Games I played in 2022 ranked

New year, same old set up with new games and looser restrictions. Only requirement is that I have to have a good feel for them and see what the primary gameplay loop is about.

The superior Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl. The inferior Smash game. The worst in-game shop.
Yeah, I tried to play it during the Steam Sale, but man it just wasn't fun. Maybe I'm too small brain for card games, but even when I was winning I wasn't having fun.

Edit: Tried it out again, and it was better than I thought, but man, I just really find the card deck aspect to be utterly boring.
Shadow of the Colossus
Shadow of the Colossus
I really wanted to like this game, but the fact that I was bored by slaying Colossus beings says it all.
Super Metroid
Super Metroid
Yeah, this game kind of annoyed me with just how much it loved to hide stuff without any obvious indication at times, how lost I can feel, and from just how annoying the controls can be, ESPECIALLY for wall-jumping. I get it; these are things that metroidvanias are good at and that's why they're popular, but for me, this game kind of killed off any remaining interest I may have had in the Metroid franchise.

The SP version which gave you all the powerups was nice though.
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
Okay, now I KNOW I would have not been a Sonic fan in the console war. There are way too many times in this game that I felt like I died to something that just wasn't my fault.
Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Pokémon Legends: Arceus
More like Legends ArceSUS!!!

It's actually pretty damn fun, better than the original style, don't @ me.
"B-BUT YOU PLAY AS A CAT! THAT MAKES IT A 10/10!" A good game is a 7/10. A charming idea with good gameplay behind it is a 10/10. A charming idea with nothing supporting making it just playable is a 6/10.
Overwatch 2
Overwatch 2
How the heck is the online play worse than Splatoon 3? At least I didn't have to worry about DDoS attacks for a game that shouldn't even exist.

Edit: They finally got their shit together and now it's basically just Overwatch one with a worse marketplace. Yaaay...
Super Mario Sunshine
Super Mario Sunshine
How the hell do you make a bad Mario game? Balan Wonderworld was a better 3D platformer. BALAN. WONDERWORLD.
Super Mario Bros. 3
Super Mario Bros. 3
Well, at least I can say I finally played through the whole game instead of just using the warp whistles.
The Last of Us Part II
The Last of Us Part II
Abby was right.
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Great gameplay with music than can feel repetitive with amusing characters for a good story that doesn't stay too long. If I was more into hack and slash games and this game had a better camera, it could probably be an easy 8/10.
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros.
Can't beat the classics, sorry...expect for the games above this game, but SHHHHHHHHHHHH
Fall Guys
Fall Guys
What was once a fun and enjoyable paid experience has been reduced to a Free To Play game with a terrible in-game shop that makes Fortnite's shop look charitable in comparison.
Rocket League
Rocket League
Fun game for the moment, but it really doesn't have much to it to incentivize replays.
Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk 2077
The anime that saved the video way better. 9/10. Watch that instead of this game and watch the final boss of the anime get killed on youtube.
You did not deserve to go out like that.
This game has no right to be this game 5 years later. The best boss rush type of game I have played with some of the smoothest controls and best animations I have ever seen.
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
The best in the series, with the most unique characters, the largest and most funtrack selection, and a proper battle mode.
Elden Ring
Elden Ring
Doesn't really ring out any positive emotions from me.
Among Us
Among Us
Almost impossible to not see it as a meme game at this point, but hey at least it's still fun.
A nice quick little puzzle game that is easy to breeze through in an afternoon.
Portal 2
Portal 2
Honestly had more fun with the sequel than the original. A more challenging puzzle game, a funnier game, and a more rewarding time.

Also, Want You Gone is better than Still Alive.

1 Comment

1 year ago

good list bro I enjoyed reading some of your comments gonna check out love you to bits

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