They tried something different, and I respect that. It's too bad that this game is slightly marred by how shitty its sequel is for me. Seriously, Hugh fucking sucks.

I played this game at as a young teenager, but I remember being in love with the world and characters. It's definitely underrated, forgotten by those who hold 7 on a huge pedestal (though I don't exactly blame them, 7 is pretty good). But 6 is the superior game, in both heroes and villains, and also story.

I like the story, and I get they wanted to tie the gameplay into it but it's just repetitive and annoying. I know playing it in a marathon like way is bad, but that's just how I play games and it just doesn't jive with me. This game is not perfect, but it also isn't the worst thing ever made.

The fact that I can't rate this game a zero is upsetting. This is the third worst Pokemon game I have ever played. I'm often told that Pokemon isn't an RPG, and I'm sorry little Timmy, but you're a god damned idiot. This game is an RPG, and is by far the dumbest Pokemon plot ever conceived, which is saying a lot when you consider this franchise is developed both by and for literal fetuses, like myself. The fact that it feels like I am a side character in a plot about a Sasuke rip-off voiced by Goku trying to find his sister's stolen cat from a fascist para-military organization is absolutely ridiculous. Why am I even going to the gyms, what's the point, it's Hugh that takes center stage at every god damned opportunity and that's just really fucking obnoxious. I hate him, I hate his character, and I hate this plot. The gameplay is nothing new, it's fucking Pokemon, I don't get how the gameplay of this game is any better than BW1 which was pretty much the exact same in regards to combat. It's Pokemon, it's just unfortunate that I have an unhealthy obsession with this one's nonsensical plot, otherwise it'd be the most forgettable Pokemon game I've ever played.

Good game, and what all games from 64 onward were building up to. It is a wonderful experience, but not as enjoyable for me as Galaxy. Thanks for all the good times regardless, Jumpman.

God, I want this game again so bad. I rented it a bunch as a kid, but then my PS2 died. I miss this game, it's like the parental figure I wish I had. It taught me many things, but mostly that I really love Dragon Ball.

... Then it'd be as near perfect as this game is. I adore the combat in Royal, it is such a great upgrade to the original, which itself was great gameplay wise. I loved collecting almost all of the Personas and the third semester is a great addition to the game and its themes. Once I get to New Game Plus, I think I'm going to 100% this game.

The best game of the original trilogy. I love the first half of this game, it is a very fluid experience up to the fight with Ornstein and Smough, and is incredibly rewarding. Despite the second half of the game being a way more open experience, I think it suffers from serious design flaws and terrible gimmicks. The DLC area is incredible though, and I loved most of the fights in the game. The Four Kings however can kiss my ass, I hate them so god damned much. Also I somehow beat Manus on my first try without a summon... I have no idea how the hell I did that. Also Black Knight Halberd for the win, I don't care if that makes me a goober, that weapon is boss.

My first Dark Souls game ever... it's pretty bad. Level design makes no sense, the game is very slow, and very awkwardly paced. However, despite that I still found myself getting sucked into the world of Drangleic. Sorcery absolutely breaks this game over your knee, outside of the DLC which is some of the worst I have ever had the displeasure of experiencing. It's a good game, but it's just not a good Dark Souls game.

I love this game's aesthetic and the fact that it reminds me a lot of Mega Man X, but I don't jive with the flying levels very much. I'll have to finish it someday when I get the time.

This game shouldn't have been 60 bucks. It did not earn that price tag. It is a mediocre as fuck mess that made a fuckton of excuses for exclusion of people's favorite Pokemon, resulting in one of the largest fandom debates of all time. It made me hate Charizard, and almost made me completely hate this franchise as a whole. This is one of the few games that almost made me cry for all of the wrong reasons. Fuck this game, and fuck what it represents. Fans deserve better.

Also real nice adding an additional 30 dollars just for DLC, I'm sure putting salt on the wound will heal it up real good asshole.

Edit: Having beaten the game within the past few days, my opinion hasn't really changed. I'm not so much angry at the game itself as much as I am the decisions made while making it. The game is a mediocre mess that has little to nothing going for it, but there are worse entries in the series. The DLC thing is still BS though.

Edit No. 2:
This is still what I would consider the second worst game in the series, but as you'll see by the change of status, I have gone to Master this game. Firstly I want to say thanks to a close friend of mine for getting me into Competitive Pokemon. If it weren't for them I would not have gotten to Max Rank in Ranked Mode and would not have sunk as many hours into this game as I did. As a competitive game, SwSh is pretty damn good minus the previous season which allowed Cover Legendaries into Competitive, one of the worst executive decisions ever made in my opinion because it resulted in a fuck ton of people just using Zacian constantly. The way Ranked operates is genuinely pretty damn good, with losing not being incredibly punishing as you get placed into new tiers throughout the season, sticking to the highest tier you've attained until the season ends in which your rank is reset.

Now don't get me wrong, Ranked is far from perfect. The amount of people who use legendary Pokemon is obscenely high, and it is almost always the same 2 or 3 that you'll encounter, but outside of the individuals like that battles can genuinely be fun.

This review will still have its low rating due to everything that built up to this game's release, as well as the base game's general mediocrity, but there are things in this game that are worthwhile, I just hope that they'll be put into a good game next time and not... this.

I really fucking hate the camera in this game, and it makes the platforming awkward as fuck. It was innovative in the 90s, but playing it today... well I'd rather be playing Sunshine, Galaxy, or Odyssey. It just didn't age well.

Great game, just needed a little fine tuning and...

Enjoyed it a hell of a lot more than X&Y, probably the best thing to come out of Gen 6. It's a good remake too, it helps that Gen 3 is pretty solid overall.