This is literally the most innocent thing related to the Star Wars fanbase. It's impossible to dislike just for its pure innocence (so there's no argument there), and even if you're not a fan of at least one of the films, this game does an excellent job taking the annoyances away so it can all equally be enjoyed.

Not as good as I remember. It's railroady and has some really frustrating moments where one minor mistake can kill you. Inside is better.

I started my playthrough of this game at the start July in the hopes of finally seeing what the fuss is about. We are now in the middle of August and I still haven't reached the end. Why? Because this game is an absolute slog and a failure in pacing. The gameplay ranges between underwhelming to downright badly designed, the enemy AI is annoying, and its influence from Half-Life is a disadvantage more than anything because half the time the game expects you to shoot enemies while important plot information is given. There are so many great ideas and such a phenomenal art style to be praised here, but its gameplay is so aggressively not fun that I can't bring myself to even try anymore. Every time I boot it up, I turn it back off after 20 minutes because I'm tired of dying all the time just to be sent 10ft back to die again.

Even though I obviously think the sequel is better, I feel sometimes like going back and forth between which of these I love more. Yes, the graphics are kind of shitty and the dialogue is weird but in a way, these things add to the creepiness because it creates a stronger distance from reality. Playing this for the first time with zero knowledge of the story on a cold wintery night was simultaneously the most haunting and the most engaging experience I ever had playing a game.

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Play the VR version instead, it fixes the mediocre mechanics and it ditches the plot.

A whole year of 13 playthroughs of the greatest game I have ever played. I have no life and I'm proud of that!

And about the remake, I stopped hoping for the best. The new content they've shown us over the past few days only make me fear for the worst.

The PS4 version is awful, but even that can't distract me from its wonder and creativity.

The dog ending is canon and you all know it!

Hearing that delightful song at the end always brightens my heart. I've heard it so many times and I never get tired of it.

This game pisses me off. Why? Because this is where the LEGO franchise went downhill. For some reason, Tt games felt the need to make this a more serious entry with its own story and dialogue. I'm sorry but wasn't the whole point of these games to come across as satire? Like a fast-paced, neutered and wacky version of stories that were made for teens and adults? It makes me wonder who this game is even for, because kids wouldn't have the attention span to follow the plot nor would they continue to be invested in its dreadfully slow gameplay and adults are never going to take a game with Batman as a LEGO figure seriously. By adding voices and making it an original story, you've essentially removed the core of what made these games so charming in the first place.

I will admit though, the open world is easily the best we've ever had! Almost makes this game worth buying (except not really).

This game has a weird obsession with dancing skeletons for some reason, but that wasn't enough to emphasize the unending misery I felt playing it until one of them started dabbing.


Yup, still an absolute gem of a directorial debut. Fumito Ueda is the king of show don't tell.

Did you know that Silent Hill 2 is a good game?

Don't answer that, of course you do.

The slimy worm monster boss was one of the most infuriating things I have ever come across in a video game. And I'm not rating this game so low just because it made me rage quit, I thoroughly believe that this is one of the laziest sequels ever made. It's the same as its predecessor but objectively worse in every conceivable way, from its protagonist, story, combat, all the way to its inventory system. I'm not going to circle jerk my disliking for this trash any further by saying that it's racist because that assessment is stupid and shouldn't be taken seriously, but just because it isn't offensive doesn't mean it's good in any way.

Don't play this game on Steam, it is one of the most unbearable buggy pieces of shit ever conceived into a game that's otherwise stellar in almost every way.