Decided to Revisit this game for the nostalgia.

MW1 looking it at now holds up very well 15 years later. Some minor gripes with the AI but the Strong setpieces and gripping narrative are still Great.


1st game beat in 2023.

Quake wears it's old shooter like a badge of honor and it still holds up super well years later even with the rise of the ''Boomer Shooters'' with Mood 2016.

Since I've been on a huge FF kick this year why not?

Crisis core is a game that I have a lot of distant memories that resurfaced along with a new mindset to match my experience. Replaying this entire game has been a huge treat though it's not perfect (Genesis and some grindy missions withstanding) Still a worthwhile game if you Love 7.

Very Charming and Wholesome little indie platformer. Hats off to the team for this solid Retro throwback to 5/6th gen platformers of the Past.

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Jack is a True Gigachad

Hands down the most baller action game I've played in a while.

A Great swan song to the end of the PS4 Generation.

10/10 when it comes to the Characters, Story world and Writing.

7/10 when it comes to the Dated Gameplay engine along with It's janky physics . Worth experiencing if you Love westerns.

Superb Follow up to RE7 that expands upon the core gameplay and improves up to 11. Majority of the game is great and I really liked ethan a lot as a character, Definitely a game I'll replay Multiple times over.


Knack is pretty gud hence the Memes.

A solid return to form to one of Gaming's most Iconic Horror Franchise.

Great game all things considered. Ending is gutwrenching.

The Game that Turns Boys into Men.