The game is tedious as hell, but once you get the password system late in the game you can give yourself a busted team and sweep most things. It's one of the worse Pokemon ripoffs to come out, not really worth anyone's time.

Fun game but feels very basic and a bit too derivative of LttP.

Padded and awkward combat, but somehow still a nice enough RPG to want to still play.
You'll mostly be moving around the maps through dialog choices and trying to raise affection on any of the girls in your party. If you want good stats and weapon mastery, you need to do training mode for all items for all characters so they can master what they have affinity for. It makes things oddly grindy but in an accessible way. Not the best RPG out there but the writing and aesthetic alone make it interesting, while gameplay isn't too offensive

I bought this game 4 times for 4 different systems, and have played through maybe 20 times...

That said, it feels like it has too many weapons and not enough levels to really try them out that well. You could probably trim out 5-6 weapons and still have more than enough to enjoy everything this game has to offer. Some plot details are also framed awkwardly, but it's a lesser issue.

Game was bad, couldn't decide what it wanted to be. Kept a lot of faults from the past 2 games, while also being torn on story between wanting to continue everything the other games set up, and doing its own thing with a generic plot that came in out of nowhere. Key terms needing to be hunted down for a glossary was also a bad call, especially when many are missable.


The sections felt too short for any of them to be that good. Game was goofy and had some fun creature creation, but ultimately wasn't anything too special.

Made it to the last area but just couldn't make the final push. Combat felt wild and almost weightless. Combos and damage felt arbitrary, where I just kept hitting things until the game decided I beat them. Everything to it just felt gratuitous, which I guess fits well enough for a 2005 title.

Feels a bit short, but honestly stands tall as one of the best games on the PS2, which is really saying something.

Game was a great way to experience AC portably back when it came out, but admittedly doesn't hold up as well to modern AC titles. Liked listening in on neighbor gossip though.

Only fault I see in it is needing to randomly acquire landmarks for the town. Just about everything else is solid.

One of the coziest games I ever played. I miss when the neighbors were assholes to you, and there were like 20 holidays a year instead of just 5-6. Nu AC feels stripped down somewhat, despite all the new features.

Great way to experience the whole story in 4 games.

Some parts feel like pulling teeth, but overall not a bad game, and to some is the final Battle Network title in terms of story.

Enjoyed the liberation missions, was shocked to find out this game was the inferior version of Team Colonel and the navis there had better synergies. Still fun though.