100 horas nesse crl e ainda não sai do silver...

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Phantom Hourglass initially only interested me to be a sequel to Wind Waker game that was part of my childhood and consequently became very special to me and have another game that shows us the continuation of this story immediately caught my attention, see that cast of characters again that I love so much living a new adventure excited me to colossal levels but being a DS game had everything to not even half of my hype or so I thought, Phantom Hourglass frighteningly does things with the DS that if you doubt not even the creators of the console could imagine raising the gameplay at a level more than satisfying to the point of being more than enjoyable, here in this game is also the best boss fights of the Zeldas I played, each having a unique and creative mechanics within the game, the soundtracks do not disappoint and the story is very nice to follow being all this on a very limited console even for its time, here I also felt I have the best fairy of the franchise and even if phantom hourglass is for me a weekend game with a maximum of 10 hours of gameplay the link that our dear hero builds with her is very beautiful until it ends at the end of his farewell, in the end phantom hourglass not only managed to meet my expectations, but exceeded her at levels that I could never imagine easily entering my favorites.

You start without understanding anything, play it thinking you know something, and then end up not understanding a fucking thing, but in the end you become a fan because it is amazing.

Haiku the Robot is a good and cute metroidvania.

With many influences and references to Hollow Knight Haiku, the Robot manages to be a very fun and interesting game to explore, I don't think it's great or amazing, but as a game in itself it fulfills its role of entertaining the player for a good 10 hours if he decides to explore every available corner on the map (which I did).


Haiku, the Robot drinks a lot from Hollow Knight's gameplay, having chips that increase its possibilities of approaching when facing enemies, in addition to carrying skills and a weapon like all good metroidvania should be giving the player a good variety of weapons, apart from the gameplay here, it's basic and mediocre which isn't necessarily bad, but it's also nothing you haven't seen if you already have another metroidvania on your resume.


Again, just like Hollow Knight here, a plague or rather a virus takes over the database of most robots that live in this world, taking their strong and powerful civilization to decline, thus leaving our little and cute protagonist the task of rescuing and saving this world a beautiful turn from their impending doom thus carrying the burden of saving everyone with their skills.


Haiku, the Robot, willingly or not, falls very much into the shadow of Hollow Knight, the one that inspired its creation and because of that it lacks a lot in identity and charisma, having nothing that makes it truly unique among many metroidvanias, its music is simple, its gameplay is mediocre and its history is already known.
I believe that the only thing worthy of praise here would be its vast map that can take you good hours having fun exploring every corner and discovering various secrets during gameplay
Anyway Haiku the Robot is a good metroidvania.

Great game to pass the time, each gameplay manages to be tense and fun making your builds unique and interesting.


Visually beautiful art, good puzzles and cool scenery.

Not being able to adjust the screen size or simply being able to leave it in windowed mode is horrible, in addition to having a ridiculous bug that doesn't let me progress in the game.



The classic RPG Maker game: Short and simple storyline with nothing special in the gameplay, the puzzles are simple and even a child can easily finish them, making it a good pastime to relax.

Dust: An Elysian Tail is an incredible metroidvania even within the genre with beautiful arts and stunning frantic gameplay, certainly the most different game I've ever experienced within the genre for several factors that will be addressed in this review.


Dust has in its narrative one of the best stories I've ever found in the metroidvania genre, which is the main reason why I managed to persevere until the end of the game even though I no longer felt the emotion that the first hour of gameplay provided me, being this the central pillar that prevented me from abandoning this game for its 5 hours of gameplay.
Although Dust: An Elysian Tail has what for me is a great story within the genre, it is still far from perfect, some of the scenes that try to be serious and deep end up being silly and shameful mainly because of the somewhat questionable choice of the characters' speeches, but this ends up falling apart with the final chapter where the game brought several very good dialogues and wonderful scenes to follow, even managing to get emotional in the process, something that the rest of the game failed to achieve.


Well let's go, Dust: An Elysian Tail has an INCREDIBLE gameplay, all the combat is extremely frenetic and fun leaving you with your mouth open with what this game can offer, well that's until you play for 2 hours straight and see all that shine if delete, but hey don't get me wrong this game has a phenomenal combat system and quite different from what we are used to seeing in metroidvanias out there, but that doesn't make it flawless, playing massacring several enemies on the way is super fun for a few minutes, but as you advance in the game it becomes extremely annoying because you can't advance to the next scenario if you have enemies near you forcing you to clear everything in your path if you want to proceed.


Dust: An Elysian Tail is a phenomenal game especially when you find out that it was mostly produced by just one guy and god this is amazing, but again even though it's an amazing feat it's prone to mistakes and believe me that's not lacking here.

- Boring Gameplay: As I said, this game has an extremely fun combat, but due to the lack of diversity it falls into the sameness and becomes boring to play.
-Dumb Enemies: The Artificial Intelligence of the enemies of this game are far from good, many of them have standard attacks without any variation or difficulty making the whole game extremely easy, even in boss fights
-Dated Dubbing: The voice acting of the main characters is very good for an indie game like this, but when it comes to the secondary characters then you realize that the thing is not cool making a lot of dialogue difficult to follow due to the low level of acting taking you out of total of immersion.
-Creation System: Honestly, I didn't see any use for it to exist in this game, because I finished Dust: An Elysian Tail with 8 hours of gameplay without touching this creation system, being completely useless in my opinion, but I leave this one as a additional crit may vary from player to player.
-Not being able to proceed with enemies close to you: This is by far my biggest criticism of this game, trapping you in a scenario where you don't choose to ignore your enemies is completely annoying, after half of the game you just want to know how to run away those annoying enemies that get in your way, but hey this is Dust: An Elysian Tail and if you want to go through some scenario, pray that no enemy has followed you here if not... Well, spend a good time killing each one to be able to follow your path.


I still have a few things to complain about here and there, but that doesn't matter anymore because this game also has several qualities that if I were to quote this review here I would have 500 more lines so I'd better stop here and let the player find out for himself put you will notice that even with its problems it is still a very beautiful game made with a lot of love and care with very unique elements in its composition and that even if it makes mistakes it is still a great metroidvania.

Great game to pass the time, each gameplay manages to be tense and fun making your builds unique and interesting.


Hades is amazing!
Everything here is extremely well polished and fun, each build and gameplay is unique and satisfying, level challenges and always adding more stuff to keep the game from becoming monotonous, tired of standard runs? Add penalties, maybe switch weapons? Or talisman, try new mirror ups or even accept new blessings.
Overall this game has so many positive things that it would be impossible for me to summarize in my reviews, a spectacular indie game that certainly deserved all the awards I've been receiving.

This game is what circle of the moon was for the castle franchise on gba.

But the extra post-game really took me by surprise being much better than the entire base game raising my rating to what was my first metroid to be played.

Thank you for existing, Celeste².

I tried 3 times and failed all 3 times because the game is incredibly boring