hands down one of the best Survival Horror games I ever played, unique atmosphere and visual style alongside the clever use of it's gameplay mechanics.

the Xenomorph is absolutely terrifying and genuinely one of the best threats I ever dealt in an horror game surprassing Mr.X from RE2 Remake or Jack Baker from Resident Evil 7, the unpredictable AI makes his encounters dynamic and kept me on edge even if there is nothing happening since he could show up at anytime during exploration.

the gameplay focuses on evasion among all else with the use of unique tools you can build to avoid and hide enemy encounters, all the tools has unique purposes and each of them are worth using in different situations and all of that suits the game world and story.

it has some gunplay on it but it's very imprecise and somewhat clunky which makes sense considering the character you are playing with but it's still an option to consider when facing enemies.

as I said before the visual style and atmosphere of this game is immaculate, an faithful representation of 1979 Alien's universe and aesthetics, the sound-design is also absolutely incredible from the Xenomorph sounds to gun shots and general ambience, play this with headphones for an fantastic audio experience.

the storyline also works well, it's not an masterpiece but I was entertained through even with the forgettable characters and some odd plot points to make the game feel larger than it should.

speaking about it the only major criticisim I have with the game is by far the overall length of it, this game throws padding at you constantly across it's middle half, objectives start to get repetitive, backtracking to older areas is constant with nothing new to offer not to mention the whole ending sequences that drag for too long, this should have been an 8-12 hour long game instead of nearly 20 hours that feel bloated to say the most, if it had the 8-12 hour of playtime this game would have been pretty much perfect start to finish.

overall I get now why people is upset on why this game doesn't have an follow-up, it's consistently unique and immersive, has some really great gameplay design and fantastic presentation, an must-play to anyone who likes the genre.

deserves all the praise it gets, everything to the amazing connected level-design, atmosphere, gameplay and art-design is just brilliant.

the music slaps hard and most of the game's lore is so good.

there are some points in the game that doens't quite hit the mark compared to the rest like with some of the boss fights, there are a few good fights like Ornstein/Smough, Gwyn or Artorias DLC boss fights but the other half are a bit out of place/badly-designed most notably Capra Demon's and Bed of Chaos these two just suck.

overall fantastic game, can't wait to dive into the next few entries.

perfect extension to the first game, it retains the predecessor's qualities such as design and music while adding new exciting stuff, the level-design is much more varied and lively this time around and the new gimmicks are all very fun especially the new power-ups and Yoshi.

one thing that I appreciated about Galaxy 2 is the sheer amount of platforming focused levels and less heavy Gravity/up-side down planets usage, it was very unique in the first game but looking back it was very tiring to see the same gimmick being used in the first game's Galaxies, the sequel does a good job on both styles and it never felt repetitive to me.

in terms of player mechanics this game adds nothing new unfortunely, Mario doens't get anything new to his move-set, I would love to see new moves or just abilities rather than the Spin Attack again, the first game as a whole lacks some sort of expressive movement in comparison to 64 or Sunshine and I hoped the sequel would introduce some manner of improvement, at least power-ups are more constant during each level.

the atmosphere and Hub is somewhat worse than in the first game though, still very memorable but not nearly the same.

overall Galaxy 2 is peak just like the first game, some of the best levels you will find in an 3D platform game and the new mechanics all very satisfying, for those looking from an big improvement on the gameplay side will be a bit dissapointed since the game doens't offer nothing new aside from these new little gimmicks and extensions in levels, still an must-play and one of the best 3D platform games I ever played along with it's predecessor.

played the All-Stars Remake version, definitely a classic, it revigorated the gaming industry and the platforming genre as a whole and it's legacy is present even to this day.

still fine to play even after 37 years, the platforming while kinda wonky at least in the All-Stars version it's decent and the level-design has some odd gimmicks especially in the Castle levels but nothing too harsh.

the game is also pretty damn hard too, it's rather short and you can literally finish in 1 hour or so if you are good in the game but if it is your first run through it you will definitely have an difficult time here.

overall it's an classic, even if it's outdated at this point every Mario fan or anyone who has an interest on games/platformers should play it sometime regardless of the game's age.

surprisingly great writing and story, the characters are also more fleshed-out and written very well compared to the MCU counter-parts, amazing art-style and presentation.

the game lacks some sort of polish though, janky animations and facial expressions not to mention the bugs in some situations.

the combat is tad repetitive with some weird shooting mechanics and spongey enemies but the variety in using the Team's abilities and overall "feel" is great when you have the perfect combat situation.

continued the level of excellence of the predecessor, even more harrowing atmosphere and sound-design (some of the scares are brilliant), Heather is a great lead, the gameplay has some new additions with the blocking/dodging mechanics and more varied weapon animations, the visuals are impressive for the PS2 especially when the character models and faces are concerned, this came out 2 years after Silent Hill 2 and Team Silent/Konami managed to step up their game even more.

I felt that the pacing and some of the narrative aspects were inferior to Silent Hill 2 though and that game is still my favorite out of the ones that I played so far but nonetheless an excellent survival horror game, these games are all very unique.

probably my favorite Halo yet as I am finally entering the midway in the series.

the gameplay has been improved with options in the "Sandbox" design in the series, gunplay is more punchier and satisfying than ever and weapons feel useful all around and the new Equipments such as the Bubble Shield or Cloak offer an interesting change of pace in combat, Vehicles sections are more interesting and fun and the new physics engine with debris flying all over the place really adds to overall enjoyment in the moment to moment gameplay.

3's visuals are more ambitious in part because of the Xbox 360's new hardware capabilities at the time, the visuals look very aged today but they still have some sort of iconic style into them and there are very interesting technical things like the Water for example that looks kinda good even today but Character models and facial expressions aged very badly in comparison.

Bungie really did improved their main campaign design this time around, the levels are all very fun and diverse and I think they did a good job on mixing up the more open and non-linear levels from Combat Evolved and the more linear/corridor-shooter from Halo 2.

the game's story provide an great closure to the Halo trilogy up to that point, the writing is a bit weaker in comparison to Halo 2 which had fantastic writing all around but 3 still provides very satisfying story bits though such as Master Chief and the Arbiter fighting together, Cortana and Chief's reunion and the game's ending are all incredible.

overall an incredible game and by far the best Halo yet for me.

definitely overhated.

the gameplay was more enjoyable than Origins for me, the combat was faster, smoother and good looking, there is a lot of build diversity and the game was also much easier to get into something that was an priority to BioWare at the time and I think they have made it possible.

the three arc storyline set during 7 years of Hawke's life on Kirkwall was pretty interesting, the game gained an much tighter pacing as a result and the writing and characters throughout was pretty good, having an voiced and designed main character felt much more personal and enjoyable inside the narrative compared to Origins.

the presentation felt good most of the time, all the characters features great designs and the soundtrack is great though not as fantastic as in Origins.

the major flaw of DA2 is of course it's short development time, the game features copy-pasted locations for the entire game, the player will pass to the same looking caves, the same houses and dungeons and that can be definitely be attributed by the rushed development cycle at BioWare due to having to develop 3 different games at the time.

the spawning and wave based enemies does get annoying after a while though, exploration and combat loop gets a lot repetitive later on because of it.

but overall I think Dragon Age 2 is an great improvement over Origins simply because it actually got enjoyable gameplay and the story still have most of the qualities the previous game had while trying to do something new to the storyline's overall structure.

solid side-campaign, fills out unresolved questions of the main story while featuring new areas and boss fights, like the base game the combat and pacing is utterly impecabble, Ada's grapple hook can be used to engage with enemies something that was not possible in the original version while also expanding the overall mobility, she really feels an different character to control than Leon unlike the original whereas the two characters are pretty much the same just changing the animations and skins, the two new weapons are fun and many of the setpieces that was removed in Leon's campaign are back with new twists which is by far RE4 Remake's greatest strength, it's willing to feature the same old areas but with new stuff to spice it up.

the storyline is about as good as the base campaign, Ada is an great character as usual and Luis/Wesker gets more screen time which is always an plus, it may feel a bit simplistic in some places especially compared to the original version's overall lore bits with Krauser, Wesker and The Organization but overall great, most of these lore aspects were quickly abandoned in the series after 4 anyways.

overall this is an fantastic expansion pack, it lasts enough time and you can come back to it very frequently thanks to the awesome replayability, there is weapons to upgrade and new unlockables for each playthrough, the price tag of 10 dollars is an steal considering the amount of stuff and quality that come with this, I would say that this is an must buy if you already own the base game and wants more of RE4 Remake's greatness, one of the best story DLCs ever made for sure and makes me miss how much prevelent these were before.

one of the better games in the series, much more fleshed-out combat and RPG customization thanks to the new Glyph system which allows an extensive number of different abilities and builds to be created, fantastic music and an good storyline to boot, Shanoa is a very good female lead as well.

unfortunely the structure is a bit barebones, I appreciate the inclusion of the world map and multiple areas to choose from but most of the exploration areas felt the same kinda? there is a lot of recycling and themes being constantly used here which can be a bit repetitive fairly early on, I do appreciate the variety in some of the areas though such as in the Prison area where you have to be careful of the upcoming lights or the explosives to blow up some debris in the underwater cave areas, the game does have the central major exploration area you expect in the series through the game's last hours of playtime which is good I guess.

the balancing is not that great neither, there is simply no reason to use any of the melee Glyphs once you get the most powerful magic even if you invest a lot on them not to mention the absurd amount of damage Shanoa takes from most enemies which can feel a bit cheap considering the game's already high difficulty level.

overall an great game, the gameplay loop of combat and platforming gets extremely fun once you have all of your deadly magic in disposal, fantastic music and genuinely good story carried it, this is also one of the most challenging games in the series, it took an good amount of tries for me to get through most of the enemies and bosses in the game not to mention the more scarce healing items and save rooms, I would definitely recommend playing other games in the series if you never tried it before because this one will eat you alive pretty early if you go into it as an entry point but nonetheless I enjoyed a more difficult take on the IGAvania formula.

really solid entry, tight controls, great level-design and incredible visuals for the 3DS.

the Hypernova ability might get a bit repetitive later in the game but it manages to deliver some really good puzzles with it which is nice.

overall an must-play if you like platformers, Planet Robobot looks even better.

the very first Kirby game and still manages to have fluent controls, interesting graphics and sprite animation on the Gameboy and catchy music.

the game is very short you can finish in 30 minutes or even a hour but nonetheless it is a very interesting start in this franchise.


another good title from the Amnesia/Penumbra series creators Frictional Games, SOMA's great perfomances, writing and storytelling is definitely one of the most solid amongst the genre, those who likes an good set of thoughtful themes and great story can't miss this.

the atmosphere and visuals are also pretty good, this game captures the feeling of loneliness of the ocean perfectly and is genuinely terrifying if you are afraid of it like me, sound-design is also great and it runs pretty well on PC.

the actual gameplay is not really that special though, the game still has the satisfying sense of immersion Frictional is known to put out in their games with the physical interaction with the world and everything, I really like messing around with the enviroment but that's about it, they essentially removed every element of interesting gameplay found in their previous games such as inventory management or Sanity meters leaving only behind an walking-sim style of game where you just walk forward and interact with some stuff while hiding from enemies.

overall SOMA doesn't do anything great in terms of gameplay and the encounters of monsters turns into a shore and it simply doens't anything new to the experience, I think the best way to enjoy this is by playing on Safe Mode which cuts all the monster encounters, the game does lose the challenge but if you want a more tighter, better paced and story-focused experience this is the way to go.

Tropical Freeze is truly one of the greatest 2D platformers ever made, everything to the diegetic level-design, visuals, fast-paced platforming and soundtrack by the legendary David Wise are absolutely phenomenal, it's Retro Studios on their absolute peak, anyone who enjoys their work or just video-games in general can't miss this masterpiece.

the fact that this gem never received an follow-up in over 10 years is criminal.

replayed, still is one of the best shooters ever made.

satisfying combat-system, incredibly responsive movement and controls, superb level-design and music.

fuck the Marauder tho still hate him so much.