Yes, it's basically the same game but the graphics wasn't my favorite. But it doesn't change the amazing game it will always be.

Its my favorite game with more options on my favorite system so of course its five stars

Honeslty I dont remember much of this game but I am only giving it a five stars because it is the first game I ever played

One of my favorite RPGs of all time. The black eagle's route was amazing and I felt so much more connected to each character compared to other RPGs. Huge recommend even if you've never played a Fire Emblem game.

There's a good reason this game made fire emblem as popular as it is again.

Honestly, this is my favorite animal crossing, and yes I have played most of them. Yeah, there are some issues but I still really enjoy this title and It's one of the only animal crossing games I've put all my hours into.

If it wasn't for the button controls I don't think I would have been able to beat this game. But I did enjoy this game a lot. The only thing that bothered me was the tons of backtracking the game has. But It did feel good to complete it with one of my favorite Zelda finals and one of the best stories in a Zelda game.


I am glad I went into this game as blind as I did. Definitely a great and fun RPG and with one of the greatest endings, I have ever expected. A good earthbound inspired RPG that's nothing about depression but just a good story.

I did not expect to enjoy this game so much. I know people dont enjoy it because of its bugs but I still had fun with it.

This is my second time playing this and I gotta say it is still really enjoyable. The story is really great and for an older game the graphics are still amazing. And of course the freeroaming is just as fun and makes it better with the characters

Insomniac does it again making an amazing spiderman game. I wish they added a lot more but for an in between for spiderman 2 it is a great fun.

Have not finished it yet but I definitely enjoyed what I played. I didnt finish only because I got distracted with out games but I highly recommend it.

Not my favorite pokemon game but it isn’t a bad remake. I enjoyed it only because it was my first time playing Diamond. If you already played the game I wouldn't expect anything new.

Chapter 2 is a massive improvement over chapter 1. I played this between playing fallout 4 and it was a fun little break.

I only played the 3DS version so playing the original was an interesting experience. It definitely holds up after all these years.