Really really damn good, somehow even better than some FromSoft games

If there was no repeated content worlds this would be perfect; simply the most fun that can be found in a movement platformer

Sorry but I have to shelf this one for now and maybe come back to it in the future. Nothing I hate more than games that constantly hold your hand and barely even let you figure things out yourself. Shame since it has an amazing aesthetic and phenomenal artistry. Unfortunately fails as a game imo (but what do I know, anyway)

Really cool mechanics, visuals, and gameplay loop... wish I was smart enough to play it well enough....

Loved this game when I first played it even though I used a guide, think I grew out of it but it's still amazing

A fairly fun collection of older McMillian games, he truly is the craziest motherfucker to make indie games

Amazing atmosphere and amazing puzzles but combat is bored, had to use cheat codes to finish because I ran out of ammo and softlocked (early adv/horror game syndrome)


Great aesthetic and fun gameplay; I don't think there's more someone can ask for

You truly are one of the GOATs (1cc)

Harder than Metal Slug 3 by far, the final boss is crazy hard (1cc)