If you gave a "typical RPGmaker games" a chance you'll enjoy the hell out of this. Going blind is the best way

a video game equivalent to Twin Peaks, i guess.

leaving this world is not as scary as it sounds.....

I like when RPG going for unique setting like Jade Empire going for Wuxia setting.
The story is pretty good. The combat is unique because its a beat-em up in an rpg game although its pretty repetitive and sometimes too easy to cheese or even unfair.


The catalyst of the revival of Boomer-Shooter

A comeback from the atrocious Dee em Cee 2.

The best DMC and best characters debut

Working on an original sci-fi story driven game mostly gathering from their experience with Star Wars : KOTOR.
Mass effect has really cool world building and art direction with interesting characters that has stellar voice acting. Although the gameplay and combat is not really that great.

You'll fight a gorilla in this game.

Im sold

Improving and learned a lesson from ME1. ME2 has many QoL improvement. The combat more action-y, the plot and world expanding, really interesting characters. The idea of importing save from ME1 to ME2 also great especiall for building its own canon.

Not without its flaw though. ME2 suffers from many weird design choice like the controls also many plotholes and lazy writing, especially on the DLC characters. No more mako though.