Always remember the golden mantra: "If DSP can beat it, so can I"

The person who designed the final boss fight probably clubs baby seals, fuck that shit

If you see the game say that there is a fifth case, DO NOT OPEN IT. It is a virus and it will brick your Nintendo DS.

An absolute must play if you want to see the potential of video games as an artform.

I hope that the person responsible for the map design was blacklisted from the industry /j

Zero and Sigma were both such cool characters. It's such a shame that both of them were killed off in the first installment and will never be in a Megaman game again.

On the final chapter, I made as much stupid decisions as possible but Ryoma was so overpowered that I won anyway

Imagine deciding to name a character Hard Man

So glad that Sigma is defeated once and for all. Imagine if the developers just kept bringing him back over and over again.

The strongest whip Belmont fan can't beat the weakest Eric Lecarde fan