just wasn't that fun.

Under appreciated sleeper classic. Still haven't found a feeling in gaming quite like ghost-possessing a car just to weave it into oncoming traffic and ice somebody in seconds. Amazingly batshit game, story and concept. Decent soundtrack too.

Everything they did right in DMC 1 is done even better here. Better over the top action, better skill trees, better game feel and combat that had depth and creativity that my meager thumbs never even touched.

Hard tho... I never even beat it tbh.

It can be tough to review a game from 1996 in the year 2020. Obviously since this game's release it's been iterated on and imrpoved upon in ways that leave it in the dust but the thing is... this was the real blueprint for those iterations. Mario Kart SNES is an interesting proof of concept but a pain to play. To this day this game holds it's own in terms of playability, game feel and overall fun. It holds up! There's a reason everybody from your friend Daryll to the Church Youthgroup room had a copy of this game. It was universally accessible, understandable and fun! A classic in the genre and probably one of the most important video games ever made.

I feel like this Battle Royale brought enough quality of life improvements to the genre along with not-entirely-bland characters, good gunplay and fun mobility. QoL stuff that a seasoned FPS dev would know like pointing at things and saying "let's go there". Honestly kind of insane nobody had thought of that shit before.

A game that succeeds in spite of itself. There are combat encounters in this game that surpass anything else in the Souls world but there's also a frustratingly mundane world, pacing that can make you feel like you've just smashed a maserati into a brick wall and an emphasis on stealth and deathblows that I just didn't care for.

It still gets 4 stars for combat alone though.

Not the greatest Dark Souls but still *A* Dark Souls which is honestly enough for these games to coast on. A lot of interesting quirks that apologists will tell you makes it the best one but apologists are wrong.

Solid middle of the road affair that tries way too hard to be more emotionally deep than it should.

Hey they got beck for this below average music puzzler!

A few clever ideas buried under a sea of walking sim cliches.

Damn this is a lot of fun to play, it's a shame that it's stuffed with unfinished ideas and the weakest Kojima story yet.

Does what it says on the box.

Though the game does split it's rooms up into themes and one of the themes "darkness" didn't jibe with me very much since removing my ability to actually see the discs kind of took the fun out of dodging them, it's still a perfectly fun straight forward game.

This review is only for playing with friends. I'm sure by yourself this game kinda stinks as it's a pretty by the books physics platform puzzler.

But with friends... It becomes a maniacally fun exercise in shared grief.

The dichotomy between balancing making the level completable for you so you can win but impossible for your friends is such a clever and bottomless little well of game design genius.

Also it's just fun to be a dick and put things in places everyone hates.