It's a perfect recreation of the high school experience, complete with that one friend who's really homophobic for no apparent reason that makes you look back and think "wow that guy really was a massive cunt why did I hang out with him" except everyone is homophobic including you

Insane that we got one of the most empathetic and compassionate series of games towards people suffering from mental illness in the early 2000s and outside of indie games, nothing has come close since.

It'd be really funny that if Konami brought it back they'd hire the studio with games that are the complete opposite of that.

EDIT (Oct 20th 2022): if only you knew how bad things really were.

This review was written before the game released

Bold of EA to, after completely gutting Dead Space to turn it into a garbled action mess of predatory bullshit and then completely gutting the studio behind it after jobbing them onto a shitty battlefield spin-off, come back and act like I should give a shit that they are propping up it's corpse because horror is noticeably profitable now

Honestly, go fuck yourself

I actually found out I was bisexual because I read Gay Ace Attorney fan-fiction for a laugh and realized after reading like 10 of them that maybe I wasn't reading it for a laugh anymore.

So you could say these games mean a lot to me.

This review contains spoilers

Holy fucking shit!

Did you know that if you take the "M" and switch it's place with "Other" the title becomes

Metroid Mother!?!?

Just wait until you read the initials.

This review contains spoilers

The Game: "We have this villain who has a personal connection to Miles but she wants to take down this big corporation, who has been endangering people with their products, through aggressive means"

Me: "wait isn't that a good thing why are we fighting her"

The game: frantically shuffles papers "Uh, um... uh, she also wants to destroy Miles' neighbourhood, go fight her :)"

This review was written before the game released

Austin Powers deserves to have a spot in this game's roster.

He would play similarly to Phoenix Wright in UMvC3 with a Mojo Meter being the center of his character. regular attacks and special attacks would fill it up slightly but the big way to fill it would be through taunting.

He would have the longest taunts in the game (obviously based on classic scenes from the trilogy, Austin on the bed, Austin as a photographer, etc) that leave him wide open to attacks but as a reward they massively boost the Mojo Meter.

in Mojo Mode, his attacks increase in damage, extending in range with fancy 60s era effects, while Soul Bossa Nova plays. Male characters also do .75 damage to Austin and Female characters do .50 percent damage to Austin when he is in Mojo Mode.

His alternate costumes would be easy, just give him recolours based on his suits like Snake in Brawl.

This is not a bit. I would main Austin Powers.

They make your hands disappear anytime you go near Ashley to prevent you from being inappropriate

but you can still lovingly caress the merchant with your big meaty hands without hinderance, so get fucked Zuckerberg

This review was written before the game released

Good Evening, “Multiversus" was a 12 month sociological study conducted by Harvard University. We are now complete with our study. Thank you for your time.

h-h-he hey player burps This i-i-is the type-the type of fucking c-character I-I-I am. Other v-v-video games h-ha-have this type of character belches b-b-but i-in this video... this fucking video game it's f-f-funny, y-you might might think th-this would get REEEEEEEAAAALLY pretends to be sick really fucking a-annoying b-b-but we we're gonna p-p-p-p-p-p-p-point out the fact it's REEEEEEEEAAAALLY does a backflip a-a-annoying, so it it it's actually very very fucking funny.

This game costs £49.99.

Jack is not the first Final Fantasy character to acknowledge the existence of the word Fuck (that would be Prompto in XV Episode Duscae).

But he is the first Final Fantasy character to audibly vocalise the word Fuck and that's the kind of representation I'm looking for in video games.

What I'm saying is they need to let Aerith say the Fuck word in VIIR2.

Finally, a game that's willing to make the brave statement that slavery is fine if your dad did it.

back when this game was hot shit, I roamed the forums of Gamefaqs to see if I could get an axe without having a way to get one, I noticed that the prices on the forums as compared to the game were enormously high. I made a post about it and then proceeded to get a lecture on how Supply and Demand worked. I was 13

I am almost 99 percent sure that this experience lit the spark that radicalised me into a socialist

look, I commend the effort but the Melee community literally reverse engineered a fucking gamecube game just so they could add rollback netcode to it, all while Nintendo have tried at multiple points to fucking eradicate their community.

I do not know why anyone would think Powdered Toast Man with no voicelines and royalty free Spongebob soundalike songs could stop them from playing Melee

It's time for another episode of "I really liked this thing when I was younger and I cannot wait to get back- Oh hold on, wait a minute, oh it's Copaganda"