Pretty good and an interesting protagonist but if you asked me what happened in the back half of this game I honestly couldn't tell ya. Just plain forgot.

While I wasn't as in love with this as some other folks, you gotta give it credit for it's creativity. It was doing the Mario Galaxy gravity trick before even Mario Galaxy. A good fun creative game with great writing. Probably Double Fine's finest work.

It's admirable that "realistic driving trick set" was turned into a fully fledged game but sadly it just wasn't that fun.

It can be tough to review a game from 1996 in the year 2020. Obviously since this game's release it's been iterated on and imrpoved upon in ways that leave it in the dust but the thing is... this was the real blueprint for those iterations. Mario Kart SNES is an interesting proof of concept but a pain to play. To this day this game holds it's own in terms of playability, game feel and overall fun. It holds up! There's a reason everybody from your friend Daryll to the Church Youthgroup room had a copy of this game. It was universally accessible, understandable and fun! A classic in the genre and probably one of the most important video games ever made.

My family bought a PS1 with this, Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped and Heart of Darkness one Christmas.

That was the Christmas I finally become a medical-grade game-liker and I attribute a lot of that to this game. It ruled. Always got room in my heart for Hworang.

Absolutely unparalled party game. It's fucked that Nintendo continues to shovel out Mario Party games when this series gets neglected.

The last mainline pokemon game I ever played. I really enjoyed it but by the time the next one came around I was done and ready for something with a bit more... I don't know progression?

As close to catching up to Nintendo as they'd ever get. Hell the water effects still are unsurpassed.

I feel like this Battle Royale brought enough quality of life improvements to the genre along with not-entirely-bland characters, good gunplay and fun mobility. QoL stuff that a seasoned FPS dev would know like pointing at things and saying "let's go there". Honestly kind of insane nobody had thought of that shit before.

I think this is the one where they started adding Reverts which really cranked this game in a new direction tho making it less pure in my opinion and too easy to string whole 2 minute combos and just ice every level.

Points for being creative and unique. Negative points for being ugly as hell.

The mark of a quality rogue-lite is the ability to sustain a sense of discovery despite repeated play throughs and to keep a general barometer of fun in the moment to moment gameplay.

Dead Cells excels at the latter but stumbles in the first. I generally enjoyed the 2D-souls-lite combat but every run I found myself accidentally stumbling down the exact same path. I eventually went online and found out there were separate paths I could've been taking the whole time but they were so obtuse that even while knowing about them I never found them.

I got the "bad ending" a few times and have never put in the time to get the good ending.

Perfect length for a game like this. Real tight fun time exploring some wacky ideas.

I happened to be a young tween with feelings when I played, so let me tell you. It hit me and it hit me hard. Also this one has the wildest art direction of the PS1 golden era so give it props.

c'mon... how are you not gonna give it 5 stars?