Unfortunately fell a bit flat of the first game in my eyes, feeling pretty rushed by the time you reach around the halfway point onwards. Could've been great if it was split into maybe 2 games of similar length.

Played this back in early access when it was just Save the World, and it has honestly been insane to watch it transform into whatever it is now, for better or worse.

I feel like this game altered my brain chemistry

This game is so ridiculously stupid, I can’t not give it at least 4 stars even though it’s really only deserving of 2.

Easily my favourite Halo, and definitely the one I have went back to and played the most over the years, absolutely phenomenal in almost all aspects.

Even if the morrow is barren of promises
Nothing shall forestall my return

I love Genesis, what a silly little man

I think the fact this game has Infested Chopper in it is enough to warrant such a low score. Just why?

One of the few games to make me cry, very moving and relatable themes.

I just know they’re gonna expect me to buy Cats and Dogs again when the Sims 5 inevitably comes out, and it isn’t a prospect I’m looking forward to.

Definitely not perfect by any means, but so much better than the first game, it’s kinda insane how they went to Legion from a jump up like this.

The best thing about this game is definitely it’s rendition of late 18th century France and I would say it is at least worth checking out for that alone

In my opinion the weakest in the Ezio trilogy, which is a shame since the hookblade and Istanbul are both cool and work well together.

Came a long way from its’ original release.

This was the shit back in 2010, it’s had a few too many bad changes over the years for my liking.

The best Star Wars game we will ever get and it will never be close. I have every voice line from this game permanently etched into my mind and I wouldn’t have it any other way.