For a 2005 game it has good graphics, gameplay, controls and a decent enough story.
The gameplay/combat felt good at first, but the longer I played the more boring it got, I kept getting new skills and upgrades to my weapons, but never felt stronger or more engaged in combats.
The puzzles had some amazing stuff specially with the jigsaw style but also had pretty bad stuff with the towers near the end. That was completely unnecessary.
The 3 bosses were all good and interesting and each one of them was better the last one.
I also liked how bold and honest the game was with its gore and nudity, its rare to see games do that from that age.
The worst thing about this game is its pacing, it felt like it was 3 chapters consisting of 3+6+2-3 hours. The one in the middle was way too long and tedious. I felt like I'm never gonna escape from there.
Overall I rate it 3.5/5 which is not bad at all, and it only makes me more excited to the 2nd episode to see some improvements.

It's not a game. You can choose what you want it to be.
There are 2 options.
Homework simulator.
Gambling simulator with real life money.

Mindblowing how such a good game came out in 1990.
Great map design, songs and secrets. Everything a mario game needs was great in this one.

I liked the beginning and slowly got more and more into the game until I got tossed in a ravine where enemies were way too strong for my level and I was running in circles to get out but couldnt. It was good but not that good to actually figure out what happened to me and fix my problems.
On the other hand I liked exploring, the characters and the combat was interesting.

I played in chapter 1 season 1 and it was actually quite good when nobody knew what was going on.
It's a classic example of a game that gets worse with every updates.
Players got too good at building and shooting and there was no matchmaking system for a longtime.
And nowadays only stupid broken items and characters from other universes get added.
The no building mode is a great update but still didnt convience me to give the game a second try.

Story and gameplay was a mess.

Almost everything is perfection, except for a few missions and bugs.

Great characters, music, lore, animations and flawless fluidity of gameplay.
However the game constantly had broken characters on every single level and Blizzard never had a single moment where it was balanced even on one level.
If the players were complaining about a character, it took months to nerf it.
The updates at the beginning and mid-game were really good, but it slowed down and completely stopped at the end to develop an unnecessary sequel with wasted potential.

Really empty, you can race and battle, nothing more.
Crash Team Racing from 1999 had more content.

Really boring story. Garbage controls. Ass UI.
The game tries to be realistic, but every minute I run into something that breaks my immersion. Well, only IF I can play the game and not watching 20 minute long cutscenes.

Fun, but is often way too slow.

Running around pointlessly to start different world that are way too big and feels like a GMOD map someone just put a bunch of objects in randomly.

From the outside it looks like just another farming game, but it has way more than that.
They nailed both the farming and the other aspects of the game.

Super boring story, bad controls and very repetitive.
It just felt like an arena fighter, you go do X a bunch of enemies spawn in front of you. You get a little story. Now repeat this 100 times and game is over.

Amazing artstyle. But it's really tedious to go around and explore, no minimap or fast travel and the way of exploring the new stuff was super tedious and killed the game for me.