One of the NES' best titles. Although it sucks how Nintendo keeps rehashing ideas because nostalgic manchildren straight up ruined this game on a personal level. That said it's still fun

Despite everything people will say, this game is still great to play and break....until you play Lunatic and you start losing your hair

Kinda sucks that this was at one point the best Xbox Exclusive now it's on everything

The story, graphics and setting can only do so much to ignore the fact that the combat is worst.

It's easy to say this game is bad but it hurts because represents everything I didn't like about Sony's first party output since 2012

The definitive Sonic game. Also gave Knuckles part of the spotlight again instead of just being background fodder and a joke. Also brought by my boi Mighty the Armadillo

This is my favorite Gen of Pokemon so bias is expected but who cares it's greats

As time went on, the game started to annoy me more and it has some flaws but damn when it's good, it's goddamn good

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Dorothea is best BE
Mercedes is best BL
Hilda is best GD

Rhea did mostly nothing wrong

Yoshi > Any SMB3 Powerup.

Also unique level tropes are great

Reach Out to the Truth > Last Surprise

Radical experience from beginning to end.

Made me a Yakuza fan ever sense


It's the best Metroid Prime game in 9 years

The best PS4 exclusive by far. Amazing story, characters, combat with fun combos, webslinging is Spectacular and it's the Ultimate Spider-Man game.

Very....Sensational. (love the puns)

Video Game the Video Game.

Also those madmen put in Richter Belmont. A fucking 10/10


RIP to my homie Crash, he didn't make it

While it isn't my favorite Mario game, the structure brings back that Mario 64 freedom of taking on the game any way you want.

Runs amazing at 60fps and shows off what the Switch can accomplish. That said, it's not worth it to 100%