This feels like the days of coming home from school and plugging in that new game you got blindly because a friend recommended it to you. You’re confused because nothing is making any sense and it didn’t come with a manual so you just explore. The more you explore the more apparent it is that something about this strange new game is wrong and there’s no way to fix it. Levels go on forever without any clear point and anomalies greet you around each screen, making you dread yet eagerly await every few pixels that load into your monitor as you walk through the nightmares. Then it dawns on you that’s exactly what this is…a nightmare. You realize this isn’t a game that’s been recommended to you out of excitement, in fact you can’t even recall who recommended it to you In the first place. The more you go through the game the more unsettling it becomes until you’ve played it for hours unsure if you are conscious or in fact dreaming this entire experience. There’s truly nothing else quite like this “game”.

One of the best stories in gaming, play it if you can

Idk what to say bro it’s just so good it’s close to perfect

The literal only thing that keeps me from coming back is that the set timers for day is hard on my anxiety but that isn’t the games fault that’s just how I am. It’s hard to relax for me with that but outside of that I’m absolutely in love with it. I love that I can still progress at my own pace and having one farm I’ve played bout 50 hours in and worn out most of the dialogue, I can do another play through focusing on just farming and such. It’s awesome

I’m close to finishing it and il say it’s one of the most enjoyable combat platformers you’ll ever play. I normally don’t like running back to bosses but platforming and just simply moving around is so good I don’t really mind it

Defined an entire generations childhood. A part of my heart will always go out to this goofy block game

It’s still revolutionary but pretty rough around the edges and definitely took the second one to perfect it

It’s still surreal thinking about when this was the new hit game on the internet and now here we are unanimously understanding it’s one of the best to ever do it

I played this seriously for the first time a couple months ago but I can safely say it’s my favorite Mario game. You can cheese literally everything if you’re skilled enough and it’s one of the absolute most satisfying platformers I’ve ever played

HUGE sucker for the aesthetic and it made me really sweat on some levels for hours. Super rewarding when you complete it. Haven’t played the DLC yet but I’m looking forward to it

My horse named Nemo got eaten alive by an entire train trying to follow me :(

I’m a huge platforming fan and this one is simply my favorite. It’s really a love letter to any platforming fan. I’m sure plenty has been said about it already tho so there isn’t much else to say


Lol this game destroyed me from the inside out, no promise it’ll do that to everyone but if that’s what happens when you play something that touches on trauma you’ve gone through. Speaking of that, this game handles trauma in an incredibly mature and careful way that can only be told in a game. It does have flaws it isn’t perfect but no game is. Genuinely a masterpiece. I’m happy to have experienced it