Personal favourite in the series. Forms were peak

One of the games of all time. Kaine Sweep.

Really don't like this game that much. It has like a few things I enjoy.

One of my first horror games. Scary at the time. It's alright now. Wouldn't go out my way to replay it

The OG DS2 wasn't actually as terrible as people say. SOTFS fucked it so hard tho.

this game is the reason I love giant monsters in gaming and massive open worlds.

I love you, and all you guys.

I went into this game with awfully low expectations. Constantly seeing people shit on the game. I think this game really created the Xenoblade gameplay formula as we know it now and I also think it perfected it. This game has so much going for it. Doesn't deserve the hate.

I cried at the end of this game so much because I knew I'd just experienced something special for the first time in like a decade.

Best level design I've seen in a game. Honestly. Not only is it gorgeous art direction but it's so expertly crafted. Loved every second.

Absolutely love this game. This is essentially that game I'll play every 5 years for 4 weeks then never touch again but I love those 4 weeks

Honestly I liked this game a lot more than I thought I would. Super fun mechanics obviously a little dated but I'm glad that Resident Evil 4 gave us this series.

Fun game. I mean not much to say. It's a nice little chill game.

When I first played this it was years after I had played the first and I hated raiden but it's just cause I missed snake tbh. After playing as an adult tho I loved this game. Lil less than the OG tho

Very amazing world. I absolutely got lost just exploring the game tbh. I didn't care about the story like at all. Also I preferred Hearts of stone to Blood and Wine. Gaunter O Dimm was better than Detlaff.