mystery VN/adventure protagonists ranked by microwaveability

i will not explain

no single protagonist in this game but shout out to shogo. something wrong with him
still lots of story to go but i am gently swirling saturday around like ice with a little coffee stirrer
unfortunately I can't put this game on here multiple times for each protagonist so I'm ranking Ryuki. they put him in the microwave. canonically.
he's just kind of there to be honest. i have like 3 other characters in this game i would very much like to study under a microscope though
lady love dies is too powerful to be microwaved. she would dodge the rays like an ant. she would make the fall impact sound and walk out of there. nothing on the electromagnetic spectrum can breach the investigator's defenses.
i am not done with murder by numbers but i do not have an excessive need to put honor inside any kitchen appliances. she's been through enough
thwacking kaname date against the wall like a webkinz full of milk
honorable mention: haven't played elsinore (YET) but I am very excited to rotate ophelia in my mind
slowly rotating her at medium power. she looks miserable in there
this one is for kaede. i would put her in there and she would say something like "we can get through this if we all work together!!"
i don't feel the need to microwave these guys. diana would look at me like a kicked puppy. q is just a little guy. im too busy rotating junpei and akane so carlos has to be there to balance them out.
she has been in the microwave too LONG i gotta get her OUT!
putting haruaki fusaishi in a centrifuge. what's wrong with him
putting him on the popcorn setting
like, uh, y'know, nya
this is already battler microwaving simulator is it not
sissel just needs a break to be honest
guy who says shit like "it's like throwing a hot dog down a hallway, to be honest" and "i'd rate this ceiling a 3.5" and "i used a shower once"
honorable mention: from my very minimal understanding of the story they very much did put that man in the microwave
apollo my friend apollo
have only played this game so far so i don't necessarily know all the Deep Hershel Layton Lore but i think i will leave him be. however i wouldnt mind if HE put me in the microwave with a puzzle or two
you could do anything to this man


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