Twin Stick rogue lite with enough weapon variety to keep things interesting on your runs. Sadly a run can be ruined by RNG simply by not getting the superior weapons you need to beat the bosses on the 4th floor but still a great time waster.

Very weird racing mechanics the neither me or my brothers understood so we usually just went back to double dash

You really need mods to unlock the game's full potential but it's still a hoot in vanilla to see this game's physics go bonkers when driving cars down mountains and such. A real free form playground.

When a game world is just FUN to move around in, it can make even the dullest mission design a hoot. This game starts to veer towards overly serious in some aspects of the story but for the most part it's just a blast to fly around knock off Malta in a wingsuit and blow shit up.

Animal Crossing is a soothing balm that is also hair pullingly obtuse in some ways.

Technically better than Double Dash in most ways but the battle mode is garbage so I'm knockin a half star.

Judge me however you want but this is the only Metroid game I've ever finished.

Lol I remember playing this at my friends house. It's like a barely competent Tony Hawk clone.

"What if we just made Dark Souls 1 again but new enemies and shit? People really liked Dark Souls 1! We've learned a bit since then and we can really refine on it gang! C'mon!"

A bar somewhere in Tokyo where this game was born.

Fucked up that this cool side scroller has interstials of running up and at the screen in some kind of Reinier Wolfcastle bullshit. Mindless fun otherwise.

A little bit of a rough start with some out and out obtuse puzzles but the start of a wonderful series that is the perfect time wasting brain scratcher with charm.

Rockstar's absolute mastery of creating engaging and breathing open worlds finally rams face first into their inability to make enjoyable single player missions that don't play like shit third person shooters from the PS2.

I love this game but I hate it's story missions.