Game has a shiny coat of paint but a ton of stripped down features. Eventually you realize the shiny paint is full of lead that made you think the game was acceptable in a half complete state just because it released during pandemic. Kind of fun for a week or two until you unlock the features for everything and have next to no furniture because it was put into random DIY cards.

Fun game, narrative feels like it railroads you past the point it makes sense when the justification goes away. Options get thrown at you and there's literally no reason for an evil run. Things are easy, aesthetic nice, could be better.

This review is for FF14 as a whole.

Game is fun and story has some good moments. Quality can vary by expansion and some changes to jobs aren't great. Devs really seem to care about the players and update regularly with QoL, but not everything can be addressed quickly.

Each expansion is going to have some issues crop up with gameplay, and currently it's the homogenization of healers and tanks being an issue. That said if you run DPS the game gets a bit more fun. Everyone's opinions drift when it comes to where the writing is best among installments, though everyone can settle on the base game being a bit weak in areas and slow to accomplish anything with its writing.

The free trial goes up to level 70 as of next Summer, and is at 60 now, so give it a try if you enjoy MMO titles at all or just want to see what all the fuss has been about.

Writing is very good but silent protagonist makes things awkward at times. Gameplay is very good, but it sucks the party skills are kind of feast or famine. Overall a good experience without any significant issues and a strong ending.

First half of the game is the same for all routes, so wait a while between playthroughs if you plan on completion, otherwise you'll burn out. Gameplay is fine, recruitment is tedious without a guide. Characters are enjoyable and feel like the definite strongest part of the game. There are a handful of small nitpicks that add up, but nothing too major for issues.

One of the best feeling Zelda titles by far. Condensed gameplay, a villain that isn't Ganon, but kinstone completion is a pain

Fun and refreshing gameplay, nice cast of characters and an interesting set of storylines. The graphical bugs are a pain but not enough to ruin it for me, but Ed Sheeran singing the end credits is unbearable.

Story is shit, gameplay is kind of fun but trying to get the neutral ending is a pain and better to look up on YouTube. No defense stat means you need to pay attention to party composition for any resistances or immunities you can get for bosses, but that aside the atmosphere and music are both highly enjoyable.

Game is peak KH, for better or worse. Atlantica sucks but that aside everything feels great. This is the true KH finale as far as anyone should be concerned.

Writing and gameplay are immaculate, so long as you play on DS.

A perfect entry from a franchise known for good games. Feels like a buffet of various small, well crafted dishes.

If the third act wasn't so tedious the game would be much better for it. The characters and writing are charming, and it has a lot of good ideas for gameplay I wish other turn-based RPGs would adapt such as fast combat and adjustable encounter rate and difficulty from the menu at any time. The padding in the late sections of the game are atrocious though, and only worth looking at fully for the challenges it offers to test how well you've mastered the game.

Gameplay is horrible and the story is unfinished. I completely adore what it tries to do but it isn't nearly well built enough to pull off even half its ideas.

Combat is nonexistent and you just walk up to enemies and auto attack unless using specials manually. You will need to backtrack to the ship you use as a base to change around anything, which is a massive chore. Several things just feel tacked on without being fleshed out, like optional dating or special sticker abilities, or cooking/fishing.

Game is a walking Sim with fun dialog and nice public domain remixes for an OST. Doesn't really have puzzles so much as it asks you to consult its tome of a travel guide to find the right numbers to use. You're better off looking at the scenes on YouTube, but writing is still charming for what it's worth.

Still has issues with lack of that many fire types, but is one of the best pokemon titles out there still.